The next contestant on that #MeToo Winter Jam Screen: Playboy founder Hugh Hefner (even in the afterlife)

i mean fucked up stories about Hugh been out there forever.......i heard about this one in like the 90s:

  • Haha
Reactions: Marc123
No, but we need to stop pretending this wasn’t mutually beneficial.
Why would someone want to work in dirtbag central then be mad at the dirtbags for doing dirt bag shit?
They are not ladies that was followed home or taken advantage of at a frat party or afraid to say no out of fear.
It's funny how all of this is coming out now yet these women kept fucking with Hef. If they not saying he raped them or held them captive than they were willing participants anyway. So nothing to see here folks. Just more buyer's remorse and no accountability from scalliwags
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They waited till he was dead for this?


If he was still alive, they'd still be living in the mansion without a care in the world.

None of what they're saying now would even be an issue for them.

However, now that he's dead.........they haven't been able to find anyone else who's willing to give them that kind of lifestyle.

So now they have to rely on themselves and whatever they can get to support themselves to even have a chance of living the kind of lifestyle they lived under Hefner.

Basically, they're just now realizing how good they really had it............and how unprepared they were for life without him.
The worst part is her mother allowed it.

Yeah I remember hearing about how Brooke Shields mother stayed dogging her throughout her childhood. I think she ended up taking her mother to court as a teen or young adult b/c she had mismanaged her money.

If the shit is true about her mom allowing grown pedos to do that shit her ass needs to be stomped out religiously (if she still alive).
These broads bout to dig up his dead body and make him stand trial for his "crimes"

Hugh gone be in court lookin like...


Couldn't have said this any better. Foh wit this. Too little...way too late.

No one gave a damn when he was alive. Hell, lot of folks wish they had invites to his parties. Smh @ waiting until after he's been in ground for years to now say

"OH! *smacks forehead*...I forgot he did this to me, and was into that! My memory is so bad...HAHAHA!"