Good action scenes. Liked the cast and appreciated the flavor added by the diverse set of characters already in continuity like Wong and such. They REALLY REALLY “Kevin gates voice” need to give the CGI final battles a break. Could’ve done well with just hand to hand for this one. The main actor cracking that Max Payne 1 smile the whole time didn’t rob from scenes but did kinda take away from particular moments
This movie was cheeks.

Yeah I didn't really care for it either. I fell asleep on it halfway and had to rewatch it.

I foolishly thought the movie was gonna be on some Bruce Lee shit given that Shang Chi was a trained assassin.

Instead it was like, a buddy comedy kung fu movie. I didn't fuck with CGI included on center fight scenes either, like that train scene. The shit was already dope without the CGI, then the CGI just kills the immersion.

You need CGI for Spider-Man and Iron Man, not Shang Chi.
They didn’t come out and say it yet, but the assassination mission Shang-chi’s father sent him on was to kill Katy’s grandfather, right?

Or am I the only one who got that impression?