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Bill Cosby Sentenced 3-10 Years In Prison

Yes, he made us laugh and entertained us
Yes,he gave money to charity and colleges
Yes, we live in a racist society

But despite all of that, if you read and truly understood what was being said in that deposition, you wouldn't have a doubt in your mind as to the type of man Bill Cosby was behind the facade of ""America's Favorite Dad""
It's disappointing how people have taken this one man's adulterous acts of debauchery and correlated it with black people's legitimate struggle of racial inequality and injustice

The argument of "number of accusations" needs to die. A large number of people do a lot of things that are not truthful and so it's possible those women are lying. And we're not suppose to be convicting people off assumptions. That is never safe or how justice is suppose to work. That's like saying the Salem Witch trials were justified. There needs to be proof of the crime committed when you convict someone.

Skipping over other cases has not been discussed to death as those men have still not stood trial. That problem has not been solved. Their cases going unpunished is not really an issue of sexual assault not being taken serious. Not when they suddenly appear to take it serious when it's a black man accused of the same crime. What skipping all those other cases IS evidence of is racially motivated punishment. A form of mistreatment.

And no, you shouldn't bad mouth another black person in front of WS. That's like Jews talking bad about Jews to Nazis. The system only see's his skin color, just like it's going to only see our skin color the day it decides to target me, you, and/or another one of us. Cosby should of been tried without all these suspect tactics. They all should be, but since it's evident that he wasn't they've made the race card playable. Their resulting conviction highly questionable.

The phrase "Where there's smoke there's fire" exists for a reason. Very rarely do that many people accuse 1 person of something and they are 100% innocent. So you can't dismiss accusations. That's how you study things called "pattern of behavior". The other cases has been discussed to death because anytime Cosby comes up somebody inevitably brings up a white dude who also was said to have done something similar. As I said before that shit often turns into "Let them all walk" instead of "Punish them equally". Those cases aren't even skipped over in the media. You can still google any of those dudes names now and the shit pops up. People are still discussing them. it's very much possible to focus on 2 things at once so just because people are talking about Cosby doesn't also mean they aren't talking about the other cases too. Ya'll act like you wanted Cosby's attorney to actually go nto court and say "If other dudes is out here raping women too then is why is Bill on trial and not them?

As far as bad mouthing another black person in front of white people...yeah that's still dumb as fuck. Defending somebody from something solely because you're both black is just stupid. You realize the things you leave yourself open to condoning simply because you're scared of what white people will say? Wrong is wrong. Don't matter what race you are, there's certain shit you just won't get a defense for in public just because you're black.
Yes I do know that's not how things happen. Yet in this thread and on the IC yall niggas judging Cosby completely by the letter of the law and how its written.

Yet when just a hypothetical scenario is introduced about you personally now niggas want to bring in common sense and thats not how everyday society works

Yall can't have it both ways. I'm still not saying Cosby is innocent I'm just saying apply that same common sense with him. If you or others have truly done that and believe without a doubt that Cosby guilty then cool.

And I am applying the same common sense. I said long ago on the IC that I don't think every victim is telling the truth...but I'm also not naive enough to think that somebody who has people saying the same shit about them for literally decades doesn't have something funny going on. And common sense is why I'm able to see that there's instances in which dudes fuck themselves over by drugging women who already would have willingly slept with them thus turning what would have been a consensual encounter now into a sexual assault, which based on the things presented seems more along where Cosby falls in.
Just like I said on the IC going forward.

If you buy bitches at the club drinks with plans on fucking her after that you are a rapist.

If you buy bitches weed with plans to fuck her after she smokes it you are a rapist.

If you buy bitches liquor when you go or she comes to your house with plans to fuck her after she drinks it you are a rapist.
then i'm a serial rapist who has been active since the early 2000's


come at me....
And I am applying the same common sense. I said long ago on the IC that I don't think every victim is telling the truth...but I'm also not naive enough to think that somebody who has people saying the same shit about them for literally decades doesn't have something funny going on. And common sense is why I'm able to see that there's instances in which dudes fuck themselves over by drugging women who already would have willingly slept with them thus turning what would have been a consensual encounter now into a sexual assault, which based on the things presented seems more along where Cosby falls in.

Something funny going on and beyond a reasonable doubt rapist is two very different things.
And I am applying the same common sense. I said long ago on the IC that I don't think every victim is telling the truth...but I'm also not naive enough to think that somebody who has people saying the same shit about them for literally decades doesn't have something funny going on. And common sense is why I'm able to see that there's instances in which dudes fuck themselves over by drugging women who already would have willingly slept with them thus turning what would have been a consensual encounter now into a sexual assault, which based on the things presented seems more along where Cosby falls in.

So do you believe Andrea Constand? Or Janice Dickinson? They were the ones who actually took the stand.
No it does apply to men...there's just a stigma against men filing rape charges against women because to many becoming aroused=consent and "men can never turn down pussy"
No it don’t because the law/rule was put in place to protect women.
The phrase "Where there's smoke there's fire" exists for a reason. Very rarely do that many people accuse 1 person of something and they are 100% innocent. So you can't dismiss accusations. That's how you study things called "pattern of behavior". The other cases has been discussed to death because anytime Cosby comes up somebody inevitably brings up a white dude who also was said to have done something similar. As I said before that shit often turns into "Let them all walk" instead of "Punish them equally". Those cases aren't even skipped over in the media. You can still google any of those dudes names now and the shit pops up. People are still discussing them. it's very much possible to focus on 2 things at once so just because people are talking about Cosby doesn't also mean they aren't talking about the other cases too. Ya'll act like you wanted Cosby's attorney to actually go nto court and say "If other dudes is out here raping women too then is why is Bill on trial and not them?

As far as bad mouthing another black person in front of white people...yeah that's still dumb as fuck. Defending somebody from something solely because you're both black is just stupid. You realize the things you leave yourself open to condoning simply because you're scared of what white people will say? Wrong is wrong. Don't matter what race you are, there's certain shit you just won't get a defense for in public just because you're black.
of maybe where theres smoke...a nigga smoking a cigarette in bed with a chick he thinks is cool they just did roofies
we can compare our lives with cosbys.
his enemies can pay these chicks to lie.

we are not on his level to have that many people lie for money...nor have we done anything to anyone.

so us saying thats alot of women...they cant all be possible liars.
hes on a different playing feild
The phrase "Where there's smoke there's fire" exists for a reason. Very rarely do that many people accuse 1 person of something and they are 100% innocent. So you can't dismiss accusations. That's how you study things called "pattern of behavior". The other cases has been discussed to death because anytime Cosby comes up somebody inevitably brings up a white dude who also was said to have done something similar. As I said before that shit often turns into "Let them all walk" instead of "Punish them equally". Those cases aren't even skipped over in the media. You can still google any of those dudes names now and the shit pops up. People are still discussing them. it's very much possible to focus on 2 things at once so just because people are talking about Cosby doesn't also mean they aren't talking about the other cases too. Ya'll act like you wanted Cosby's attorney to actually go nto court and say "If other dudes is out here raping women too then is why is Bill on trial and not them?

As far as bad mouthing another black person in front of white people...yeah that's still dumb as fuck. Defending somebody from something solely because you're both black is just stupid. You realize the things you leave yourself open to condoning simply because you're scared of what white people will say? Wrong is wrong. Don't matter what race you are, there's certain shit you just won't get a defense for in public just because you're black.

Still, arguing with numbers as proof of Bills guilt has flaws here. The women themselves are using heresay, have suspect stories, and have no proof. Large numbers of people say Trump should be president, that black people deserved to get mistreated, that police do no wrong, and etc. A basic understanding of statistics tells you that numbers can lie.

It was 71 men in Hollywood accused of rape last I heard. That number is probably way more at this point. They can talk and drop names all year then it will vanish out the news like it never happened. Look at who is actually standing trial in a court room. And yes, Cosby attorney should of pointed out that discrepancy if they didn't.

Now I've used the abbreviation WS (white supremacist) twice, that does not mean I'm talking about all white people. So stop assuming that unless you are a WS sympathizer. They, the WS, are our enemy and a just person should not aid them. Especially another black person.
This thread has been very informative.

I just realized that I was raped, at 18. My and this chick were hanging out, skipping school, had some drinks. I end up falling asleep only to wake up to her riding me. The next day, she was bragging about my dick to her girl, right in front of my face.

I felt like an object. That bitch needs jail time
This thread has been very informative.

I just realized that I was raped, at 18. My and this chick were hanging out, skipping school, had some drinks. I end up falling asleep only to wake up to her riding me. The next day, she was bragging about my dick to her girl, right in front of my face.

I felt like an object. That bitch needs jail time

Here's the part that these chicks ain't thinking about one bit:

They're using Cosby as a platform to have statute of limitations on rape/sexual assault cases removed. What they don't realize is that it puts a target on WOMEN just as much as it does men. The chick that did that to you would be wide open for prosecution as would any chick that ever groped a dude, had sex with a clearly drunk guy 30-40 years ago, pants'ed him back in high school, etc.
Here's the part that these chicks ain't thinking about one bit:

They're using Cosby as a platform to have statute of limitations on rape/sexual assault cases removed. What they don't realize is that it puts a target on WOMEN just as much as it does men. The chick that did that to you would be wide open for prosecution as would any chick that ever groped a dude, had sex with a clearly drunk guy 30-40 years ago, pants'ed him back in high school, etc.

Yeah they aint thinking about that at all.

I think they know the social climate is hypocritical as fuck and most would laugh at a man that did this. And all these niggas that support this metoo shit would be the first to line up and criticize that man.


There will come a time when the table turns. At some point more men and going to just say fuck it and play the same game. They opened pandoras box