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Is money unnecessary?

Heres the thing.

Those that have large amounts pf disposable income have the pirchasing power to fulfill most of their carnal desires. Our whole livelihood is, for the most part, based off of how much money you make. This isnt debatable. And the fact that our societies have evolved to a point where they only means of sustenance is money. Its a reality, but it is far removed from connected existence when it comes to our ecosystem.

If we couldnt buy our necessities, hpw many of us would be able to survive for a month? Even a week? That's a problem.....

I mentioned wanting to start a program to imtroduce inner city kids to activites of self sustainability. At the very least, things that are more connected to nature that they otherwise might not get to experience. Gardening, fishing, camping, hunting, ect...

I feel its important and im trying to learn more about these things at the moment. One of the reasons is basically what @NeighborhoodNomad mentioned. At times, i feel like a slave to money. And the only REAL way to break it is to learn about and practice ways to live without it.

Cosign on the survival skills too. We have allowed the conveniences that money buys to be a crutch to our ignorance. I don't need to know how to do something if I can pay someone else or for a device to do it for me. Now convenience can be a great thing, but when it becomes a substitute for knowledge it becomes a hinderance to growth.
Without Money you will not have the complete nor exquisite quality of life that you should and are entitled to.

Religious folk are HIL A RI OUS when they quote certain scriptures condemning the desire for money, then turn around and pass the collection plate. haha

If you want to LIVE and enjoy all faucets of the life you are living, then YES, money is absolutely necessary.

Now.... to ask if having money makes people happy or guarantees joy in ones life. That is a different question.

my only problem with the bolded is that the people that get offended by churches taking up offerings are the ones who continue to look at church as everything but a business

not that that's a bad thing, but how are you going to pay for lights/energy, water, property taxes, etc... Does anyone wanna go back to the old days of how churches used to be? I dont think so.

I cant speak for the creflo dollars and pastors alike, but not all of them are trying to finesse their congregation to get a private plane.

The church i attend is in no way even close to being a mega church, but it still takes money of some kind to do just the day to day stuff. My church also is a huge pillar in the community and is always giving stuff back. But i dont wanna derail the thread, i just took "issue" with that part of your response. But as i mentioned earlier, if you make money your god or whatever you want to call it, then yes, the LOVE of money is the root of evil b/c you will do anything to acquire it.
If I remember my high school history correctly, a rudimentary money system came into existence when trade went beyond community scale.

I cannot think of a more efficient way to replace the modern money system. But I acknowledge there is a strong inherited bias and unfair advantage to those who control the money system.
There as always been forms of payment or trade. As the individuals have less natural things to trade i.e. Animals plants and in some cases physical labor, society uses a monetary system that can be controlled. If you were a carpenter and your friend was a builder or fisherman you could trade with each other without any form of monetary payment. In theory it could still work. But it would take a mental reprogramming of a large part of our society and with out dependence on nonsense people would be left out. We should ask each other what could we bring to this society if none of us had money? I can farm and fish. Maybe even teach lessons. That should be enough to provide me with food and shelter. What about you?
My homeboy wrote the dopest poem about money and our attachmenet to it.
Check it out when you get a chance

I think you will really like it @NeighborhoodNomad

Wow! Thank you for dropping this. This is so much in alignment with my perspective. If this is your people, tell the brother thank you for writing this. This is some powerful spoken word.
Wow! Thank you for dropping this. This is so much in alignment with my perspective. If this is your people, tell the brother thank you for writing this. This is some powerful spoken word.

Yes that's one of my homeboys....his name is 13th
He has a few other projects on YouTube.
I'm so happy you enjoyed it!!!
And I'll definitely tell him
Trading or bartering is one aspect, but there is also the giving factor that we're not really addressing. We can trade resource for resource and we can also freely give our resources for results. I'm not talking about depleting yourself but if someone doesn't have something to trade, it's our duty to give for free.
And for everyone saying a barter-gift system won't work on a large scale please consider the fact that it already does work on a large scale because all matter trades resource for resource or freely gives resource for results naturally. Us as human beings are the only things who go out of our way to trade a non resource for a resource.