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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols

You know what irks me? The LGBTQ Community and Black Women throwing every black man in the same bucket with that lame ass argument that they aren't being supported. That's some divisive ass bullshit and from a black mans perspective it looks like to me that the LGBTQ community and black women really want to see a LGBTQ or black womans face at the front of this movement. That's what this looks like to me.

I'm tired of seeing black women and LGBTQ people crying about how they aren't getting the same attention. Huh? That's bogus as fuck. Are niggas gonna really sit here and act like black women have not been getting any recognition in the movement? Really nigga? Hell if you ask most black people to list the activist that they know or are the most well known more than half of them are black women so where is all of this anti-black women shit coming from? Seriously.

And as far as the LGBTQ community goes they have whole ass laws and Supreme Court decision that actually work in their favor. As a community LGBTQ has advanced further than black people in far less time. So miss me with the bullshit that they aren't getting their due. There's more shit that goes out of it's way in today's society to be inclusive with LGBTQ people than black people. Facts. And for all the people saying that there are black LGBTQ people, no shit dummy. Why don't you tell those black LGBTQ people that the entire point of the fucking movement is the fact that you are black.

From the beginning Black Lives Matter never needed to be explained. Nobody every asked if light skin people were included or old black people. Nobody ever questioned if black people who were mixed were included. Nobody questioned if Black Lives Matter meant black men or women. But as soon as the LGBTQ community opens their fucking mouth they want to pander and hijack shit and black women will stand right there and insult our intelligence like we weren't including them from the jump which we were always including them because Black Lives Matter means exactly what it say.

So anybody who is screaming All Lives Matter is putting their personal plight above the entirety of black lives and I can't rock with that. them muthafuckas looks stupid, disrespectful, divisive, and flat out ignorant. They look like slaves arguing about their position on the boats on the way over here. Arguing that since they were transported in the back of the boat that they we somehow forgot that they were even onboard. No nigga. Everybody has known from the beginning who we were talking about when we said Black Lives Matter. So stop acting like we need to spell everything out so that you can get your ego stroked.

The nerve of LGBTQ black people to actually challenge any black person and say that they aren't being talked about enough as if black people in general have even come close to overcoming the oppression that started when we first got dragged to this muthafuckas. They talk as if black people made it and we need to start recognizing them. Bitch we haven't even made it anywhere to be doing specific shit to make you feel happy and included. We already included you because you are black. That's the whole point of the movement. BLACK LIVES, but that's not enough for LGBTQ people and black women. They want us to deter from the ultimate cause and make them feel comfortable when as a whole we've never felt comfortable ourselves.

I really don't understand black women saying that shit. Every black man I've seen speak on these incidents says Breonna Taylor's name right alongside Arbery's and Floyd's names. Black men that are actually part of these movements have always spoken on what's been happening to black women. It just seems to me that some black women have an incessant need to whine about black men, and they always feel that if things aren't revolving around black women or getting the same billing between the two genders then black women are being treated unfairly. That's just not true. Sure Taylor hasn't been given the same coverage as the men that have been killed recently, but that's not because she was a black woman. That's because people didn't watch her die. It's a lot easier for a bad story to get lost in the mix when it's told solely through words on a screen. However, when you watch a video of a person dying, it elicits more response. That's just how it is. For whatever reason, black men always seem to be killed on cam whereas when it happens to black women, it's usually not caught or as obvious. But let's not act like nothing is happening regarding Taylor's death. We've seen like 4 black men choked to death on cam and the politicians still can't agree on banning chokes. Meanwhile, Taylor's death has already led to the passing of policy in her name banning no knock warrants in Kentucky. So she and all the other black women that die haven't been forgotten.

As for LGBTQ, they might have a reasonable beef with the greater black community. Blacks really aren't as accommodating of them as whites, and I believe that's because of the strong religious base in the black community. That said, their attempts to always try and co-op movements is counterproductive. Starting a battle like this will not help them. However, seeing this battle through will hopefully lead to policies being passed that would help them. That's what makes all of this annoying. Yes, Floyd is he face of this movement, but it's not like anything being fought for will only benefit black men. If the policies that people are requesting are passed, they will benefit all Americans and if history is any indicator black men might be the group that benefits the least.
lol the thing is y’all not getting is these groups have valid reason for their feelings but y’all don’t know them to actually ask y’all turn it into something else

No we completely understand what these people are saying. What we are saying is why must they feel the need to exclude themselves so that they get extra attention? Black Lives Matter was never meant to not include all black people but like they always do the LGBTQ community likes to insert themselves into everything and cry that they aren't getting the attention that they seek.

The last part of what you said is getting me? When a gay black persons gets killed when you seen a march or protest by black peoples or white lbgqt people? You haven’t besides other black lbgqt people. I just don’t get the offense it causes

First of there have been marches for LGBTQ people. Don't let what the bias and complicit news media show you fool you. Second more laws have been passed and changed for LGBTQ people than black people. Most of the laws that are for black people are actually inclusive with all minorities and not just blacks. So let's get that shit straight.

Next, all black people killed by the cops don't get a march and very rarely if ever get justice. Whenever something happens to an LGBTQ person the reason why you don't see a large revolt is because justice is served more often for them than non LGBTQ black people.

WE need to admit what's really going on here. Black LGBTQ people are trying to ride two waves to advance as far as they can get. The problem with that is if you're black and LGBTQ you really only fall in with one wave........They don't wanna admit that though because it invalidates their entire arguments that black people don't care about them. They need to stop trying to guilt black people into accepting their plight and realize that we never asked your LGBTQ ass to tell us who or what you liked. We were riding with you wen we initially said Black Lives Matter and now you wanna turn around on US!!!? You wanna turn around on your own people and point the finger at us as if we are the ones not fighting hard enough for you?

Let the record be known that the argument that LGBTQ people and black women aren't being recognized enough in the movement largely comes from them. You tell me when have you ever seen niggas organize for the movement and purposely exclude black women or LGBTQ people? You have not seen that cause niggas aren't on that shit.

Maybe LGBTQ people and black women need to stop shouting and crying about optics nd pay attention. We aren't the ones dividing us and drawing lines. It's y'all that's doing that.

Acting like we ain't riding with y'all?? Man please.

And I'm so. so, so disappointed at black women who continue to amplify this divisive notion that they aren't receiving enough attention in the movement. Attention from who exactly? Let's be real y'all. Exactly who and what subgroup of people aren't showing enough attention to black women? It's sad to me how I see people using the tragic situation with Breonna Taylor as an example of how black women aren't getting the same attention. Nigga really? Breonna Taylor has already garnered more national awareness to her situation than Sandra Bland and we actually saw Sandra Bland on video.

What the fuck do y'all want? Do black women and LGBTQ people not realize that there is literally no win in their argument. Okay so black women and LGBTQ people are now at the forefront of the whole Black Lives Matter movement. Now what? What exactly did we accomplish? Infighting for optics? Now certain people are getting the credit and recognition that they have longed for? What actually changes? Nothing.

Stop taking your eyes off the fucking ball or you will keep striking out.
I really don't understand black women saying that shit. Every black man I've seen speak on these incidents says Breonna Taylor's name right alongside Arbery's and Floyd's names. Black men that are actually part of these movements have always spoken on what's been happening to black women. It just seems to me that some black women have an incessant need to whine about black men, and they always feel that if things aren't revolving around black women or getting the same billing between the two genders then black women are being treated unfairly. That's just not true. Sure Taylor hasn't been given the same coverage as the men that have been killed recently, but that's not because she was a black woman. That's because people didn't watch her die. It's a lot easier for a bad story to get lost in the mix when it's told solely through words on a screen. However, when you watch a video of a person dying, it elicits more response. That's just how it is. For whatever reason, black men always seem to be killed on cam whereas when it happens to black women, it's usually not caught or as obvious. But let's not act like nothing is happening regarding Taylor's death. We've seen like 4 black men choked to death on cam and the politicians still can't agree on banning chokes. Meanwhile, Taylor's death has already led to the passing of policy in her name banning no knock warrants in Kentucky. So she and all the other black women that die haven't been forgotten.

As for LGBTQ, they might have a reasonable beef with the greater black community. Blacks really aren't as accommodating of them as whites, and I believe that's because of the strong religious base in the black community. That said, their attempts to always try and co-op movements is counterproductive. Starting a battle like this will not help them. However, seeing this battle through will hopefully lead to policies being passed that would help them. That's what makes all of this annoying. Yes, Floyd is he face of this movement, but it's not like anything being fought for will only benefit black men. If the policies that people are requesting are passed, they will benefit all Americans and if history is any indicator black men might be the group that benefits the least.

Breonna Taylor's tragic death led to a law being passed mere months after she dies. A whole law passed. Black women are crying that they aren't being recognized enough.

Trump just last week comes dwon hard on LGBTQ rights. Literally days fucking later THE SUPREME FUCKING COURT!!!!! comes out and supports them by ruling in their favor for their rights. LESS THAN A FUCKING WEEK. Black LGBTQ people are on the internet crying that they aren't being recognized enough in the movement.


Eric Garner died from a chokehold so long ago that since his death we've changed Presidents and his own daughter has since tragically dies. The White House passes legislation banning chokeholds but it comes wit stipulations that if a cop fears for his life he can still use it which basically changes nothing. NOTHING.


Now you read all three of those and tell me which group should be the ones crying about not being recognized enough and then turn on your tv and go on social media and see which groups are the ones actually crying about not being recognized enough

And don't hit me with that some black men aren't supporting LGBTQ people and black women in the movement shit. There's some niggas out there who are screaming All Live Matter too but you don't see us dragging them and starting deceptive movements pointing that out do you? Nope. You see niggas staying on point with the message.

Black women and LGBTQ will pick apart everything until that shit is papa bears porridge for them. Meanwhile every other black person will just have to be happy with the shit sandwich that they are eating and make sure that the other groups around them aren't too disgusted with their food.
Breonna Taylor's tragic death led to a law being passed mere months after she dies. A whole law passed. Black women are crying that they aren't being recognized enough.

Trump just last week comes dwon hard on LGBTQ rights. Literally days fucking later THE SUPREME FUCKING COURT!!!!! comes out and supports them by ruling in their favor for their rights. LESS THAN A FUCKING WEEK. Black LGBTQ people are on the internet crying that they aren't being recognized enough in the movement.


Eric Garner died from a chokehold so long ago that since his death we've changed Presidents and his own daughter has since tragically dies. The White House passes legislation banning chokeholds but it comes wit stipulations that if a cop fears for his life he can still use it which basically changes nothing. NOTHING.


Now you read all three of those and tell me which group should be the ones crying about not being recognized enough and then turn on your tv and go on social media and see which groups are the ones actually crying about not being recognized enough


Like I said, black men have been the faces of these movements, but when we get down to it, nobody really gives all that much of a fuck what happens to black men. Sure, when an incident happens, a lot of black women will be on the front lines protesting. However, between incidents, some of those same black women will be talking like black men are pure evil and deserve the treatment we get. Like I said. This shit ain't even about black men when it comes down to it. We might get some good police reform out of all this, but black men will still be shit on by the system as a whole, and most of these people won't care because they'll feel like their mission was accomplished. And don't get me wrong, I don't want a bunch of sympathy for black men. To some extent we have to work on turning ourselves around instead of being in this position where we seem to be devoid of all power. That said, I just get tired of this game where people claim to support black men but also tear down black men at the same time.
For every video of a black woman being disrespected or mistreated by the cops there's 100 for black men. For every act of an LGBTQ person being discriminated against there's 100 for black men. Yet black men aren't doing a good enough job raising awareness for other subsets of people. The ones who are getting it done to them the most not only have to overcome the most but the onus is on us to make everyone else feel comfortable? Word?
Officer Karen having an anxiety attack over a mcmuffin


this dumb bitch started the video by saying ppl "always" pay for her food. Then this fat hoe ends it by sayin "she doesn't hear thank you enough anymore."

HA!!! Fuckin great. Knock her off her pedistole. Iol

this dumb bitch started the video by saying ppl "always" pay for her food. Then this fat hoe ends it by sayin "she doesn't hear thank you enough anymore."

HA!!! Fuckin great. Knock her off her pedistole. Iol

Bruh, cop mindset is weird. Think about this shit. A cop will pull you over for going 11 mph over the speed limit. The next day you might see that same cop driving on the freeway going 20 mph over the limit with no sirens or anything. Half these cops go through their day to day lives breaking or bending all the laws that they harass average citizens over. So yeah, it's not a surprise that such a minor thing would elicit such a reaction from cops. They basically live their whole lives thinking that they shouldn't have to be treated like everyone else.
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For every video of a black woman being disrespected or mistreated by the cops there's 100 for black men. For every act of an LGBTQ person being discriminated against there's 100 for black men. Yet black men aren't doing a good enough job raising awareness for other subsets of people. The ones who are getting it done to them the most not only have to overcome the most but the onus is on us to make everyone else feel comfortable? Word?

Its not productive and counter intuitive to group black women in with the lgbtq community.

Issues that black women have are what they are. You're going to just have to deal with them because there is no way that this movement is as big as it is without black women. Theyre one of the most important and powerful demographics in the country. Plus they have skin in the game.
Its not productive and counter intuitive to group black women in with the lgbtq community.

Issues that black women have are what they are. You're going to just have to deal with them because there is no way that this movement is as big as it is without black women. Theyre one of the most important and powerful demographics in the country. Plus they have skin in the game.

Uh....So why are they going out of their way to sow division by breaking us up into groups. Prime example here.

Uh....So why are they going out of their way to sow division by breaking us up into groups. Prime example here.

These people just don't get it. Who ever said that violence against black women, black girls, and black LBGTQ didn't need to go. Again, the slogan is Black Lives Matter. There is no differentiation between one black person over another in that statement, and none of the things being fought for would be denied to black women, black girls, and black LBGTQ. This shit is divisive for no reason at all.
I mean...come the fuck on now.

This ideas that black women and LGBTQ people are being left out and forgotten is being pushed by black women and LGBTQ people who really just want to be at the forefront. If you're more concerned with the pecking order of black lives and not the general idea of black lives then you are already fucking up.