The Official MCU Thread











Hela was dropping bodies in Ragnarok

Hela was so much of a beast that Thor told Odin "mannnnn she too strong for me"
How ironic of a Hollywood reporting publication not knowing the difference between 2 movie tropes.
Word im still confused how this isnt really related to Spiderman (yet)

Its related to spiderman and the MCU, however the sony films will have a very minimal effect on any major story MCU stuff. Think of the sony/Spiderman spin offs like the Netflix/Defenders shows. The movies will probably make references to things that happened in the MCU, and Tom Holland will appear in some of the films, but we probably shouldnt ever plan to see them ever team up or be acknowledged by the Avengers.

That might possibly change though. Marvel Studios/Sony will be in re negotiations after Spiderman Homecoming 2 begins production and i think the possibility of them working something out is a lot greater than Marvel Television/Marvel Studios coming to some sort of deal.
Did you guys see the "snap my fingers" trailer ? Thanos actually says "I could snap my fingers and you

would all cease to exist", This movie is gonna be cinema history if it ends like that.