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Marvel has recently been a roll having dope complex villains like Hela, Killmonger and Thanos......the bar has been raised and hopefully going forward it gets better because mediocre / poorly-written Marvel villains was one of my pet peeves
Marvel has recently been a roll having dope complex villains like Hela, Killmonger and Thanos......the bar has been raised and hopefully going forward it gets better because mediocre / poorly-written Marvel villains was one of my pet peeves

You giving Hela a lil to much props.

But yea their villains is the only thing that was wrong (besides nerfing my boy Thor power into the ground)

The second one is pretty much what I said. In order to create more resources, you would need to basically warp reality. In the comics, the Reality Gem could do that. In the movie, the Reality Stone was not that powerful. It couldn't actually warp reality. It only warped people's perception of reality.

You giving Hela a lil to much props.

But yea their villains is the only thing that was wrong (besides nerfing my boy Thor power into the ground)

The funny thing is Thanos is probably the most nerfed character in comic book movie history. You could argue that MCU Thanos + Infinity Stones would still be a nerfed version of comic Thanos.
The second one is pretty much what I said. In order to create more resources, you would need to basically warp reality. In the comics, the Reality Gem could do that. In the movie, the Reality Stone was not that powerful. It couldn't actually warp reality. It only warped people's perception of reality.

not sure how true that is... in Thor dark world them dark elf niggas was tryna use the aether/reality stone to put the universe into darkness if I remember correctly.. not the perception of darkness.. *shrugs*
The second one is pretty much what I said. In order to create more resources, you would need to basically warp reality. In the comics, the Reality Gem could do that. In the movie, the Reality Stone was not that powerful. It couldn't actually warp reality. It only warped people's perception of reality.

I've seen you repeat the bold but, how true is your statement? He turned Star Lord's blast into bubbles, turned Gammora's knife to bubbles and folded reality to bring Dr. Strange to him. How are those simply effects on perception?
Well maybe the perception of reality is the wrong way to phrase it, but his reality warping is heavily nerfed compared to what you see in the comics. In every case of him using the Reality Stone, the effects went back to normal as soon as he left. Even with the other stones helping out, there is nothing that says that the effects would be permanent in the way you'd need to create resources out of nothing.
Well maybe the perception of reality is the wrong way to phrase it, but his reality warping is heavily nerfed compared to what you see in the comics. In every case of him using the Reality Stone, the effects went back to normal as soon as he left. Even with the other stones helping out, there is nothing that says that the effects would be permanent in the way you'd need to create resources out of nothing.

lol he turned bullets and knives to bubbles... that muhfucka coulda turned rocks and grass into some steaks and salad if he wanted to...
Well maybe the perception of reality is the wrong way to phrase it, but his reality warping is heavily nerfed compared to what you see in the comics. In every case of him using the Reality Stone, the effects went back to normal as soon as he left. Even with the other stones helping out, there is nothing that says that the effects would be permanent in the way you'd need to create resources out of nothing.

The answer could also be that, in those occasions, Thanos simply chose not to make the changes permanent. He's Thanos. He does isht like that.

You've taken an assumption on the limits of the reality stone and are running with it like a stated fact.
I agree with Lonious Monk.

Maybe that's a thread I'll make at the cool table, but as the saying goes, perception is reality. From what I can tell, the reality stone can manipulate the perception of anyone the user wants, including the user itself.

So maybe in that moment, Thanos manipulated the perception of reality of everyone, including himself. So when Starlord tried to shoot Gamora, Thanos manipulated the reality as they saw it. The bubbles were as real as Thanos wanted them to be, even if only temporarily so.
I agree with Lonious Monk.

Maybe that's a thread I'll make at the cool table, but as the saying goes, perception is reality. From what I can tell, the reality stone can manipulate the perception of anyone the user wants, including the user itself.

So maybe in that moment, Thanos manipulated the perception of reality of everyone, including himself. So when Starlord tried to shoot Gamora, Thanos manipulated the reality as they saw it. The bubbles were as real as Thanos wanted them to be, even if only temporarily so.

ehhhhh...the space stone aint change his perception of space and magically transport that nigga across the galaxy. it transported him from one place to another.. just like time.. it aint fuck with everyones perception of time.. it reversed time and allowed him to grab the mind stone. Same shit would logically apply to the reality stone.. it aint perception.. its real... for as long as the user of the gauntlet wants it to be