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He Said: "Black People Rather LOOK RICH Than ACTUALLY BE RICH!

Really can't just have a convo round here.
People feeling attacked....Crazy people attacking..

This shit just isnt true..just because these rich white dudes wear basic shit doesn't mean it ain't brand name and costly. Stop falling for the okie doke.

Glad someone said it.

Bezos just bought a 150 million house in Cali and wont use 70% of the rooms.

Inb4 mfers say oh but a house is an investment. Dont be stupid. Yea you can flip a house but a house gets you 5-7% a year on average. Bezos coulda bought a 10 million house and have the 140 mil do way more than 7% a year.

Bezos just wanted to be a gawdy mfer, like poor people do.
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Glad someone said it.

Bezos just bought a 150 million house in Cali and wont use 70% of the rooms.

Inb4 mfers say oh but a house is an investment. Dont be stupid. Yea you can flip a house but a house gets you 5-7% a year on average. Bezos coulda bought a 10 million house and have the 140 mil do way more than 7% a year.

Bezos just wanted to be a gawdy mfer, like poor do.
I am loving this post....
Thank you for this.
The reason doesn't matter....But this is powerful
yes i am better because i research and study before i speak on certain subjects.

i try my best not to dehumanize anyone or speak out of ignorance.

so yes that makes me better....than you


Do you?

You speaking on transracial shit and saying its not real

You said Cosby raped women with no proof

You said Kobe raped a woman when SHE SAID he didnt

You said a kid that is a pre-teen should be allowed to make life altering choices.

Youre a smart person but 02/2020 aint been the best of month for you in those threads

jsut saying.gif
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