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Aries spears catching heat for sayn lizzo is huge

2. If niggas really cared that much about obesity then more of y'all would be smacking food out your family members hands when they get up for plate #3 instead of being mad at Lizzo. But niggas ain't about to take that anger out on their auntie handing out pies at the family cookout.

1. How TF you know folks don't?

2. There's been plenty of threads where someone was displaying destructive or unhealthy behavior and folks was saying they need or hope they get their shit together. YOU'RE muthafuckin ass was in a few of them saying that shit too. But somehow with this chick it's outta line?

I skimmed thru this thread

I saw Chicity's post

Didn't see your post

Either way...she has a core audience. Pretty much telling women of bigger size be happy who you are. Fucc what everyone thinks.

But if she loses her weight and become Hollywood skinny...she loses that audience. They will more than likely turn on her. Say she sold them out. Etc. Etc.

Monique went thru this wit her career. Her comedy gimmick was basically big women vs skinny women. But when she lost a lot of the weight...some or her fans turned on her too.

At the end of the day...who cares? Her health...her weight...what she eats has NO direct impact to anyone in here. Aries been a clown azzz nigga ever since he got called out on that comedy competition show.

Lizzo still successful. Can't deny that.

lol at someone ceasing to be a fan once the artists loses weight.. people are nuts
Aries was sweating and deep breathing by sitting down, lizzo is athletic as fuck dancing, singing and playing the flute at the same time. He’s way too bitter at this point

Yea. You right bruh.

Too bad lizzo dont play football. She'd be a hell of a left tackle.

She perfect. She fat and she in shape. She got quick feet and fluid hips. Would make for a solid LT.

She should try out at the next open combine
1. How TF you know folks don't?

2. There's been plenty of threads where someone was displaying destructive or unhealthy behavior and folks was saying they need or hope they get their shit together. YOU'RE muthafuckin ass was in a few of them saying that shit too. But somehow with this chick it's outta line?


It's "your" in this instance not you're
2. I'm against self destructive behaviors that harm other people. Lizzo being fat don't hurt nobody but her so all of this fake caring about her influence on society, as if people weren't and won't continue to be fat especially in this unhealthy ass country, is fake as fuck. It's already been admitted to the issue ain't even her weight it's her being happy with who she is and how that can "make other people think it's ok". Which is bullshit
Hey man...some fans feel like these celebs personally rep for them. She speaks for them.

It is what it is

I just said in another thread a week or so ago we entered an era where fans are more concerned with an artist personality than their actual music. Which is why everyone in this thread knows who she is but less than a couple can actually name Lizzo songs. I mentioned Saweetie too. Only thing she's known for is eating weird shit and being Quavo ex but her ass stays with a new brand deal promoting some shit. Album sales don't generate income for these labels so they got artists marketing themselves instead. They're legit forcing artist to create tiktoks because that's where most songs blow up 1st now.
Whoo ya battling it out in here... end of the day no big deal that she is obese, that's between her, her heart and her doctor. I think the problem is the issue with pointing it out in the sense of it being about health. No point in shaming someone about what they wear and show, because A) the backlash is swift and B) it's more accepted with the health part being ignored