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I agree, they left a lot to be questioned: still don’t kno what’s goin on with Kang and ima have to assume that alot Of the multiverse stuff gets addressed in deadpool. It’s the only movie on the table for next year
The next step is starting to recruit their Multiversal army and their first step is Wolverine until Wade Wilson....ummmmm...gets in the way lol
"See Loki, life is about... It's about growth, it's about change, but you seem to just want to stay the same. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you'll always be the god of mischief, but you could be more."

Loki proved Thor wrong

I see that differently. I see it as Thor being right, seeing his potential and putting the bug in his head that propelled him along this path.

He’s still the god of mischief but now he’s also so much more.
I see that differently. I see it as Thor being right, seeing his potential and putting the bug in his head that propelled him along this path.

He’s still the god of mischief but now he’s also so much more.
Unfortunately he told that to a Loki that is dead lol. The Loki at the End of Time never was told that by Thor
I see that differently. I see it as Thor being right, seeing his potential and putting the bug in his head that propelled him along this path.

He’s still the god of mischief but now he’s also so much more.
What exactly is he? Show didn't really explain that IMO or maybe I just didn't get it
Yeah, from finally figuring out how to control his time slip and freeze time and 15 minutes later being able to hold an infinite amount of timelines and branches together is a wild power up.

I wonder if the Beyonder Watcher is gonna mention this in the second season of What If.

Marvel Studios needs a damn TVA manual itself. Because none of this time/multiverse shit is consistent. Every damn show/movies seems to interpret it differently.

Like where is Kang? lol
Yeah, from finally figuring out how to control his time slip and freeze time and 15 minutes later being able to hold an infinite amount of timelines and branches together is a wild power up.

you missed the part where he spent centuries learning from OB and Victor Timely on how to built that multiplier part? Surely he learned some other things along the way. And it was implied with his conversation with he who remains he had several conversations and spent mad time with him as well.
you missed the part where he spent centuries learning from OB and Victor Timely on how to built that multiplier part? Surely he learned some other things along the way. And it was implied with his conversation with he who remains he had several conversations and spent mad time with him as well.

No, I understand and remember. But being able to build a time loom vs physically holding infinite timelines together with no mechanical device is wild. Loki’s magic that powerful? Or even capable of that? I get it in a vacuum with Loki’s arc. But imo it makes no sense as far as in the multi verse saga.

And do the other Kangs know about this and the TVA?

And it seems HWR could’ve stop Sylvie in season 1 but didn’t. So he wanted his variants loose? Like what’s the niggas plan and where is he now?
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No, I understand and remember. But being able to build a time loom vs physically holding it together with no mechanical device is wild. I get it in a vacuum with Loki’s arc. But imo it makes no sense as far as in the multi verse saga.

And do the other Kangs know about this and the TVA?

And it seems HWR could’ve stop Sylvie in season 1 but didn’t. So he wanted his variants loose? Like what’s the niggas plan and where is he now?

Loki had mad time to learn alot of shit, put that on top of all the shit he already knew, throw in some magic I dont think its that impossible for him to come up with some kinda solution.

I dont think the Kangs know... not yet anyway. If they knew theyd prolly attack. Especially seeing as how the TVA likely pruned maaaaaad Kang variants before Loki showed up to preserve the "sacred timeline"

I dont think he who remains gives a fuck. In his mind all the shit leads back to him being he who remains at the end.

"Reincarnation baby"