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The Official MCU Thread

BP opened up the doors for people who never watched a comic book movie. Now that those doors are open IW will have a even larger audience in it. Movie might double BP

That's true, but it's likely not going to have people buying 5 tickets just to support the movie or renting out movie theatres and bussing kids into see it. BP was good and it deserves those numbers, but there was a lot of inflation going on that Marvel can't necessarily count on for future movies and I doubt it will all be accounted for because BP generated new interest. I mean MCU movies are pretty popular among black people anyway. Yeah, blacks were more hyped to see this particular MCU film, but a lot of the black people who went to see BP have gone to see most of the MCU movies.
That's true, but it's likely not going to have people buying 5 tickets just to support the movie or renting out movie theatres and bussing kids into see it. BP was good and it deserves those numbers, but there was a lot of inflation going on that Marvel can't necessarily count on for future movies and I doubt it will all be accounted for because BP generated new interest. I mean MCU movies are pretty popular among black people anyway. Yeah, blacks were more hyped to see this particular MCU film, but a lot of the black people who went to see BP have gone to see most of the MCU movies.
I still disagree. IW about to shake up the movie business in a whole. It's going to have the villain of all villain's in the movie who's gonna kill most of the universe. It's gonna have more hero's than the Civil War movie. Also going to be mostly set it Wakanda. This movie about to break all numbers. Most of the theaters here are already sold out the day the movie drops here in Charlotte. I'm calloca it now this will be a 2billion movie.
I still disagree. IW about to shake up the movie business in a whole. It's going to have the villain of all villain's in the movie who's gonna kill most of the universe. It's gonna have more hero's than the Civil War movie. Also going to be mostly set it Wakanda. This movie about to break all numbers. Most of the theaters here are already sold out the day the movie drops here in Charlotte. I'm calloca it now this will be a 2billion movie.

I don't know about all that man. lol 2 billion is a lot. Only 3 movies have ever done that. Right now Avengers is the highest grossing MCU film and it was half a bill away from that. This movie might take some legs from BP, but even if that another 200 or 300 million on top of what BP got, it would still be well short of 2 bill.

That said, if it gets close and lives up to the hype, I bet Avengers 4 would make 2 billion.
That said, if it gets close and lives up to the hype, I bet Avengers 4 would make 2 billion.

I think that's the real possibility. According to the directors A:IW about to fuck shit up and we have no clue what A:4 is gonna be about.

I think the anticipation alone is about to have mfs ready to sign away the first born
IW is most definitely making at least a bill,the crazy thing is we don't even know all the surprises that they have planned(who dies,Captain Marvel/Silver Surfer appearance,

where the Soul Stone is) I read a comment where someone said he thinks that the Fox buyout already went through they're just keeping quiet on it for now. What if A4

sets up Fantastic 4/Galactus ? That movie could make a Bill too.
I don't know about all that man. lol 2 billion is a lot. Only 3 movies have ever done that. Right now Avengers is the highest grossing MCU film and it was half a bill away from that. This movie might take some legs from BP, but even if that another 200 or 300 million on top of what BP got, it would still be well short of 2 bill.

That said, if it gets close and lives up to the hype, I bet Avengers 4 would make 2 billion.

Avengers WAS the highest. BP topped that I believe
IW is most definitely making at least a bill,the crazy thing is we don't even know all the surprises that they have planned(who dies,Captain Marvel/Silver Surfer appearance,

where the Soul Stone is) I read a comment where someone said he thinks that the Fox buyout already went through they're just keeping quiet on it for now. What if A4

sets up Fantastic 4/Galactus ? That movie could make a Bill too.

People were mad about the last Fantastic 4 because Galactus pulled up in a cloud
Either way, expectations was already there for IW to destroy the box office. But like like mentioned earlier, with the success of BP, IW now has to exceed that. If not, I some will look at it as a failure.
Twitter saying Agent Coulson(Clark Gregg), dude that played Ronan in Guardians(Lee Pace) and that brotha that said
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Djimon Honsou are coming back for Captain Marvel

Clark Gregg makes sense...wonder how Ronan and Djimon will work into the story tho

Im tryna figure out how Coulson plays into this. wouldn't he have been young as hell? I haven't quite put together how far back Captain Marvel is spos to be set..

I can see the Kree cats tho.. Im glad they brought both those actors back.. Felt they kinda wasted them in the short roles they were in
They pushed back both new mutants and xmen dark phoenix for "significant reshoots" reports say it will change the stories and add a character or 2 into new mutants. Can't recall release dates but will post when I get to work. I'm pretty sure they've been rescheduled to 2019 when at least new mutants was supposed to drop in a few months.