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Report Shows ‘Extensive’ Russian Effort To Suppress The Black Vote On Social Media

I'm seriously not going to debate with a white on the internet trying to justify the suppression of black votes. I figured that would be obvious by now.
They have absolutely nothing at all to do with the thread topic. It's a manipulation of Malcolm X's words in order to distract from the topic of the thread.

The Russian hackers didn't attempt suppress black democrats' or black republicans' votes. It was black people as a whole they were targeting. How many white people died or were terrorized in this country by black people trying to gain or exercise the right to vote?

I'll wait.
They have absolutely nothing at all to do with the thread topic. It's a manipulation of Malcolm X's words in order to distract from the topic of the thread.
U posted ballot or bullet, i did my googles and thats what i found. So i posted it.

The Russian hackers didn't attempt suppress black democrats' or black republicans' votes. It was black people as a whole they were targeting.
Would u agree it was to keep hillary from winning election?

And if not, then why are u all whining that low black voter turnout cost her the win?

How many white people died or were terrorized in this country by black people trying to gain or exercise the right to vote?
I'll wait.
My guess is zero. What does that have to do with sitting one election out if u think both choices are shit?

Is that not also a freedom?
U posted ballot or bullet, i did my googles and thats what i found. So i posted it.

Would u agree it was to keep hillary from winning election?

And if not, then why are u all whining that low black voter turnout cost her the win?

My guess is zero. What does that have to do with sitting one election out if u think both choices are shit?

Is that not also a freedom?

We're once again bringing up Clinton vs. Trump?

Have you people never seen a ballot before? You vote for Governors, Senators, State Senators, State Reps, Judges, Mayors, District Attorneys, ballot initiatives and so on.

You can actually leave the president field blank if you want.
We're once again bringing up Clinton vs. Trump?
Lmao what election is the headline about? Does that matter at all??

Have you people never seen a ballot before? You vote for Governors, Senators, State Senators, State Reps, Judges, Mayors, District Attorneys, ballot initiatives and so on.

You can actually leave the president field blank if you want.
So we been hoodwinked for not picking our governors and state reps? Etc

We've been parroting russian trolls memes about mayors and district attorneys?

Thats what u all were referring to?
We're once again bringing up Clinton vs. Trump?

From article in OP:
The New Knowledge report said that the Russians’ voter suppression efforts on social media could be broken down into three categories: “malicious misdirection,” which were efforts to confuse users about voting rules; encouragement that users vote for a third party, rather than for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump; and recommendations that voters stay home altogether.

U keep posting the article throughout the thread but have u even read it yourself?
Lmao what election is the headline about? Does that matter at all??

So we been hoodwinked for not picking our governors and state reps? Etc

We've been parroting russian trolls memes about mayors and district attorneys?

Thats what u all were referring to?

STOP WITH THE WE SHIT. White people haven't been consistently targeted for voter disenfranchisement and suppression for the past 100 years.
I would call completely ignoring the topic of black people being once again targeted for voter suppression in order to talk about Hilary Clinton in order to justify it a form of deflection.

I'm seeing absolutely no difference between you and a Russian agent right now. You're doing the exact same shit the o/p article was talking about. It's disturbing really.
I would call completely ignoring the topic of black people being once again targeted for voter suppression in order to talk about Hilary Clinton in order to justify it a form of deflection.
The article i posted earlier, ironically from the new york times, about why black milwaukee citizens didnt vote in 2016, provided reasoning that stems from personal life and not internet memes.

I wonder if u read it.

Now show me where i didnt acknowledge russia being shit for their efforts in my very first post in this thread?

I'm seeing absolutely no difference between you and a Russian agent right now. You're doing the exact same shit the o/p article was talking about. It's disturbing really.
So Malcolm X mustve been a russian agent before russians gave af about our voting trends. Wild shit.
And me personally sitting out is not black voter suppression. I didnt speak on it til AFTER the election. Who did i suppress?

Providing u all with some of the reasoning behind sitting out is not voter suppression.

Show me where i told anyone not to vote.

U say that shit as a fallback to not being able to refute any points made against u, which are many and continue to grow.
This is the funny shit about the internet age

Ppl can be arguing something for years but it just takes one article for the others to completely ignore precedence and history.

Now everyone is a russian agent? What were we 1 week ago?

I dont think ur this dumb or ignorant tho bruh...i just think u got nothin left
This lack of self-awareness or flat out arrogant entitlement you're showing is bizarre.

You are a white person using Malcolm X quotes to try to justify black people not voting in a thread about white people using black issues in order to get black people to not vote.

This shit is unreal.
This lack of self-awareness or flat out arrogant entitlement you're showing is bizarre.

You are a white person using Malcolm X quotes to try to justify black people not voting in a thread about white people using black issues in order to get black people to not vote.

This shit is unreal.
Even more ironic is passing up all the black posters with similar thoughts bc u cant use the "well youre a white guy" angle on em
lol n smh at ppl getting swayed by bullshit.

The general population needs to do better and be better informed. Its the ppls responsability to kno wtf is goin on. The onus is on the ppl.

Its they own damn fault.
Yup, too many morons get all they news from fucking memes and twitter, and as long as it goes with they views, they wont bother to look into it no matter how absurd it might sound, russians know most americans are fucking idiots
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Yup, too many morons get all they news from fucking memes and twitter, and as long as it goes with they views, they wont bother to look into it now matter how absurd it might sound, russians know most americans are fucking idiots

What's worse is we now live in an age where people can be presented with actual facts and choose to disregard them entirely if they don't support their narrative. To me that's even worse than stupid - it's voluntarily stuck on stupid.
What's worse is we now live in an age where people can be presented with actual facts and choose to disregard them entirely if they don't support their narrative. To me that's even worse than stupid - it's voluntarily stuck on stupid.
Trump supporters in a nutshell lol i swear the only ppl ive seen like them in my lifetime, are actual cult members, shits kinda scary actually