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If you thought the first movie was shitty, I don't understand what you expecting. Yes there will be extra shit..... But not enough to make it a completely different movie.
Every bit of information that has come out says you are absolutely wrong.

This is not a BvS situation. The studio made a strong pivot. Imagine if Snyder started to make lasagna and then Whedon took over the kitchen midway and made spaghetti instead. Even though most of the ingredients are similar, the outcome is definitively different.

To make it seem like it's a movie you already saw is not just disingenuous, it's an outright lie. No one spends millions of dollars on something they've already done.
Every bit of information that has come out says you are absolutely wrong.

This is not a BvS situation. The studio made a strong pivot. Imagine if Snyder started to make lasagna and then Whedon took over the kitchen midway and made spaghetti instead. Even though most of the ingredients are similar, the outcome is definitively different.

To make it seem like it's a movie you already saw is not just disingenuous, it's an outright lie. No one spends millions of dollars on something they've already done.
Movies cost hundreds of millions to make.

2 and a half more hours of footage with less than 50m??

Sounds like they added a 2nd movie with less than half the budget....

Or... They just re touched old footage
Well if you’re gonna downplay this as much as you have what else is there to talk about?

Considering we got a visual can we expect more than 5 mins of screen time.

I'm curious if the trailers shows all the darkseid we're getting.... Or if he will actually do something of notice.
How much more cyborg should we expect. He been real negative, but calls this film justice. Is that justice only cyborg centered
Du you don’t think the Snyder cut has to be great? Just to protect the integrity of the director and maybe show execs that had they let them do what they wanted, things would be better which would set a new precedent?

Or are you gonna give this gay “if you didn’t like it before it’s not gonna make you like it now” response again?
Imagine if infinity wars and endgame as a body of collective work was just ok after 14+ films that came before it. People would be pissed

If the biggest gripes about wheadons JL was bad because of pacing and Snyder fixes this, how is this a bad thing.

Yes, I want more of cyborg backstory since he didn't get a solo film. Yes I want more of the flash backstory since the TV show isn't in the same universe.

If the decision to not include Darkseid in significant screen time was because they didn't wanna roll him out like marvel did with Thanos, yes, that's dumb. But again, marvel was strategic how they did it. You didn't see him for the first time in infinity wars.

This is a legit criticism of the DCEU
Du you don’t think the Snyder cut has to be great? Just to protect the integrity of the director and maybe show execs that had they let them do what they wanted, things would be better which would set a new precedent?

Or are you gonna give this gay “if you didn’t like it before it’s not gonna make you like it now” response again?
Great is subjective and something for fans to argue over.

All the execs care about us if this will make money and get HBO max more subscribers.
I'm a comic book fan so I'm always hoping for the best with any adaptation of comics.

Eventhough he isn't adding a ton of new things to the film, I truly think if placed correctly or using the right subject matter it could totally change the perception of the movie to many. A few scenes in the correct places could change or better explain the story of a lot of films also. I honestly think if done right this could please a lot of fans and I hope it does.

I'm looking forward to watching this when it comes out
It's still snyder's vision.

So kinda like Lou mentioned, if you're not a fan of what Snyder was doing, it's not gonna change much. I mean BVS was still Snyder. Much is the tone and setting was still Snyder. Weeding tried to wrap up Snyder's film... But what we saw was mostly Snyder. And what we're getting in March is still Snyder