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Breaking News School Shooting in Nashville

we hate death but love creative avenues that promote and glorify it
We don't hate death.

It costs a prohibitive amount to become a doctor. But they will pay you and subsidize your life if you become a soldier.

Killing is at the center of our music, movies and shows, and video games. But being "nice" is considered corny.

America is the biggest killing machine ever known and considered to be the greatest country in the world. We love this shit.
We don't hate death.

It costs a prohibitive amount to become a doctor. But they will pay you and subsidize your life if you become a soldier.

Killing is at the center of our music, movies and shows, and video games. But being "nice" is considered corny.

America is the biggest killing machine ever known and considered to be the greatest country in the world. We love this shit.
I believe we are the biggest killing machine currently but I don’t think we are all time

The whole world is killing machines if they had the power.
Thats why I said FURTHER.

How many guns do you own bruh? For real, post your gun count and ammo count if you think the limits already in place are reasonable.

For me, limits would be 1 handgun and 1 shotgun and/or 1 single shot hunting rifle. Ammo cap of 7-10 bullets for the handgun. Enough to protect your home and keep 2A rights still in tact.

Also no gun ownership until 21 years old.
7-10 bullets? I'm not John Wick
No one is taking peoples guns. Why do we let people die over fear mongering?
With all due respect my man, registration is step one in taking peoples guns.

How you think they were able to do it in all the other countries where the govt took the peoples guns? You think the people gave up their guns out of the kindness of their heart? Nah. Everyone who had a gun was on a registry and the govt came to their crib and made them give em up.
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All I know is white folks have taken over the world by force and continue With weapons and folks placed all over the world and we believe they going to give their weapons back here and make everybody come back home?

British, Americans, Jews, and Chinese rule with an iron fist and we believe they gon do right?

Hell naw
The relatively small amount that own the vast majority of guns in this country are not apart of the ruling class. Gun control measures won't prevent us from having a strong military, white folks just cosplaying as COD in real life which is evidenced by how these weapons are marketed. People shouldn't have to die so rednecks can feel tough.

Handguns, shotguns, and hunting rifles. If you need anything else you should be able to pass a licensing test, but 95% of the people don't need any of this shit, it's just cause they're cool. You can go rent an AR at a range and have a blast. But psycho people like the shooter in this incident shouldn't be able to buy one. It's proven that the weapons they are buying are just as quickly being used to commit mass murders. So stop letting them buy them.
With all do respect my man, registration is step one in taking peoples guns.

How you think they were able to do it in all the other countries where the govt took the peoples guns? You think the people gave up their guns out of the kindness of their heart? Nah. Everyone who had a gun was on a registry and the govt came to their crib and made them give em up.
Okay. So who in America is going to lead this charge? Gun control culture is so entrenched in this country that we can't even pass basic measures in the wake of school children being slaughtered.

Republicans would obviously never do it. Democrats would obviously never do it, as it's political suicide to even say such a thing let alone actually follow through with it. Even in the impossible situation where this was ever passed, the Supreme Court would shut it down in a nano second. And that's before these hillbillies would take to the streets.

It's a fever dream and it's fear mongering. It is never going to happen.
Giving up weapons would be easier if governments wasn’t the worse for every country

You literally can not trust one.
That is of course true. But we know the guns in america aren't keeping us safe from government tyranny. Even discounting the fact that the people with the largest arsenals are mostly pro-government, or at least anti-black.
Well it ain’t enough

So let's see:

We can't own fully automatic weapons of any type (aka an actual assault rifle), this also includes fully automatic handguns that were 100% designed and sold that way like the Glock 18 or CZ 75.
We can't own armor piercing ammunition for any caliber.
We can't own Short Barreled Rifles (SBR's) without paying for a tax stamp from the ATF and registering it (and waiting the 6 months to a year period for it to get approved).
We can't own a suppressor/silencer without paying for a tax stamp from the ATF and registering it (and waiting the 6 months to a year period for it to get approved).

Realistically, what else is there???
But what if she had co-conspirators? I would want to know that because they would need to be found.

Other than that angle, you’re right. It doesn’t matter

Why does matter. It helps to understand the M.O. of these people. So far the majority have been extraordinarily similar in their reason for carrying out attacks.
I can respect that some people's hesitations are based on a true concern of government overreach.

But that's an argument being hijacked by the very people profiting from the present system. The people who originated these arguments did so as propaganda to keep things exactly as they are. They have a financial incentive built in to keep the status quo. They sell guns, people shoot those guns, people get scared and buy more guns. All the while gun manufacturers have lobbied to never be held accountable for their role in marketing this cycle.

We can't continue to use fear mongering to prevent us from reforming the current system. Continuing in this manner is the textbook definition of insanity. We have to find a way beyond this.
So let's see:

We can't own fully automatic weapons of any type (aka an actual assault rifle), this also includes fully automatic handguns that were 100% designed and sold that way like the Glock 18 or CZ 75.
We can't own armor piercing ammunition for any caliber.
We can't own Short Barreled Rifles (SBR's) without paying for a tax stamp from the ATF and registering it (and waiting the 6 months to a year period for it to get approved).
We can't own a suppressor/silencer without paying for a tax stamp from the ATF and registering it (and waiting the 6 months to a year period for it to get approved).

Realistically, what else is there???

Alright with all these measures in place it’s still shootings literally everyday so it’s not that effective.
I can respect that some people's hesitations are based on a true concern of government overreach.

But that's an argument being hijacked by the very people profiting from the present system. The people who originated these arguments did so as propaganda to keep things exactly as they are. They have a financial incentive built in to keep the status quo. They sell guns, people shoot those guns, people get scared and buy more guns. All the while gun manufacturers have lobbied to never be held accountable for their role in marketing this cycle.

We can't continue to use fear mongering to prevent us from reforming the current system. Continuing in this manner is the textbook definition of insanity. We have to find a way beyond this.

There's approximately 50 million kids in public schools from pre-K through 12 and approx 5 million in private schools.

Over the last 50 years that data has been compiled, there have been 167 mass shootings. Of those shootings only 7.6%, or 13 (rounded up from 12.692) happened in a k-12 school over the course of 50 years.

The majority of those 13 school mass shootings occurred within the last 10-12 years.

All in all, maybe 200 kids were killed over the course of 50 years from mass shootings.

Fear mongering would be taking the 13 K-12 school mass shootings where maybe 200 kids have died that happened over the last 50 years in a country with over 50 million students in public and private schools on a daily basis and stoking panic in people to make them believe that the problem is far worse than it actually is and the solution to something that, in all honesty, doesn't really happen too often is to ban guns. Millions of children woke up this morning and went to school in complete safety. We know of three that didn't. I'm quite sure more died as a result of some street shit (i.e. Chicago, LA, Miami, NYC shit), but as far as mass shootings are concerned they're a statistically rare no matter how you want to spin the shit.

School shootings are still tragic, and it's true that no child should ever die like that, but don't use that to push a political agenda that quite literally won't stop them from happening.