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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

personally my favorite one is where its claimed that god stopped the sun so joshua could defeat an army to continue genociding up and down canaan

Like huh?

how did the sun stop? You mean to tell me this omnipotent, omniscient god doesn't know how heliocentrism works?
I believe in the Bible, but I’m not a literalist. I don’t try to debunk or justify certain things in the Bible. I look at the spirit of all of the stories and parables and not the literal words. I try to truly be led by faith and not by sight.

But all of this need to be tied to Israelites and using a combo of the Bible and pseudoscience to prove it is just dumb to me.
You need to learn about the young and old earth theory. Don't put too much focus on the years.

The fossils they found in the caves of Israel were AfroAsiatic Natufians & Iberomaurusians.
They were dark melanated people that spoke a branch of AfroAsiatic/ Semitic language

It hard to erase Biblical history because you have guys like Hannibal. And if you understand where he comes from, you'd notice a lot of references to the Canaanites

Old and young are relative, but the geological accepted view is 4 billion years old. One is rooted in critical study of geological surveys , the other is because of what ancient Israelites wrote. The evidence is the scientific model of the age of the earth.

And we have to measure migrations, cultural patterns and such for relevancy. The years matter a whole bunch. Like I said E is very diverse haplogroup and J has great influence in the bronze age more so than E.