Breaking News School Shooting in Nashville

Stfu it’s one trans person carrying out a shooting when every other shooter was a male. The gender identity might been the reason for beef with a Catholic school. But you trying to add that to the mental illness if this person is just part of your agenda.
Lmao. That has NOTHING to do with what I’m talking about.

I’m talking about mental illness and this person being trans is just one of the obvious mental illness we can see.

But since you claim you believe this person is really a man because trans men or real men, you should say this shooting was carried out by a man
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Y’all got a lot of unreasonable suggestions for how potential victims can be responsible for not getting killed but ignore the very simple solution of further restricting access to guns.

1. Bulletproof glass on every window and door at every school in the nation.
2. An armed guard at every school in the nation.
3. Armed teachers.
4. Bulletproof backpacks.
5. Etc.


1. Limit the type/amount of guns and ammo a person can own.

Which is completely unrealistic so your "solution" ain't a solution at all.

Also, there's ALREADY a limit on the types of guns and ammo we can own.
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Lmao. That has NOTHING to do with what I’m talking about.

I’m talking about mental illness and this person being trans is just one of the obvious mental illness we can see.

But since you claim you believe this person is really a man because trans men or real men, you should say this shooting was carried out by a man

Ok bro
Which is completely unrealistic so your "solution" ain't a solution at all.

Also, there's ALREADY a limit on the types of guns and ammo we can own.
Thats why I said FURTHER.

How many guns do you own bruh? For real, post your gun count and ammo count if you think the limits already in place are reasonable.

For me, limits would be 1 handgun and 1 shotgun and/or 1 single shot hunting rifle. Ammo cap of 7-10 bullets for the handgun. Enough to protect your home and keep 2A rights still in tact.

Also no gun ownership until 21 years old.
Somebody talking about the TikTok ban made a good point. The issue isn’t really TikTok, it’s the fact that the US is an addict country. We’re addicted to social media which is how China could potentially exploit that for gain.

Mexican cartels exploit our drug addiction for gain.

Gun lobby exploits our gun addiction for gain.
Thats why I said FURTHER.

How many guns do you own bruh? For real, post your gun count and ammo count if you think the limits already in place are reasonable.

For me, limits would be 1 handgun and 1 shotgun and/or 1 single shot hunting rifle. Ammo cap of 7-10 bullets for the handgun. Enough to protect your home and keep 2A rights still in tact.

Also no gun ownership until 21 years old.

Why the arbitrary number of bullets? How do you know how many bullets it takes to protect one’s home?
  1. Assault rifle ban. Edit: with a mandatory buyback for newly banned weapons.
  2. Voluntary gun buybacks with no questions asked to incentive reduction of firearms in circulation
  3. Football numbers given out to those who are found in possession of a banned or unregistered firearm. Double if it's also found to have been used in the commission of a crime.
  4. Significant punishment for guns owners whose weapons are used in the commission of a crime without having first been reported as stolen.
  5. A licensing system similar to a drivers license that must be completed prior to purchasing firearms legally. Ie. Safety courses, a learners permit with X amount of hours that must be completed, and varying classes of licenses that permit you to own and/or operate different classes of firearms.
  6. As a part of your licensing you must also show proof of purchase of a proper gun storage safe with verifable space inside at the time of any new purchase.
  7. Also as part of licensing is the creation of a gun registry (again similar to driving and registering your vehicle) that would establish chain of custody for all firearms in the United States.
That's an incomplete list, there's still mental health provisions and red flag laws that would also make obtaining a firearm legally more difficult for would-be wrongdoers.

With just those few things you can dramatically reduce the amount of unregistered firearms available to criminals and make it harder for would be criminals to obtain them legally. ( here's a country that took just those steps as a proof of concept of what can be done with enough political will.)

Now, if a criminal still wants to commit a crime with a gun then they may well go ahead and do so, but that's true of anything illegal. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't respond to the gun epidemic this country clearly has with sensible measures. That is a zero sum argument made by gun manufacturers that don't want to see a dent in their potential market.
Smh my list from the last one. You could still rent banned weapons at shooting ranges. But people don't need to own them, unless they're hunting hogs which you could get a license for.

There's so much shit you COULD do, we have seen it happen in other countries. We just have no political will to do so. But reducing the amount of unregistered firearms in circulation, increasing the penalties for possessing and or selling unregistered firearms, and creating a federal registration system that includes red flag laws, universal backgrounds et al. would be a start. And it's way past time for at least a start to try and rise to this challenge.
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Smh my list from the last one. You could still rent banned weapons at shooting ranges. But people don't need to own them, unless they're hunting hogs which you could get a license for.

There's so much shit you COULD do, we have seen it happen in other countries. We just have no political will to do so. But reducing the amount of unregistered firearms in circulation, increasing the penalties for possessing and or selling unregistered firearms, and creating a federal registration system that includes red flag laws, universal backgrounds et al. would be a start. And it's way past time for at least a start to try and rise to this challenge.

A federal registration system?

Man no.

People who legally own guns ain’t ever going for that.

That’s how they take EVERYONES guns.
All I know is white folks have taken over the world by force and continue With weapons and folks placed all over the world and we believe they going to give their weapons back here and make everybody come back home?

British, Americans, Jews, and Chinese rule with an iron fist and we believe they gon do right?

Hell naw