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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

Science in the bible is one of The unknown unknowns for these niggas.

Bible was first to tell folks that Earth floats in space when niggas thought it was being carried by Zeus,a giant turtle,all that bull. This is in Job chapter 26 verse 7.

That was written 3400 years ago. Is the bible lying? Would it tell only one truth and not many more?

And says we live inside a dome circled by water. So it's not scientific either
Or the Bible going to be right about one thing and lie about everything else?

Niggas get persuaded by white boys that God not real But want to be African so bad.lol. There aint no Atheists in Africa. They know about Spirits....

Can you prove that? That's not something you can prove. Atheists have always been a smaller portion of society.
How is it about to be 2023 and y’all still picking and choosing the miraculous events out the Bible you want (scientific) explanations for?
Can’t we all agree, there will never ever ever be explanations for none of those events. Thought we knew that by now.
How is it about to be 2023 and y’all still picking and choosing the miraculous events out the Bible you want (scientific) explanations for?
Can’t we all agree, there will never ever ever be explanations for none of those events. Thought we knew that by now.

The few things that dealt with history in the bible was Israel and Moab fighting, Israel snd Judah fighting, Assyrian conquest and near conquest of Judah, Egypt murked a Judean King, Bablyon conquered Judah, Persia conquered Bablyon and then Greece and Rome. Closer to the time period when the bible is being written there is more history. These are also outside the bible references. Kings are mention but the fantasy element is not mention nowhere.
The few things that dealt with history in the bible was Israel and Moab fighting, Israel snd Judah fighting, Assyrian conquest and near conquest of Judah, Egypt murked a Judean King, Bablyon conquered Judah, Persia conquered Bablyon and then Greece and Rome. Closer to the time period when the bible is being written there is more history. These are also outside the bible references. Kings are mention but the fantasy element is not mention nowhere.

Why would we need outside sources to confirm the content within the Bible when we could examine the content of the Bible ourselves?

Also, to make an argument based on outside information that’s not there would be a fallacy, it’s called arguing from ignorance.
Why would we need outside sources to confirm the content within the Bible when we could examine the content of the Bible ourselves?

Also, to make an argument based on outside information that’s not there would be a fallacy, it’s called arguing from ignorance.

Its not about proving the bible, but when there are archeological evidence that exist outside the bible from various sources then we must conclude that these aren't fairy tales.

If Moab and Israel are both writing they are at war and there is a stele from the 8th century then we need to conclude thats a true event. Nations go to war with each other all the time. Bablyon writes they taken captives from Judah than we must conclude that happened especially if the bible writes about it. Its examining the bible critically and other sources. We found weapons and tools from those nations that are found there too.

As archeology gotten more precise and less concern with proving and disproving just let the evidence speak for itself.
I'm not really sure why black people would even want to be considered the original Hebrews. I mean the Bible isn't exactly a good look for them. In the Old Testament, which is essentially the same thing as the Torah, God chose the Jews, yes, but they were pretty consistently terrible through the entire book. God basically cycled through saving them and punishing them for being shitty. Then in the New Testament, the Jewish leaders basically murdered Jesus because he called them out on their bullshit, and they did their best to try and kill all his followers just for having a different take on spirituality. I'm not saying anyone should hate Jews, but I'm not really sure why anyone would read any part of the Bible and come away thinking "I want to be one of them." God pretty much told them that they were nothing special and that he only rode with them because he made a promise to Abraham.
Its not about proving the bible, but when there are archeological evidence that exist outside the bible from various sources then we must conclude that these aren't fairy tales.

If Moab and Israel are both writing they are at war and there is a stele from the 8th century then we need to conclude thats a true event. Nations go to war with each other all the time. Bablyon writes they taken captives from Judah than we must conclude that happened especially if the bible writes about it. Its examining the bible critically and other sources. We found weapons and tools from those nations that are found there too.

As archeology gotten more precise and less concern with proving and disproving just let the evidence speak for itself.
Archaeological evidence is one thing, but there’s plenty other things of the Bible that outside sources would never be able to prove. But we don’t expect that.
I'm not really sure why black people would even want to be considered the original Hebrews. I mean the Bible isn't exactly a good look for them. In the Old Testament, which is essentially the same thing as the Torah, God chose the Jews, yes, but they were pretty consistently terrible through the entire book. God basically cycled through saving them and punishing them for being shitty. Then in the New Testament, the Jewish leaders basically murdered Jesus because he called them out on their bullshit, and they did their best to try and kill all his followers just for having a different take on spirituality. I'm not saying anyone should hate Jews, but I'm not really sure why anyone would read any part of the Bible and come away thinking "I want to be one of them." God pretty much told them that they were nothing special and that he only rode with them because he made a promise to Abraham.
A proper reaction to have if you believe you of the seed of Jacob when reading through the history of them would be to weep.
Old and young are relative, but the geological accepted view is 4 billion years old. One is rooted in critical study of geological surveys , the other is because of what ancient Israelites wrote. The evidence is the scientific model of the age of the earth.

And we have to measure migrations, cultural patterns and such for relevancy. The years matter a whole bunch. Like I said E is very diverse haplogroup and J has great influence in the bronze age more so than E.
Isn't that what haplogroups do? Measure and pinpoint migrations, linguistics, and cultural patterns.

Bronze Age is roughly around 3300 BC to 1200 BC.

How does Haplogroup J have a greater influence when they came into the Levant around 2500BC starting with the Ebla Kingdom. They were AfroAsiatic Natufians living there that lasted until the Pre Pottery Neolithic A & B.
Haplogroup E dominated over 10 thousands years before Haplogroup J came into the picture

When was the last time you spoke to an Ethiopian or Eritrean that have the oldest complete form of the Bible written in Ge'ez?
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Cause somehow some black people think the neo-nazis of today that hate blacks and would kill black people on sight are not the descendants of the direct ideology of the original nazis....it’s quite ironic that black people are misquoting nazis that meticulously kept notes and documented their sentiments about all people other than pure aryans.

but have heart, black people are not alone in this nazi love and misunderstanding of hitlers mission, I found some people in Latin America and India that feel like because they were classified as aryan they would have been spared or were equal with nazis....

what I love is that my Japanese brothers knew...you can align with the nazis but at some point, if the Japanese and nazis won their wars...they would have to fight for world domination....

Btw- why do black people want be anything other than “the black people in America” is beyond me....fam we already good - I don’t understand the need to know if you are descendants of slaves in Egypt or of the men conquered and killed kids like they did in the Bible .

y’all know you can join a synagogue or celebrate Hanukkah and no one gonna care right?