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I don't fully agree with it, but I get the sentiment behind the pro-black, pro-lgbt comparison.

Given anti-racism is so core to the struggle, there's bound to be crossover appeal to resistance against any other sort of hateful bigotry, like those LGBT face. The two struggles mirror each other in many ways.

Think about it. What do homophobes do? Deny ppl their rights and freedoms, discriminate, commit acts of vandalism and violence, etc.

What do racists do? The exact same shit.

The two struggles mirror eachother in many ways. Personally, as someone who is principled in my anti-racism, I don't see how I can possibly abide by my general rule and belief set and my morals, those that inform my anti-racism, and yet at the same time toss them all to the side in a tirade against gays. There's an irrationally hypocritical disconnect there, no?
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Reparations should be framed as a global movement. FBA/ADOS weren't the only group who is owed tangibles.

The election of Obama and other recent events/aspects in black culture promoted by the media/elites are CIA/FBI assets to pacify the masses.

Spanking and other unusual punishments don't work with Black children and helps grow the school to prison pipeline.

All of our strongest movements and aspects of culture had a strong faith backbone (Abolition, Civil Rights Movement, Music, etc.)

Christianity isn't a "white man's religion".

We simply can't "vote" our problems away and I understand why Black people sit out elections every time.
And when is the last time we had a major pro black figure? We don’t need individual leaders or everybody to think the same but if it’s not mutual respect for every little sub culture it’s obvious you weaken a group that is already a minority. A minority consistently complaining about a lack of unity. You yourself said black people will never come up if xyz. Even if you were exaggerating I would think with that mindset would be about respect.

I don't disagree with you that black people should do a better job respecting each other regardless of our differences. I just don't agree with the stance that you can't be problack if you're not necessarily down with every group in the black community (e.g., black LBGT).

You can be against white supremacy and its effect on the black community and also not be a fan of LBGT people black or otherwise. That's all I'm saying.
Sure you can. Ppl can do and think all manner of irrational shit to their hearts content. Doesn't mean they aren't being either willingly or unknowingly hypocritical.

Agreed. I'm not saying that pro-black people who hate gays or trans people are good people or maintain logically consistent viewpoints. I'm just saying their dislike of the LBGT community doesn't automatically disqualify their problackness.
Do u mean in that the messenger, if not a person of virtue, can corrupt the message and lead ppl astray?
That wasn't what I had in mind but yes that's also true.

I was thinking it's more effective to get advice from someone that's actually a living example of the advice they give than just hearing good advice from a dirtbag. Anyone can tell you something generic like "stay in school" and "don't get married or have kids before a certain age"....but that doesn't help anything.

Also having examples of what to do from ppl that actually did it and succeeded is better than examples of what not to do. Positive reinforcement.
I don't fully agree with it, but I get the sentiment behind the pro-black, pro-lgbt comparison.

Given anti-racism is so core to the struggle, there's bound to be crossover appeal to resistance against any other sort of hateful bigotry, like those LGBT face. The two struggles mirror each other in many ways.

Think about it. What do homophobes do? Deny ppl their rights and freedoms, discriminate, commit acts of vandalism and violence, etc.

What do racists do? The exact same shit.

The two struggles mirror eachother in many ways. Personally, as someone who is principled in my anti-racism, I don't see how I can possibly abide by my general rule and belief set and my morals, those that inform my anti-racism, and yet at the same time toss them all to the side in a tirade against gays. There's an irrationally hypocritical disconnect there, no?

I think we need to stop using the term LGBT. Those terms don't fall under the same category, and they're meeting different opposition in my eyes. LGB are sexual orientations T is a gender identity. And once you say you won't call a man a woman people will say you're against the LGBT community and have you wondering what you did to the LGB's. Even though saying "A man is a man" is considered transphobic, i don't think that's comparable to racism.
That’s a bad take. I thought the crippling economic oppression was a much more detriment than being business savvy
I think we need to stop using the term LGBT. Those terms don't fall under the same category, and they're meeting different opposition in my eyes. LGB are sexual orientations T is a gender identity. And once you say you won't call a man a woman people will say you're against the LGBT community and have you wondering what you did to the LGB's. Even though saying "A man is a man" is considered transphobic, i don't think that's comparable to racism.

It’s their term though and of course they don’t all agree but it’s their phrase
It’s their term though and of course they don’t all agree but it’s their phrase

Ya, but just becuase they created it doesn't mean it has to be adopted and used by everyone. All it really does is let the TQIA+ people use the LGB community for numbers and influence.
That’s a bad take. I thought the crippling economic oppression was a much more detriment than being business savvy

I guess it depends on what is meant by business savvy. After all, there are a lot of black people out there hustlin and finding ways to take limited resources and turn them into bigger profits. That is a form of business savvy. However, if we're talking about being able to work in the larger system then yeah blacks in general might not have that kind of savvy and it has hurt us, but that's due largely to the tactics that were used to keep us ignorant and out of the system at high levels.