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Is money unnecessary?

Trading is all good and well, but to get away from money, you literally need the money to cut your ties to society and resources that "allows" you to operate....

Cuz make no mistake, you will go the fuck to jail if you think you just gonna chill in the USA and not pay uncle Sam shit....

For this to be an actuality, an island or some large isolated city would have to branch off from the rest of the world where people can live like this freely

Something like Amish country....

And it would take a ridiculous amount of money to build that kind of community from scratch.

Niggaz literally got 100,000's of debt out here. They can't just disconnect without them boys in heavy pursuit
Without Money you will not have the complete nor exquisite quality of life that you should and are entitled to.

Religious folk are HIL A RI OUS when they quote certain scriptures condemning the desire for money, then turn around and pass the collection plate. haha

If you want to LIVE and enjoy all faucets of the life you are living, then YES, money is absolutely necessary.

Now.... to ask if having money makes people happy or guarantees joy in ones life. That is a different question.
Your nose is starving my brain of oxygen
nigga the crack cocaine your junky ass be smoking is what is depriving your fucking brain oxygen!!

I knew they should have never stopped those this is your brain on drugs commercials....This whole new generation think being a junkie is cool...
Du and Josh is more hostile than me and AP
He won't let me breath

I really don't trust human beings to do away with money, and substitute for some other forms of currency.

Trade/bartering is cool on paper, but it's too many greedy azzz, deceitful azzz folks out there. That wouldn't work.
I really don't trust human beings to do away with money, and substitute for some other forms of currency.

Trade/bartering is cool on paper, but it's too many greedy azzz, deceitful azzz folks out there. That wouldn't work.

It sounds dope in theory, but it would be disastrous to try to execute in practice with today's society.
Heres the thing.

Those that have large amounts pf disposable income have the pirchasing power to fulfill most of their carnal desires. Our whole livelihood is, for the most part, based off of how much money you make. This isnt debatable. And the fact that our societies have evolved to a point where they only means of sustenance is money. Its a reality, but it is far removed from connected existence when it comes to our ecosystem.

If we couldnt buy our necessities, hpw many of us would be able to survive for a month? Even a week? That's a problem.....

I mentioned wanting to start a program to imtroduce inner city kids to activites of self sustainability. At the very least, things that are more connected to nature that they otherwise might not get to experience. Gardening, fishing, camping, hunting, ect...

I feel its important and im trying to learn more about these things at the moment. One of the reasons is basically what @NeighborhoodNomad mentioned. At times, i feel like a slave to money. And the only REAL way to break it is to learn about and practice ways to live without it.
All of that falls apart when it comes to humans because there are 7 billion of us and counting, we can't go back to that lifestyle because we had to abandon it because of our increasing numbers, once our tribes became to big to be sustained on pure trade. Hence why currency was invented so people didn't have to already own a resource to be able to trade for themselves. What if I want some wheat from the local farmer but I don't have anything he'd want to trade it for? Without currency I'm S.O.L but with it I can buy the wheat and he can use the money to buy something he doesn't have. See why we abandoned trade based societies so long ago? Once things get so big that system falls apart.

Trade is one part, giving is another. When I said everything naturally works on a barter-gift system I meant that things trade resource for resource or "gift", where things give resource for result.

Everything in nature is either trading resource for resource or freely giving resource for result.

Yes we have 7billion people on this planet and were living with trillions of other living organisms but there is enough resources and land on this planet for all 7 billion to live well and thrive with the rest of the trillions of other organisms on this planet without money or currency.