the marathon continues........
Heres the thing.
Those that have large amounts pf disposable income have the pirchasing power to fulfill most of their carnal desires. Our whole livelihood is, for the most part, based off of how much money you make. This isnt debatable. And the fact that our societies have evolved to a point where they only means of sustenance is money. Its a reality, but it is far removed from connected existence when it comes to our ecosystem.
If we couldnt buy our necessities, hpw many of us would be able to survive for a month? Even a week? That's a problem.....
I mentioned wanting to start a program to imtroduce inner city kids to activites of self sustainability. At the very least, things that are more connected to nature that they otherwise might not get to experience. Gardening, fishing, camping, hunting, ect...
I feel its important and im trying to learn more about these things at the moment. One of the reasons is basically what @NeighborhoodNomad mentioned. At times, i feel like a slave to money. And the only REAL way to break it is to learn about and practice ways to live without it.
Cosign on the survival skills too. We have allowed the conveniences that money buys to be a crutch to our ignorance. I don't need to know how to do something if I can pay someone else or for a device to do it for me. Now convenience can be a great thing, but when it becomes a substitute for knowledge it becomes a hinderance to growth.