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Do You Believe In Dinosaurs?


First of all, I'm not Christian. But just because I'm not Christian doesn't mean that I have to reject the Bible. I'm not saying the Bible is a flawless science book, but it's a book that 's written in a certain style that has literary, sociological and spiritual value that most books don't have. There's lots of allegory and parables in the Bible that have been passed down from generation to generation over several millennia. You'd be a fool to dismiss the Bible as irrelevant. Furthermore, there are alot of references from the Bible that people use in everyday life that, if you're not well versed, you wouldn't know what they mean such as;

The Original Sin
The 12 Tribes of Israel
The 613 Laws of the Torah
The 23rd Psalm
The 144,000
Judas selling out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
Paul's letters
Mary Magdelen

^^^Those are references from the Bible that could come up in an ordinary conversation and you'd seem stupid to alot of people if you don't know what those references are referring to, or the allegory behind those stories.


I've asked you the exact same question several times. You've done nothing but divert attention from the question and make ad hominem attacks. I'm going to ask you this question again and if you don't answer it I'm going to make a thread dedicated to you answering this question and I'm going to flood your inbox until you either answer the question or until you're exiled from ABW.

You claim that the Earth is 4.5 Billion years old and the Universe is 14.5 Billion years old, according to scientists.

Here's the question;

How did those scientists arrive at the figure 4.5 billion and 14.5 billion? What unit of measurement did they use?

In particular, on Earth, a year is the length of time it takes to revolve around the Sun.

It takes the planet Mercury 88 days to revolve around the Sun

It takes the planet Pluto 248 (Earth) years to revolve around the Sun. In other words, the Earth revolves around the Sun 248 times in the time it takes for Pluto revolve around the Sun once. However, on Pluto that would be considered one year.

So @Fightbackmode2005 tell us, how do scientists calculate time if and when you go back in time far enough that there is no Earth, Mercury, nor Pluto to measure space and time?

Did they use a stopwatch?
Did they use a calendar?
Did they use a sundial? (And if it was before the Sun was born, how did the Sundial work?)
Perhaps they had a rooster that woke them up every morning?

But seriously, I've asked you this question over and over and over and over again and you just keep diverting attention away from the question and making ad hominem attacks.

How can you calculate how old the Earth, or the Universe is when, according to the same scientists, the Universe is moving?

If the Solar System was stagnant I'd believe somebody's data/research but since the distance between the celestial bodies isn't constant then I'm inclined to take whatever a scientist says with a grain of salt.

As far as the dinosaurs go, I was just wondering if anybody is as skeptical as me. Personally I'm not convinced that there were 50 foot lizards roaming the Earth and an Astroid came from space and made all of those big lizards go extinct. It actually sounds like a plot to a bad movie.

But yeah, @Fightbackmode2005 how did the scientists arrive at 4.5 billion years and 14.5 billion years? Or better yet, how did they calculate 4.5 and 14.5 billion? I mean, when you go back to 4.6 billion years you don't have anything to measure a year.
Dude if you google your questions there are tons of pages that will tell you. They come up with those numbers from dating the oldest stars. It's these types of questions you ask that lead me to believe your understanding of science is limited.
You are asking me to explain to you something that is available in any scientific journal, or even a YouTube video. Now you are just using that as an excuse for your ignorance.

Like I said, you are this:

Online trolls targeting people with a disability | Aruma

So we're on page 17 and you're sticking to, "why don't you look it up yourself" instead of answering the question, or saying, "I don't know".
So we're on page 17 and you're sticking to, "why don't you look it up yourself" instead of answering the question, or saying, "I don't know".
Beacuse you're asking basic science questions that you can easily google yourself instead of making it out like you're onto some big mystery.
Mans thinks if you say something ia 4.6 billion year old, you need to go back and count a year as the length it was 4.6 billion years ago. Lmaooo. Hilarious.
Beacuse you're asking basic science questions that you can easily google yourself instead of making it out like you're onto some big mystery.

Mans thinks if you say something ia 4.6 billion year old, you need to go back and count a year as the length it was 4.6 billion years ago. Lmaooo. Hilarious.

If you go back and reread this thread there are certain people quoting me and calling me out.

All I'm saying is that if I'm wrong, then correct my error.

Don't make ad hominem attacks because that's what losers do when they can't win a debate.
If you go back and reread this thread there are certain people quoting me and calling me out.

All I'm saying is that if I'm wrong, then correct my error.

Don't make ad hominem attacks because that's what losers do when they can't win a debate.
You wanna know how they date the universe, ive said at least twice, its calculated from dating the oldest known stars. The questions you've asked can easily be asnwred if you'd just google them and spend time reading. The fact that you're asking shows you haven't done the reading or youd know how its calculated
You wanna know how they date the universe, ive said at least twice, its calculated from dating the oldest known stars. The questions you've asked can easily be asnwred if you'd just google them and spend time reading. The fact that you're asking shows you haven't done the reading or youd know how its calculated

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the purpose of a message board to exchange ideas?

In particular, you can ask a specific question on a message board and sometimes somebody more knowledgeable about the subject can add on better than a google search.

What I don't understand is why you @B_A are still in this thread. I haven't addressed any of my posts to you but you keep coming back like the Terminator, or Scarface. What satisfaction do you get out of debating a person that you think is unknowledgeable about the topic in question?
If you go back and reread this thread there are certain people quoting me and calling me out.

All I'm saying is that if I'm wrong, then correct my error.

Don't make ad hominem attacks because that's what losers do when they can't win a debate.

Dude, you are like a flat-earther screaming at me to prove the world is round.

The evidence is abundant and available.

You are being dense just because.

Again, the classic definition of a troll.

If the scientifically-proven evidence isn't enough for you, then certainly any comment I make won't be either.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the purpose of a message board to exchange ideas?

In particular, you can ask a specific question on a message board and sometimes somebody more knowledgeable about the subject can add on better than a google search.

What I don't understand is why you @B_A are still in this thread. I haven't addressed any of my posts to you but you keep coming back like the Terminator, or Scarface. What satisfaction do you get out of debating a person that you think is unknowledgeable about the topic in question?

You aren't lacking knowledge. You are just ignorant. You know the facts presented and still argue against them.
Dude, you are like a flat-earther screaming at me to prove the world is round.

The evidence is abundant and available.

You are being dense just because.

Again, the classic definition of a troll.

If the scientifically-proven evidence isn't enough for you, then certainly any comment I make won't be either.

Honestly, I don't even understand what you're disagreeing
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the purpose of a message board to exchange ideas?

In particular, you can ask a specific question on a message board and sometimes somebody more knowledgeable about the subject can add on better than a google search.

What I don't understand is why you @B_A are still in this thread. I haven't addressed any of my posts to you but you keep coming back like the Terminator, or Scarface. What satisfaction do you get out of debating a person that you think is unknowledgeable about the topic in question?
I'm trying to give you answers!! Ironic you amke a comment about this being a message board to exchange ideas and then get annoyed cuz I'm giving you ideas. Also, I didn't ad hominem attack you. I'm not debating you either I'm repeatedly trying to tell you the questions you ask have answers that you can easily find and read yourself
I'm trying to give you answers!! Ironic you amke a comment about this being a message board to exchange ideas and then get annoyed cuz I'm giving you ideas. Also, I didn't ad hominem attack you. I'm not debating you either I'm repeatedly trying to tell you the questions you ask have answers that you can easily find and read yourself

Bruh, it's like talking to a chalkboard.

People like this are so lost, yet think they are so smart.

The bible was written by men. They claim they were inspired by your entity.

The same claim can be made for any other inspirational book.

Ya'll dudes are too dense.
Confirmed claims.

The standard isn’t that we believe a claim just because someone made it. It’s that we believe if the work backs up and supports the claims made. The Bible itself is a work that’s evident of this, but have you checked to see this yourself?
Bruh, it's like talking to a chalkboard.

People like this are so lost, yet think they are so smart.
It's frustrating cuz if they would just study science books as much as they did alternative ideas they wouldn't be so confused and ask such odd questions. I don't think they're necessarily dumb, they've just spent less time learning the opponents argument. You wanna argue the science is wrong but you don't even know what science is saying. Frustrating.
Confirmed claims.

The standard isn’t that we believe a claim just because someone made it. It’s that we believe if the work backs up and supports the claims made. The Bible itself is a work that’s evident of this, but have you checked to see this yourself?

Are you saying the bible verifies itself? Against what?
For example, carbon-14 dating is what we use to determine how old things are. But what if carbon itself is non linear?

C14 decays exponentially. Carbon-14 isn't the same as Carbon-12, they are isotopes of the carbon element.

You (or NASA) say that the Earth is only growing 0.004 inches per year.

But who's to say that this growth is linear?

Its not because, that an estimate of the average growth. Meaning not linear, because the exact same factors aren't at play at exact intervals.
I'm trying to give you answers!! Ironic you amke a comment about this being a message board to exchange ideas and then get annoyed cuz I'm giving you ideas. Also, I didn't ad hominem attack you. I'm not debating you either I'm repeatedly trying to tell you the questions you ask have answers that you can easily find and read yourself
Bruh, it's like talking to a chalkboard.

People like this are so lost, yet think they are so smart.
It's frustrating cuz if they would just study science books as much as they did alternative ideas they wouldn't be so confused and ask such odd questions. I don't think they're necessarily dumb, they've just spent less time learning the opponents argument. You wanna argue the science is wrong but you don't even know what science is saying. Frustrating.

Now you guys are denying ad hominem attacks in the very same post that you're making the ad hominem attack.

1. This is my thread, I made it. If you don't like the direction this thread has taken then scroll up to the upper left part of your screen and click the red dot.

2. You're making straw man arguments. This is my thread, I ask the questions. If you can't answer the questions then don't answer them.

3. You're making ad hominem attacks. There's three basic topics that this thread has evolved into

a. Are you convinced that dinosaurs are real?

b. Is the Bible a good source for a scientific debate?

c. How did scientists calculate that the universe is 14.5 billion years old and the Earth is 4.5 billion years old?

The first question, are dinosaurs real? has been asked and answered

The second question, is the Bible a legit source? has been asked and answered

The third question, How did scientists calculate the universe's age has been asked but it can't be answered because anybody that claims to have the answer is obviously lying. It's a question that the best scientists can't answer. That's the point I was getting at. You guys are making strawman arguments and ad hominem attacks at me because I asked a question that your pride (one of the seven deadly sins) won't let you admit that there are no reputable websites on the internet that can explain how scientists calculated the age of the universe, or the Earth for that matter because once you go back far enough there's no way to measure time.

That was the point.
Please highlight the exact words I used that fall under the ad hominem definition. I've said at least 3 times now, earth age is calculated from rocks from here and the moon. Age if universe is calculated by oldest known stars.