Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

Ok, if you just going yo Haplogroup and Old Earth niggas to death we can end this, lol.

It was a simple yes or no. Either you think you are descended from Israelites or not. Either you think blacks in America are descended from Israelites or not.

It's not that simple because there's Canaanites/ Edomites and there's Israelites
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Kanye West fans from Kanyetothe.com and the subbredit are fucking weird.

Actually all fandoms are fucking weird, but Kanye's fandom excused all his stupid shit for years as some sort of long form performance art piece and that he was trying to communicate some high level shit and I am just like..

The man told you who he was and said who he was and y'all ain't believe him.

Same with Jay Z fans that thinks he cares so much about Black people and all this other shit and I am like, "The man shot his brother and openly proclaimed to sell out for money, he don't give a fuck about anyone but himself."

Fandoms in general are stupid and should be discouraged.
They say Hitler belongs to Haplogroup E1b1b like the rest of the 10-20 percent Ashkenazi Jews. So does Albert Einstein.

They had a dark skinned Moorish Ancestor that was into them German bitches yo.
That's what the Hamitic Canaanites were known for..... Swirling😐😄
Science in the bible is one of The unknown unknowns for these niggas.

Bible was first to tell folks that Earth floats in space when niggas thought it was being carried by Zeus,a giant turtle,all that bull. This is in Job chapter 26 verse 7.

That was written 3400 years ago. Is the bible lying? Would it tell only one truth and not many more?
This @SneakRzaDzaTza nigga gotta keep it movin.i dont flirt with nighas at all. Bring facts or evidence.he just wanna play.

Wait I gotta supply facts and evidence that a guy didn't build a boat big enough to hold two of every species of animal on planet earth?
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Or the Bible going to be right about one thing and lie about everything else?

Niggas get persuaded by white boys that God not real But want to be African so bad.lol. There aint no Atheists in Africa. They know about Spirits....

Who atheist?
You gossip and talk sideways about niggas like a sissy


I directly responded to you fool
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The arguing over the historic complexion and racial identity of "God's chosen people" just doesn't hit as hard for me when I've accepted that all this shit is bullshit anyway. You live, you breathe, then you die and turn into dust. Ain't no eternity of overtime in paradise. This is IT niggas.

Kanye, the creative genius, is definitely nuts and off his meds. But ultimately he's just mad at the "fake white Jews" because he was a shitty business man and let them crackas outsmart him. (Bad contracts and slave deals).

All this discussion and acting out is just a fallout from that. Maybe he should've spent more time studying his business and less time in the studio. Either way, God or religion can't save him cuz that shit is ultimately just fables and folklore.

Time to pack this nigga up and let him go, yall. Take your son fishin, and text your mama you love her. Take alotta pictures and make home movies. That's all that REALLY matters in this life. Not your energy spent attacking or defending this goofass nigga.
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