worst cities ever visted?

Race Jones

gangster. grace. alchemy
Jan 26, 2017
I would have to say L.A was the worst city ive ever visited!!!

My girls and I decided to book an airbnb downtown

(us just chilling enjoying life without a care or clue on whats about to happen lmao)

and two nights in some dude tried to break in our airbnb. he pounded on our door nonstop telling us he was our “neighbor” and insisted we open up the door. Mind you, we were on the 8th floor and there were no other apartments beside us. The other weird thing was that the dude looked like a regular person that lived somewhere in the complex. he wasnt your sterotypical “crackhead” or homeless person.

we called the airbnb host and he said he would be to us in 5 mins. we all tried to calm down until he was standing outside of one the bedroom windows. MY HEART FUCKING DROPPED!!!

I grabbed a knife expeditiously 😂😂😂 dawg we got the fuck outta there asap as soon as the host arrived we were out the door. I never packed a bag so fast 🤣 (pretty sure i left mad shit)

we ended up settling for a hotel where we were asked if we had fentanyl or ice 🧊 by random mfers every hour on the hour


man L.A is a weird ass city with weird ass energy and I cant put my finger on what is bubbling underneath the sea of tents and dispensaries but it just feels like theres a lot going on below the surface that you cant see but definitely can feel.

does that make sense?

meh anyways,

Whats the worst city you ever visited?
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I wouldn't say L.A. is the worst city I ever visited, but I definitely understand why it was the first one mentioned. Whenever I'm there I'm usually around the airport in the El Segundo area. I ventured downtown a couple trips ago, and as soon as I came off the freeway I saw a big tent village of homeless people like right off the freeway. I got right back on the freeway and took my ass back to El Segundo.
And we went to a local fair shit was like wack asf all these Cape Verdeans cool culturally but that was def not what we came for
It's a tie for me but ironically I had a ball while I was in both cities BUT both cities are horrible cities to live in. That would be LA and New Orleans,

LA was just a mess when I touched down in the city. Fucking Skid Row was just sad and terrible to see homeless people for miles. Gangs are everywhere the city was dirty as fuck and it's expensive as fuck. With all that I did have fun with the crew of people I was there working with.

New Orleans was a mess, the smell is damn near overbearing reminded me of Charleston, SC in the mornings but wayyy worst. The city had just been hit by Katrina maybe a year or two before the time I was there but the destruction was still there when I went to NO for the Essence Fest. Still again I had a ball there but the city itself was in horrible shape. Went again a few years back the smell was there not as bad didn't really have a bad experience but I wasn't impressed oh and the airport is the worst thankfully the new is almost done or maybe done now
never really went anywhere I didnt have specific reasons for going so I guess i just havent had a lot of bad traveling experiences

had some bad food here and there

every city got raggedy parts and Im not going over there lol
Had to go to San Francisco for work back in the day. The was nothing to do, nothing to see, people were rude as fuck and there were aggressive bums everywhere.
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