Adidas Expected To Lose $1.3 Billion In 2023, Blames Kanye

That ain't no theory. That man said multiple times he wanted out of his contracts because of the way he felt he was treated. He all but dared addidas to drop him.
I mean in the sense of only saying what he said so that Adidas would drop him vs saying what he said because he feels that way
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Do we hate them people that killed shanquella Robinson this much?
It’s too easy to forget the names of cops who killed innocent black men and women.
Why are y’all anger or making a big fuss about all the missing black females?
Am I wrong for being mad y’all don’t care?
Do y’all care about what’s happening in Haiti?
How about all the Africans dying crossing into Europe that now shark food?
Do I force y’all to care?
Or do I look at y’all as weak and selfish?
Or is it just what I’m into and what “I” like?

Stop trying to govern what people follow cuz uh……yea, we can all be called out.
How many killers does our culture prop up?
Hitler learned to be hitler by watching the country we celebrate every fourth or July while they shit on us.
Lastly, understand why he said he “admired” hitler.
This ain’t the hill bruh.

The irony of defending a man who has publicly shit on Black people and telling other Black people not embracing him isn't a hill to die on. What kinda sell out self hating shit is this?
Do we hate them people that killed shanquella Robinson this much?
It’s too easy to forget the names of cops who killed innocent black men and women.
Why are y’all anger or making a big fuss about all the missing black females?
Am I wrong for being mad y’all don’t care?
Do y’all care about what’s happening in Haiti?
How about all the Africans dying crossing into Europe that now shark food?
Do I force y’all to care?
Or do I look at y’all as weak and selfish?
Or is it just what I’m into and what “I” like?

Stop trying to govern what people follow cuz uh……yea, we can all be called out.

Pretending as if a person has to be aware of every single injustice or foul thing in order to be mad at one is stupid as fuck and a cop out to actually never really take a solid stance on anything at all. You can sit there and try and find fault that Black people don't want to embrace someone who has actively made it clear he doesn't want to embrace his own Blackness with some fake deep analysis. But all you're really doing is showing you stand for nothing but defending the worst of the worst. You did it with R. Kelly and now you're doing it with Kanye. You stay trying to shame people for distancing themselves from people who actively harm other Black people and make it known they don't care about us. Your self hate is through the roof
Yadda yadda yadda

You always go this route to prove that only you ideas and perspective is right and others are wrong.
Do you want to have a conversation or shit on others perspective? Cuz it sounds very oppressive and very white of you.
Yadda yadda yadda

You always go this route to prove that only you ideas and perspective is right and others are wrong.
Do you want to have a conversation or shit on others perspective? Cuz it sounds very oppressive and very white of you.

Very white to say a man who doesn't value his own or others Blackness shouldn't be constantly given grace? How about you actually stand on something other than "We all do wrong so nobody can say anything is wrong" bullshit you keep trying to push.
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And no you don’t have to be aware of everyone’s trauma. So yea again you missed the point because you look down your nose at others with differing views. Just like other here.
Very white to say a man who doesn't value his own or others Blackness shouldn't be constantly given grace? How about you actually stand on something other than "We all do wrong so nobody can say anything is wrong" bullshit you keep trying to push.
My stance is leave his views to him. Fuck who he likes or studied.
And you don’t shit in your own?
And no you don’t have to be aware of everyone’s trauma. So yea again you missed the point because you look down your nose at others with differing views. Just like other here.

Then there was no point to you listing all of those things you mentioned was there? You in here talking about "he admired Hitler because he was a great orator." Think about so far gone you in here giving Hitler compliments.
And people, especially the public who he depends on for his career, have a right to reject him for those views.
Reject his views.
Why can’t it stop there?
Don’t act like people wasn’t cheering him losing everything, happy at his downfall like what he said was personal.

Can you disagree and understand but still allow a person to be human or is it , he said things you don’t like so fuck him as a whole.
Reject his views.
Why can’t it stop there?
Don’t act like people wasn’t cheering him losing everything, happy at his downfall like what he said was personal.

Can you disagree and understand but still allow a person to be human or is it , he said things you don’t like so fuck him as a whole.

Yes you can. You seem to miss that as a public figure Kanye’s entire everything from his income to his appeal is based on how the public feels about him. If you don't want to be in a position where negative public opinion can affect your livelihood then don't get a job that 100% depends on it. Especially if you wanna go around praising the genius of Hitler. You also need to rid yourself of the idea that everyone has redeeming qualities. Especially people who made it clear they would rather support those who want to keep you subservient to them and others.