‘Black Panther’ Star Letitia Wright Angers Fans With Anti-Vaccine Tweets

This is what I'm worried about cause I'm Sickle Cell trait my blood cells does not carry a lot of oxygen to begin with and I've been isolating my self.
There is an alternative for people who are not eligible for the vaccine

A possible alternative to a vaccine, for people without functioning immune systems, is entering its final stage of trials.
The injection was developed using antibodies - made by the immune system to fight infection - produced by a single Covid patient in the US.
It is hoped it could provide at least six months' protection for patients who cannot receive vaccines.
Trials involving 1,000 UK participants begin in Manchester on Saturday.
A further 4,000 people are involved in the trial globally, which is being organised by pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca.
Participants will be given either an injection containing two different Covid-19 antibodies, which have been specially engineered to last longer in the body - or a placebo.
In recent weeks there have been promising developments in the creation of a Covid-19 vaccine, which works by priming the immune system to fight off the infection.
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I'm privileged to be with someone who has a PHD in biochemistry and at this moment doing huge work on Covid. All i can say is that I truly understand black people lack of trust with science (Tuskegee experiments), but alot of misinformation and bullshit been fucking my people for years and I'm tired of it

The facts are there is alot of pressure and rush to get a vaccine, and some places are not operating on enough evidence. I can promise you guys there are labs that are doing this shit the right way and are having amazing results, sequencing data, and the overall tone is very positive. Alot Black people struggle heavy with nuance and want things to confirmed quickly and label which is the complete opposite of how Science structures. Hopefully we can have more black representation and connection between black folks and science one day.

A possible alternative to a vaccine, for people without functioning immune systems, is entering its final stage of trials.
The injection was developed using antibodies - made by the immune system to fight infection - produced by a single Covid patient in the US.
It is hoped it could provide at least six months' protection for patients who cannot receive vaccines.
Trials involving 1,000 UK participants begin in Manchester on Saturday.
A further 4,000 people are involved in the trial globally, which is being organised by pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca.
Participants will be given either an injection containing two different Covid-19 antibodies, which have been specially engineered to last longer in the body - or a placebo.
In recent weeks there have been promising developments in the creation of a Covid-19 vaccine, which works by priming the immune system to fight off the infection.

what about people with immune systems that need to be suppressed with medicine?
So twitter mafia bullied Letitia off the app. She deleted her account and is probably fearing for her career
The same liberal cacs who were screaming blacklivesmatter all year long ran her off twitter

I’ll be quiet and dribble..
Shirts vs skins
You think all celebs should voice their opinions on world topics?

I personally think just because you can sing really well, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should speak on things you don’t know about.

You really wanna hear somebody like Lil’ Wayne attempting to talk about science?

Nah, he should just continue being an embarrassment to the black race; he’s good at that.
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You think all celebs should voice their opinions on world topics?

I personally think just because you can sing really well, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should speak on things you don’t know about.

You really wanna hear somebody like Lil’ Wayne attempting to talk about science?

Nah, he should just continue being an embarrassment to the black race; he’s good at that.
Well unlike most.....Just because he's a rapper dint mean he doesn't know or gave ideas of what is.
I will listen to anyone.
Then I'll do my own research on said topic because maybe my beliefs are wrong.

It's really not as serious as people make it.

Don't people here always say two things can be right?

And as black people....Writing people off is crazy to me.
We are always written off as stupid or not knowing enough or can't possibly know.

We need to support each other even when wrong.
Back her up with "well that's her opinion." Versus the shit she's getting.

I'm just not as a black man going to overlook what a person knows because of what they do to feed they family.

Niggas forget how the world sees us real fast when we think we know more than the next person.
  • Goat
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Why are you trying to make this so simple?

I already said as others have said it is completely understand to have issues about this vaccine. But she mentioned Lucifer and y’all saying we should respect that opinion when 1000s of us are dying. Being anti science is not good for us don’t we talk about blacks people and their health daily and how we can be more active in dealing with many of our health issues related to our race?

Or is this you feeling like she being shunned despite what she she saying being wrong?
Well unlike most.....Just because he's a rapper dint mean he doesn't know or gave ideas of what is.
I will listen to anyone.
Then I'll do my own research on said topic because maybe my beliefs are wrong.

It's really not as serious as people make it.

Don't people here always say two things can be right?

And as black people....Writing people off is crazy to me.
We are always written off as stupid or not knowing enough or can't possibly know.

We need to support each other even when wrong.
Back her up with "well that's her opinion." Versus the shit she's getting.

I'm just not as a black man going to overlook what a person knows because of what they do to feed they family.

Niggas forget how the world sees us real fast when we think we know more than the next person.

Bro the thing that is really annoyin' about you is you write these paragraphs but you don't have the thread topic in mind at all.

No bein' a rapper or singer or actor doesn't mean you automatically mean you don't kno' what you're talkin' about. But this particular actress on this particular occasion said something very stupid and was called out for it.

Jesus christ fam it's not hard at all.
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Food for thought:

Saw a clip on the news a few months back in which people in the medical/scientific community were saying that more black people need to participate in the vaccine trials.

The only reason for them to say this is because..........obviously.............there must not be enough black people participating in these trials.

Why do more black people need to participate in the trials?

To determine how effective (or ineffective) the vaccines are on black people...........and whether or not they pose any risk and/or harmful side effects to us as well.

So, once these vaccines roll out to the general public...........and knowing that they haven't been adequately tested on black people...............there's more than enough reason for us to to have serious reservations about taking it.

Therefore, conspiracy theories aside............she has a point.
  • Ether
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I thinks the skepticism is warranted. Especially when you have people making statements like this...

The U.K. became the first country to approve Pfizer’s vaccine this week with the first round of immunizations expected to roll out next week.

In a list of interview highlights released before the special, Holt asked Bourla, “Even though I’ve had the protection, am I still able to transmit it to other people?”

“I think this is something that needs to be examined. We are not certain about that right now with what we know,” Bourla responded.


Man, WHAT?!

Yeah, it's real suspicious to me that............all of a sudden, now that we're averaging 150 -200 thousand new cases per day...............that all of these companies are suddenly coming out with vaccines that they claim are 90% effective.