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Sony Buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion

If Bungie still owns Halo and the show is a hit then this could be good news to bring people back into the game

I haven't played Destiny 2 because they fucked up on the first one with not having an actual plan and just making a mess
This shit is getting out of hand and I do not like it. Both these companies need to just focus on their consoles and stop putting games on PC. This is not competition and these companies will continue to operate as third party.
I've built two

Ass post
Investment meaning pay 40-60 dollars every 6 months to play another 10 hours of reskinned enemies.

But hey! you might get an ingram tho...

May contain 4 blues but you got an ingram for 60 bucks.

I never spent any money on that game, but if you don't spend money, you going to spend time, so either way, it ain't game you can just expect to play everything you want without having to jump through some hoops.

That model is definitely not for everyone.
I never spent any money on that game, but if you don't spend money, you going to spend time, so either way, it ain't game you can just expect to play everything you want without having to jump through some hoops.

That model is definitely not for everyone.
Nah... Thats acceptable for a game like Warframe.

Not a game you pay for like Destiny.
I am going to be there after PS5. Consoles continue to become irrelevant

Their convenient. That's pretty much the only reason to stick with them. That and not having the money upfront to put on a high end gaming rig. I wouldn't say they are irrelevant. I'd never go the PC. It's not that I don't see the upsides. It's just not necessary for me. Every game I want comes on consoles and consoles require much less time, effort, and money on the front end.
Man... I aint trying to buy a "well can it run Crysis 4 on max everything?"
i was just in the PC thread explaining this lol

im more than fine with 1080 on max settings for now

Crysis is a resource hog anyways lol