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Are we checking for people out of our league?

Few years ago gambino and jordan peele were corny to yall

After atl and get out they loved....until u find u they got white/asian wifes lmaoo

Few years ago gambino and jordan peele were corny to yall

After atl and get out they loved....until u find u they got white/asian wifes lmaoo

The usual response to this is "Well they should have combed through all 23.5 million black women in America until they found one."

But the same woman in the OP video, in speaking about Serena Williams' marriage, simply said "Oh she must've lived a rough childhood. What kind of black men did her wrong?"
Dope discussions and interesting POV's

I'll try to contribute later
Through past trials & tribulations, I've seen every game in the book & every offense that a chick will have that I have a defense for.
The usual response to this is "Well they should have combed through all 23.5 million black women in America until they found one."

But the same woman in the OP video, in speaking about Serena Williams' marriage, simply said "Oh she must've lived a rough childhood. What kind of black men did her wrong?"

They always wanted a white partner to begin with. There's too many black people out here (fat/skinny, nerdy/cool, light/dark) to not find what u like. They purposely welcomed white people as partners.
Few years ago gambino and jordan peele were corny to yall

After atl and get out they loved....until u find u they got white/asian wifes lmaoo


Peele's still corny af. I wasn't familiar with Gambino like that till Atlanta.
i was a weird nigga, nerd nigga, all of the above....

shit i was a band nigga... it's the same everywhere, the more aggreisve niggaz get the chicks.. there's mad aggressive nerds bruh
The first screenshot was from a guy who uses satire and sarcasm to veil his message.

But what does it say about society when the very women who want to date with impunity will condemn a man for his dating choices because he has money. Meanwhile, the very men who doesn't think himself shallow will ignore the women interested in him because they lack the "look" of the women who reject him, then turn around and call all women gold diggers.

eeeh... You like what you like. 'Can't fault a dude for like a pretty ass chick. That ain't shallow, that's preference. The chicks that one dude ain't attracted to another dude will find beautiful. One of my wife's friends started working at the same spot I was working at back in 2000. By that time I was already there for two years and everybody knew me. This chick told my wife that AAAAALL the hefty broads at the office was droolin over me, but I had no idea 'cause I wasn't checkin for 'em. That doesn't make me shallow, it just means I have a preference.

I was always the nerdy dude with a high ass IQ, into computers since 4th grade, comic books, Dungeons and Dragons from the 5th grade, raced BMX, and alladat. In tha D, that would have meant being locked in with the nerd chicks but a bruh's mixed with "good hair" so I could attract good lookin chicks. I had to evolve in order to pull the chicks I wanted 'cause my looks could attract 'em but when we got to talking them bitches would be like "you're weird" and lose interest. This meant having a foot in the street and one in the computer lab so I could vibe with the chicks on whatever level they were at.
for me personally, this has a lot to do with where you live and social status/lifestyle

there was veeery few of these weird, different black women that ya'll speak of here....only saw them in school

but I was also in a box

I kinda looked over them just like the different black men are looked over...and kinda for the same reasons when I think about it

back then I didnt want no geeky chick I had to explain everything to and didnt know how to handle herself in situations I was prone to be in

we wanted bitches that held the pistols and rolled blunts and took charges and knew how to fuck already

So I may have been at one point, but we (or I) really cant be mad at the masses of women that want the thug or the hustler b/c they bring what they want in life at that time....which is fun, protection, fame, status, friends, followers, or whatever else it may be

the issue lies in when all these people grow up some and realize they gotta function in society where that other shit dont matter.......oh shit, now we want a good woman with low miles that stays in the house and makes candles and potpourri

now they want a man with good credit and work history and no babies or drama....somebody that can show them what they're not used to

honestly its like we play ourselves
I’m a huge nerd myself, and one of my long term ex gf was the senior HS prom queen. This is real life. Things is not always so one dimensional like on TV and social media, that’s what people seem to forget and don’t understand.
Nerd or not, I’m of a multi layered life experience. Experience that I learned how to handle a big spectrum of settings, people, etc. And I know what it’s like dealing with the dark side of life even though my preference is the light.
I just learned how to present myself in a manner that help me get what I want, and I pretty much tailored myself into the person I am.

Anyways, I’m a believer of people fulfilling their deep wants and shit. It’s natural to have these wants, and you have them for a reason. No matter what kind of nigga you view yourself as, at some point in life you gotta choose to either go after what you really want and be the person you really want to be, or sit this bitch out on the porch while it pass you by.

Being weird in itself is not a problem. Black women in themselves is not a problem either. It’s all a mind thing.
I'm grew up mostly in Charleston SC, even if chicks were "weird" they did their best to hide it cause fitting in meant everything to girls down here. Still does to a large extent, it's not as liberal as other places. But growing up down here, black chick from here seems to have to wanna be a geechee girl in order to have any friends.

I've always been out of place since I originally grew up in NY and Bmore. So I've never been a geechee nigga or wanted to be. So I've always been the weird nigga in relation to where I grew up.

When I was younger I dated to fuck. I didn't care about any of the shit people care about as far as social status. My thing was if you letting me fuck, I'm fuckin with you

As I got older and grew an understanding of myself and what I want. Because non geehee girls down here at the time were so rare and deem "weird". I gravated to women that were not the norm. I don't like women with "normal" personalities.

The more unique you are from the social norm from sense of humor, to intelligence, to look, I'm more apt to really be into you.

Out of me league, honestly are women that I would fuck..but not want to fuck wit. Cause at the end of the day I'm a man..a chick wit a banging body getting fucked..but socially in the social norm..she'd see herself out of my league
My girl and I are both weird and took us time to find each other. But before I met her??? Man you wouldn't believe how many women in atlanta shared the same mindset. Shit was WOAT if you wasn't a baller, drunker/smoker, had your own business, etc. Worse part of that was even the consider "weird yoga" chicks were thinking in the same mindset.

I'll never forget some chick turned me down because I was from new Orleans and didn't have a new Orleans accent. Or because I didn't fuck with Young Thug lol
Oh i hit on chicks out of my league all the time. On the internet anyways. Tinder, IG, and so on. In person i hardly talk unless im spoken to, but would hit on them if comfortable enough.
They always wanted a white partner to begin with. There's too many black people out here (fat/skinny, nerdy/cool, light/dark) to not find what u like. They purposely welcomed white people as partners.

Say that shit a lil louder for the people in the back!

Geeky/"weird" black women have been around man, even more so now. Maybe it would be hard in high school, but in college ..you couldn't find one black chick who didn't want a baller? Them niggas wanted who they got. I refuse to accept that "couldn't find anyone black" or "black women weren't checking for me "excuse. Don't blame us, just own up to your preferences damn.
Ya know, I'm getting tired of this conversation across social media as well as the body count conversation.

"Checking for women out of your league"...

The way I see it these women put on they pants on one leg at a time, they put on a shirt one arm at a time. At the end of day, we're all human.