Black man guards woman’s home to stop her neighbors’ racist threats and harassment

I don’t believe in god the way Christians do.

I believe it’s something. Or it’s nothing.

The way the world is I just can’t believe in God in the way most religions do

Got it.

So they way you believe in a higher power, you don't think of a benevolent entity, correct?
this my two pennies about Thor's remarks

God is perfect but humans are not. I wouldnt attribute starving children in africa to a fault of God. I attribute starving children in Africa to the people who are in power and in positions to not have children starving. Now if your counter is that why doesnt God just get rid of those people, then I do not have any logical answer for that.
Honestly, it doesn't matter to me whether people believe in God or not. I know that's weird coming from a Christian, but in reality, Christians are only supposed to share the Gospel. If someone knows of the Gospel, and chooses not to believe, that's their choice and their free to make it. They shouldn't be harassed, bullied, or brow beaten about it.

All that said, people who don't believe have really weird ideas about what Christianity is. Pointing out bad things in the world and using them as proof that God doesn't exist is silly if you understand Christian dogma. The world is fallen. It's not supposed to be perfect. It's not God's desire for it to be perfect. If you're a believer, the benefit is not that life on Earth will be great. Anyone who knows anything about the New Testament should understand that. The benefit is the life that comes next will be great. Now if you think belief in an afterlife is silly, then Christianity definitely isn't for you.
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All that said, people who don't believe have really weird ideas about what Christianity is. Pointing out bad things in the world and using them as proof that God doesn't exist is silly if you understand Christian dogma.
Isn't all to surprising, Christianity is kinda designed like's not meant to be attractive on the surface so a lot of what's practiced and taught just comes off strange to the untrained eye & ear.
Isn't all to surprising, Christianity is kinda designed like's not meant to be attractive on the surface so a lot of what's practiced and taught just comes off strange to the untrained eye & ear.

Untrained eye?

Okay. What I’m missing
Untrained eye?

Okay. What I’m missing
I don't know. I'm just saying in general and from experience I understand it's one of those religion that people tend to get hung up every instance where they learn it doesn't match what they already assumed to be true regarding spiritual things. They cool with some of the teachings, until they learn their beliefs is wrong and that they have to change their beliefs/behavior. And a lot what it teach only start to become clear after the person become a Christian, or after they honestly study the text, like a lot.
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Isn't all to surprising, Christianity is kinda designed like's not meant to be attractive on the surface so a lot of what's practiced and taught just comes off strange to the untrained eye & ear.

Yeah. Christianity is all about sacrifice. This idea that God wants everyone to live wonderful lives is false and is not backed up by the Bible at all. Some people good people live well, some don't. Some bad people live well, some don't. Again, this world is fallen, so you shouldn't expect it to be paradise. Despite it all, Christians are supposed to live righteously.

That said, I believe a majority of the negative backlash against Christians is because a lot of people who profess to be Christians don't act like it. If Christians in general were better, there would still be athiests and people who didn't buy into Christianity, but at the very least people wouldn't see Christianity as the negative force that some do.
Yeah. Christianity is all about sacrifice. This idea that God wants everyone to live wonderful lives is false and is not backed up by the Bible at all. Some people good people live well, some don't. Some bad people live well, some don't. Again, this world is fallen, so you shouldn't expect it to be paradise. Despite it all, Christians are supposed to live righteously.

That said, I believe a majority of the negative backlash against Christians is because a lot of people who profess to be Christians don't act like it. If Christians in general were better, there would still be athiests and people who didn't buy into Christianity, but at the very least people wouldn't see Christianity as the negative force that some do.

Facts. 100% facts.