OPINION The Wire - A Hindsight Discussion

That Bodie shit was low key unrealistic.....

I understand him being hot..... But I don't think would have kept talking to McNulty like that
Exactly I keep telling these nig nogs plus it sets the rest of the show up
I already knew it was the most important season but it got really ambitious

Show wasn’t just about local drug operations

it was international smugglers of goods and drugs, prostitution rings, fencing operations, moles in the FBI, the subject of labor unions struggling to keep a steady work, racketeering, etc and you still had the barksdales in Jail and stringer struggling to find a good plug and how his decisions planted the seeds of what would grow into the eventual downfall of the organization

plus it’s funnier than season 1

Niggas just didn’t see drug dealing black ppl so they got turned off

if season 1 was a 9/10 then season 2 is a strong 8/10 only because some parts dragged because they spent too much time on certain things and it wasn’t necessary.

very good character development in this too
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I already knew it was the most important season but it got really ambitious

Show wasn’t just about local drug operations

it was international smugglers of goods and drugs, prostitution rings, fencing operations, moles in the FBI, the subject of labor unions struggling to keep a steady work, racketeering, etc and you still had the barksdales in Jail and stringer struggling to find a good plug and how his decisions planted the seeds of what would grow into the eventual downfall of the organization

plus it’s funnier than season 1

Niggas just didn’t see drug dealing black ppl so they got turned off

if season 1 was a 9/10 then season 2 is a strong 8/10 only because some parts dragged because they spent too much time on certain things and it wasn’t necessary.

very good character development in this too
Agreed verbatim
I started re-watching to follow along with the podcast Jemelle Hill & Van Lathan are doing on the show. This my 4th time watching the series.

I'm a few episodes into season 2.

Never understood the hate season 2 got. It's got just enough of the street shit for the people who watched just for that. But Season 2 explains why and how a lot of the shit happens throughout the whole show.

Ziggy was annoying as fuck though.

Just noticed the female cop on the docks was Holly from 'The Office'
On season 4 ep 6 or 7

and yeah this in hindsight is the worst season so far

If anything the seasons get worse as time goes on.
Season 4 was my favorite season but that’s the first season I started watching the show

Think I had the seasons ranked 4,3,1,2,5

I’ll see how I feel after I finish this go round
I didn’t finish the season yet. But it is

It still could be your favorite but it’s not better than season 1 and it’s Nowhere near as intricate as season 2 and You can maybe say it’s as good as season 3 (which was a tad bit of a mess at times)

The first half of the season is a intro to all these kids and carcetti’s mayoral run

Show forces you to try to care about characters in a way they didn’t have to before because there’s no Avon, no stringer, and no mcnulty in the capacity he was in in previous seasons.

I can’t give a more specific breakdown because I ain’t finish but watching this for the 4th time this has went from the first or 2nd best season to the 4th