OPINION What's your position on illegal immigration?

Is it White man's problems when Black folks start getting passed over for Hispanics in scholarships and jobs due to affirmative action laws and racial biases working in tangent to shut them out? Is it the White man's problem when Hispanics outnumber Black folks and have more voting sway? Is the White man's problem when people can break the law to enter the country and not have their family broken up, while Black folks who break the law watch their kids go to group homes?

This might be more in your political interest than you're leading on.

If it wasnt hispanics it would be another group. You do know immigrants dont all come from Spanish speaking countries. Why does America exploit these home nations for all the resources and act surprised people need a better way for a better life? White Brits were mad about Carribean immigrants to their country but had no issue fucking those countries up. Its related.
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If it wasnt hispanics it would be another group. You do know immigrants dont all come from Spanish speaking countries. Why does America exploit these home nations for all the resources and act surprised people need a better way for a better life? White Brits were mad about Carribean immigrants to their country but had no issue fucking those countries up. Its related.

Who else would be illegally entering the country in droves? Canadians? You don't share a border with that many nations. Asians and Africans are not swimming over.
I tend to agree with what some of you are saying but we have to look at why there is such a difference between our countries.
Why do we deserve more or better? Why not the same for all?
This world is such a fucked up place.
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I understand everyone's point of view.

I personally think that since this country was founded and built by immigrants so we can only get stronger with immigrants. There are too many smart people in the Nation's Capitol region to not come up with a plan to improve the immigration issues.

I just typed and deleted a long ass paragraph... Long story less long - we as nation need to implement change to improve the life of Americans as a whole. Immigration is just a distraction.

Legalize marijuana - increase work for common Americans, decreases jail populations
Invest confiscated money - Stop burning drug money and invest it into the education system for lower and middle class citizens
I'll just leave this here cause the shit fitting to me...

And there’s love of humanity
That’s the love that is right now needed most
Love of humanity

-the old Jamaican lady at the beginning of Black Effect - The Carters

I’m out...
If me and my wife go rob a bank and we get caught, guess what happens? Our family gets split up.

That can't be the reason to feel sorry for them. We have no sympathy when it happens to an American when they get locked up for whatever crime they've committed and the kids gotta go to foster care or whatever, why would we have sympathy for foreign people knowingly committing a crime and bringing the kids along with them?
I'm not sure if this is the right analogy.

Robbing a bank is a felony, is it not?

My understanding is that crossing the border is a misdemeanor and for the most part, under normal circumstances, people aren't detained indefinately and having their kids thrown into cages for misdemeanors.

I don't have all the answers.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
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Black people should have a problem with this because they're here to replace us. Word to Marcus Gravey

Nah, we should have a problem with it because the jobs they're taking could be available to us.
Dont live around enough to see the bad side of it. But i mean Texas and the entire southwest was all North Mexico till like 190 years ago. Spanish names and all that. So id probably complsin if i lived out west but i look at like if you dont like them move. Reclaiming what they lost.

This is the stupidest thing I've read.

The Spanish took that land called "Mexico" from the Natives. If you really want to go there with it this entire country was Native land taken from us by honkies so can we come reclaim all of it? You gonna move?
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I'm not sure if this is the right analogy.

Robbing a bank is a felony, is it not?

My understanding is that crossing the border is a misdemeanor and for the most part, under normal circumstances, people aren't detained indefinately and having their kids thrown into cages for misdemeanors.

I don't have all the answers.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

I actually just read that it was once a civil matter. Part of this was to reduce the costs (legal aid/public defenders, paying for detainment costs, etc). Now, Trump is pushing criminal prosecution for illegal immigration. This is more costly than normal deportation, though, so it's weird how he has support on this.

However, switch bank robbery with growing and selling weed. Many families have already been split over this, and now weed is legal in these same places. Yet, these were citizens who the government is beholden to who had their families broken up for their crimes. Their kids ended up in the system and in group homes. If Americans are lenient on one then the other deserves some leniency, too, because they are quite similar circumstances.
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Nah, we should have a problem with it because the jobs they're taking could be available to us.

This is the stupidest thing I've read.

The Spanish took that land called "Mexico" from the Natives. If you really want to go there with it this entire country was Native land taken from us by honkies so can we come reclaim all of it? You gonna move?

If natives population somehow exploded to where they can do that so be it. Black people aint gotta move nowhere we disnt take land from anybody or benefit from it. A big reasom the mexican war was fought was that white people wanted to being their slaves to Texas. At that time Mexico was not allowing slavery. And that lead to beef. Im not saying Mexicans love black people or anything.

Furthermore you say those jobs could go to citizens right. But we know jobs will pay somebody chump change to work for them an immigrant aint got any rights and probably get chump change. So the goal is to end immigration but not companies openly not giving people what they deserve? Aint that the bigger issue. We being exploited but we supposed to concentrate on this? Dont front bro you smart.
Nah, we should have a problem with it because the jobs they're taking could be available to us.
I have a question about this...

What jobs are they taking, though?

In a previous post, somebody said that a McDonald's had to be shut down, because of an INS raid..

Are we saying that Americans are mad because immigrants are taking these low paying, fast food jobs?

There's people with college degrees who can't find jobs in their field, but they refuse to swallow their pride and take a minimum wage job and would prefer to be unemployed.

Juan, on the othet hand, aint too proud to flip burgers for a living.

My point is, if you REALLY want a job at Micky D's, you can get a job at Micky D's.

A lotta Americans won't work for that salary.

These immigrants are desperate and will do ANY job to help their families back home.

My 2 cents.
If natives population somehow exploded to where they can do that so be it. Black people aint gotta move nowhere we disnt take land from anybody or benefit from it. A big reasom the mexican war was fought was that white people wanted to being their slaves to Texas. At that time Mexico was not allowing slavery. And that lead to beef. Im not saying Mexicans love black people or anything.

Furthermore you say those jobs could go to citizens right. But we know jobs will pay somebody chump change to work for them an immigrant aint got any rights and probably get chump change. So the goal is to end immigration but not companies openly not giving people what they deserve? Aint that the bigger issue. We being exploited but we supposed to concentrate on this? Dont front bro you smart.

Both can be done. Focusing on one does not mean the other is not an issue in the meantime, though.
I have a question about this...

What jobs are they taking, though?

In a previous post, somebody said that a McDonald's had to be shut down, because of an INS raid..

Are we saying that Americans are mad because immigrants are taking these low paying, fast food jobs?

There's people with college degrees who can't find jobs in their field, but they refuse to swallow their pride and take a minimum wage job and would prefer to be unemployed.

Juan, on the othet hand, aint too proud to flip burgers for a living.

My point is, if you REALLY want a job at Micky D's, you can get a job at Micky D's.

A lotta Americans won't work for that salary.

These immigrants are desperate and will do ANY job to help their families back home.

My 2 cents.

You don't think hiring biases will sway against Black folks in some areas, though? Latino managers are always gonna judge the Hispanic and Black candidate the same, even though Latin America has a reputation for colourism?

I don't know if I would take that bet.
You don't think hiring biases will sway against Black folks in some areas, though? Latino managers are always gonna judge the Hispanic and Black candidate the same, even though Latin America has a reputation for colourism?

I don't know if I would take that bet.

You know we deal with white people everyday right?
I'm not sure if this is the right analogy.

Robbing a bank is a felony, is it not?

My understanding is that crossing the border is a misdemeanor and for the most part, under normal circumstances, people aren't detained indefinately and having their kids thrown into cages for misdemeanors.

I don't have all the answers.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

No, what's happening to the kids is that they're being placed in foster care first. If the parents are already here and the kids come after them and are caught at the border they're held and the parents are contacted. Well, if the parents are already here illegally, and Border Patrol calls you up like "Aye, we have your kids, come and get them.", guess what happens? The parents pack up and bounce, leaving the kids with BP which means foster care or detention of some sort until they can sort out what to do with them.

As for the kids in them cages we've all seen the pics of over the last week or so?

... That shit happened under Obama.

Didn't see that coming, did you.

Yeah, I don't really care who was president when the kids were put in cages..

At no point in my post did I mention any presidents.

I just posed a question.

I appreciate the response, though.
100% against it.

Been saying that shot since I spend multiple years in LA and Texas.

I don’t fuck with them.

Gotta wait in line extra long at the bank because the muthafucka in front me don’t speak a lick of English and gotta wait till the Spanish speaking teller is free.

Fuck all that shit
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I remember my first call center job.

The ppl that spoke Spanish got paid more even though we only helped ppl in U.S.

The ppl that worked there was born here but I’m pretty sure they was needed over blacks and whites because of all the ppl that was here illegally didn’t speak a lick of fucking English.

All that shit comes into play for me. Having to transfer a young dude because he only spoke Spanish. Like what the fuck. You’re here learn English.
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Lol @ "They're taking away the jobs" bs excuse.

Oh I'm sorry...how many muthafuccas are lining up to apply positions at McDonald's...maids in hotels...cleaning bathrooms...all the other menial jobs that a LOT of Americans citizens deem beneath them?

Does the system need to be fixed...yes.

Do these families need to be torn apart...hell no. And you would think black folks would know a lot about families being torn apart considering OUR history with this country.

But let's stop acting like folks are rushing to clean people's houses...take care of their kids...trim their bushes...and whateva jobs a lot folks know good and damn well they WON'T do. Smh
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I remember my first call center job.

The ppl that spoke Spanish got paid more even though we only helped ppl in U.S.

The ppl that worked there was born here but I’m pretty sure they was needed over blacks and whites because of all the ppl that was here illegally didn’t speak a lick of fucking English.

All that shit comes into play for me. Having to transfer a young dude because he only spoke Spanish. Like what the fuck. You’re here learn English.

Us has no official language. Idk why niggas move to spanish speaking areas in spanish named cities and dont learn spanish? Spanish got to be the most accessible language outside of english. And all bi lingual people get paid more