Unfortunately he told that to a Loki that is dead lol. The Loki at the End of Time never was told that by Thor

True indeed it was our original Loki that Thor said it towards but this seasons ending is proof positive that Thor was correct about Loki’s potential for more.

In fact I’d lean towards saying that’s the likely lesson of this entire multiverse saga dating back to End Game. That present predicaments do not determine your ultimate fate. We’re always one small change away from becoming who we need to be or getting where we need to be.
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He's the most fleshed out

This could've been Thanos but they reduced Thanos and his ambition to just bringing balance

You knew they couldn't go full infinity gauntlet saga but at the same time, he was by far the biggest threat to the characters and it's not even close
True but they're not limiting it to villains. I think Tony Stark is the only one who could be argued
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nah b.

Wanda went from villian to hero in the same movie she was introduced in. It took Loki until the end of Ragnarok to move into that space.

I don’t care about when she was introduce. From Wandavision to MoM, Wanda IMO has been a better character than Loki entire’s run.
I don’t even remember Loki in Thor 1 and 2. Good in Avengers. Comic relief in Thor 3. Shot up and clapped quick in IW. He Who Remains stole his thunder he had all season in one episode. Sylvie outshined him as well. OB and Miss Minutes were the highlights of season 2.

