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Trump unveils 'Platinum Plan' for Black Americans...Tags Ice Cube into the ring

Nice pivot, klan apologist. You're reaching for a win now

Yes he's a free thinker because he doesn't have a sheep mentality like rest of yall

When niggas are reduced to trying to distinguish white supremacy left from ws right you're at rock bottom sunken place

Lmao if we're doin' that then he has to be as well, since he recognises racism in the Dem Party but voted them anyway.

bro I kno' you're stuck because you can't explain why you think Biden talkin' about a dead cac 10 years ago who was in the KKK 80 years ago is as damagin' to blacks as Trump fillin' the courts with more or less open white supremacists today but this is silly.
No one is happy about Biden. No one is happy with the current Dem party, its just that a lot of people recognise the dangers of this administration and Republican ideology.

I don't kno' why its so hard for you to understand that.

Well actually, I do. It's coz your understandin' of politics is contingent upon pretendin' not to understand it.
So after fact checking, the person in the picture is Robert Byrd and he did join the KKK in 1940 at age 23 and shortly after left and denounced it and called it a great mistake. That doesn't excuse the fact he was a part of a white supremacist group, now those pictures were taken and I don't know much about his foray into politics and what he did. That was 70 years from the day he died. Whether or not he was lying I'll never know but that isn't nearly the same as actually appointing members of the KKK into your administration, and onto important parts of government on top of rolling back civil rights laws that will fuck black people over even more. Not only that but publicly praising white supremacist groups and inviting them to his campaigns.

Look if you don't like Biden, that's fine but dude your optics look fuckin craaaazy right now. You're gonna look back at this shit and feel stupid.

Some quick research makes all the difference

Thanks my brother
To the non voters

It's your right so lemme just get that out the way

But I have to ask, let's say Biden gets in and one of the first things he does is forgive student college debt in it's entirety. Are you gonna say, "oh nah I'm cool. Where's the exclusive black agenda?".

If he earmarks funding exclusively for blacks to start businesses and it's worded as such, are you gonna further suppress your dream of being an entrepreneur because of the crime bill act?

If he passes legislation that will allow your fixed income grandparents to receive the best possible healthcare despite saying he wants to increase police funding, are you gonna tell big mama "well, there are a lot of people with one leg who go on to live very productive lives" and help them schedule to get that limb removed when it could've been saved?

I'm tryna see something
To the non voters

It's your right so lemme just get that out the way

But I have to ask, let's say Biden gets in and one of the first things he does is forgive student college debt in it's entirety. Are you gonna say, "oh nah I'm cool. Where's the exclusive black agenda?".

If he earmarks funding exclusively for blacks to start businesses and it's worded as such, are you gonna further suppress your dream of being an entrepreneur because of the crime bill act?

If he passes legislation that will allow your fixed income grandparents to receive the best possible healthcare despite saying he wants to increase police funding, are you gonna tell big mama "well, there are a lot of people with one leg who go on to live very productive lives" and help them schedule to get that limb removed when it could've been saved?

I'm tryna see something

I asked these bruddas sutten similar before.

"Candidate A wants to increase social mobility L, increase fundin' to inner city areas, get non violent offenders outta prison etc but does specifically mentions blacks.

Candidate B says he will help blacks but doesn't mention how.

Who do you vote for? "
To the non voters

It's your right so lemme just get that out the way

But I have to ask, let's say Biden gets in and one of the first things he does is forgive student college debt in it's entirety. Are you gonna say, "oh nah I'm cool. Where's the exclusive black agenda?".

If he earmarks funding exclusively for blacks to start businesses and it's worded as such, are you gonna further suppress your dream of being an entrepreneur because of the crime bill act?

If he passes legislation that will allow your fixed income grandparents to receive the best possible healthcare despite saying he wants to increase police funding, are you gonna tell big mama "well, there are a lot of people with one leg who go on to live very productive lives" and help them schedule to get that limb removed when it could've been saved?

I'm tryna see something
Actions>>words. And those would indirectly benefit black people. If you have 4 kids, but you constantly do stuff specially for 3 of the 4 kids, but then tell the other kid well I pay the light bill right? I buy food right? Don’t you use the electricity? Don’t you eat? Then I did do stuff for you...
Actions>>words. And those would indirectly benefit black people. If you have 4 kids, but you constantly do stuff specially for 3 of the 4 kids, but then tell the other kid well I pay the light bill right? I buy food right? Don’t you use the electricity? Don’t you eat? Then I did do stuff for you...
I didn't ask for any of this

Yes or no

Would you tell the biden " because you helped adopt the crime bill, I can't in good conscience let you pay off my student loans that have attributed to me being near the poverty line"

Yes or no.
I didn't ask for any of this

Yes or no

Would you tell the biden " because you helped adopt the crime bill, I can't in good conscience let you pay off my student loans that have attributed to me being near the poverty line"

Yes or no.
I’m telling you since you’re pretending to not understand...

Of course I’d accept loan forgiveness lol.
If trump wins and Biden gets the popular vote I hope we don't get the discussion for the first past the post system it's sooo flawed

Concerns about something like this have been raised and yeah, it should be. Particularly the electoral college.
The electoral college not honoring the majority vote completely undermines the voting process.
Faithless electorates, anyone being able to have the position, how prisoners can be exploited for electoral power, and lack of punishment for no honoring votes.
There are probably more concerns that I don't know about.

It's an archaic system from slavery times that does appear flawed.
Long overdue for a redesign, if not elimination.
Voted locally for the referendums, circuit court judges and a few other things.

Left the presidential shit blank.

Read the avi yall know the vibes!


Mic drop
Concerns about something like this have been raised and yeah, it should be. Particularly the electoral college.
The electoral college not honoring the majority vote completely undermines the voting process.
Faithless electorates, anyone being able to have the position, how prisoners can be exploited for electoral power, and lack of punishment for no honoring votes.
There are probably more concerns that I don't know about.

It's an archaic system from slavery times that does appear flawed.
Long overdue for a redesign, if not elimination.
I get the electoral college although I believe it is highly flawed I think the system of most votes is worse just means most populated area determine the election.

The UK and us need election reform but that won't happen in our lifetimes

I think