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Thread: A lot of white people were shocked to learn about the Tulsa bombings from HBO's The Watchmen

I think I've lost count of how many points you are arguing that NOBODY in this thread made bruh

It's uncanny. Dude writes those long ass posts (I know..."Look who's talking"...I get it), and somehow manages not to ever address anything that's actually being argued.

No one is saying that most white people aren't racist, they're just stupid. We're saying that most white people are racist BECAUSE they are stupid. Some of you seem to think they are racist because they are just inherently and purely evil. That's a lazy and retarded way of thinking and honestly it's just as stupid as what they do. Why? Because we have plenty of information out there explaining exactly where racism came from, why it was developed the way it has been, and how it constructed and maintained as a system. Racism isn't just some "white people are the devil, that's why they hate black people" type shit. It was part of an actual plan that was put in place to keep a small minority powerful and keep the masses from coordinating and rebelling. That's not my take on the situation. That's fact. We have documentation, historical evidence, and even admissions from some of the architects proving it.

And yes, the distinction matters. If white people are racist because they are inherently evil, then nothing can be done to solve that problem outside of eliminating them altogether. Some of you might be in favor of that, but unless you're complete idiots, you know that's not something that's viable. However, if you acknowledge that most white people are simply dupes then you understand that there is at least a possibility that you can educate them and move them away from their hatred. This reaction to learning about Tulsa should be proof of that, but most of you are so caught up in your own biases and prejudices that you can't even see that.
Also...yeah there is this weird ass safekeeping that goes on when it comes to information. Again knowing how skewed history has been presented to the world let alone black folks to be shocked somebody doesn't know the same shit you do is stupid as fuck. Not everyone had the same access to information. There's still folks in 2019 who don't have reliable sources to get daily news updates let alone search on topics from decades and centuries ago. So thr "how could you not know" shit makes you look dumb and not the person you're talking too

As I said before, most of this stuff is available to the public.
Everyone DOES have the same access to that information.
People just need to make the effort to learn about it.
Stop waiting for the latest history fad to get trending on social media.

And if that is how a person learns of it, don't let your thirst for knowledge stop when what's popular ends.
It's safe to say people made the effort to learn all about their favorite sports team, comic, rapper, and etc.
If they've got time for that, they've got time to look up black history if it's also of interest to them.
To say otherwise is just lazy and throwing the blame away from yourself.

It's no different than a fit athletic person being compared to an out of shape slob.
One made the effort to put in work. The other just ate big macs all week.
As I said before, most of this stuff is available to the public.
Everyone DOES have the same access to that information.
People just need to make the effort to learn about it.
Stop waiting for the latest history fad to get trending on social media.

And if that is how a person learns of it, don't let your thirst for knowledge stop when what's popular ends.
It's safe to say people made the effort to learn all about their favorite sports team, comic, rapper, and etc.
If they've got time for that, they've got time to look up black history if it's also of interest to them.
To say otherwise is just lazy and throwing the blame away from yourself.

It's no different than a fit athletic person being compared to an out of shape slob.
One made the effort to put in work. The other just ate big macs all week.
i feel like i know what you trying to say but the delivery comes off very...idk... snobbish maybe??

its like when Du be on his "black panther was successful b/c it was trendy" nonsense

like, why does it matter how people find out about stuff? Are we going to discount them wanting to know more once it became trending on social media?

Like i cant imagine 10 year old me, from baton rouge la asking my grandmother out the blue what she knew about the Tulsa bombings/black wall street with absolutely no context. I literally just woke up and decided thats what I wanted to talk to my grandma about

hell i know people irl who ONLY get their news from social media b/c thats what they are on all day. That's a different convo in itself but we just dont consume information today like we used to and that's not a bad thing imo.
As I said before, most of this stuff is available to the public.
Everyone DOES have the same access to that information.
People just need to make the effort to learn about it.
Stop waiting for the latest history fad to get trending on social media.

And if that is how a person learns of it, don't let your thirst for knowledge stop when what's popular ends.
It's safe to say people made the effort to learn all about their favorite sports team, comic, rapper, and etc.
If they've got time for that, they've got time to look up black history if it's also of interest to them.
To say otherwise is just lazy and throwing the blame away from yourself.

It's no different than a fit athletic person being compared to an out of shape slob.
One made the effort to put in work. The other just ate big macs all week.

Most people don't care about anything that doesn't directly affect or involve them. Let's be real, a lot of black people don't even make an effort to learn about this stuff. Intellectual curiosity just isn't that common among the masses.
You can only pretend so long to be black and down for your people. You keep going and reading you'll start to see who is white, or non-black, safe, or the only black friend on the work force in these type of threads.

Niggas say shit like this and dont have no receipts on what they doing in our communities
As I said before, most of this stuff is available to the public.
Everyone DOES have the same access to that information.
People just need to make the effort to learn about it.
Stop waiting for the latest history fad to get trending on social media.

And if that is how a person learns of it, don't let your thirst for knowledge stop when what's popular ends.
It's safe to say people made the effort to learn all about their favorite sports team, comic, rapper, and etc.
If they've got time for that, they've got time to look up black history if it's also of interest to them.
To say otherwise is just lazy and throwing the blame away from yourself.

It's no different than a fit athletic person being compared to an out of shape slob.
One made the effort to put in work. The other just ate big macs all week.

No actually everyone doesn't. You would think it but not everyone has internet access let alone good internet access even in 2019. Everybody don't live in reasonable distance of a library still. And everybody don't have somebody around them to expose them to the fact this information even exists to begin with.

Also while yes we do live in an era where information is more widely shared than ever we also have more misinformation being shared as well. There's more accounts of historical events that can vary depending on where exactly you get your information from that it shouldn't be a shock if people don't know the entirety of these events or of some of them all.
So I live in Cali, THE most liberal state and the state that people think has the least about of racism, sexism, gender inequality, etc. But I was raised in the Deep South, so I kinda have an interested relationship to race and racial issues.

Even with the liberal white people here, you still have to figure out who is actually down for the liberation of black people and know that this country is set up in a bullshit way...vs. the white people who are pandering to you, seen too many episodes of the wire so they think they're ahead of the curve an still legit don't understand that their mentality is part of the problem. It's gotten easier to tell over the Years, since I been out here 16 Years now.

I think certain people who have no frame of reference for the knowledge, moral compass, racial situational awareness, etc, of the average American White person really has no idea about their mentality. Sure, there are the power players and racists who know exactly what they are doing, hate black people, actively try to destroy our culture and way of life, etc. But then there are the people who legit are void enough to wonder why race is such a big deal, have NO IDEA about BWS, Rosewood, the Philly cops bombing black houses back in the day, the Tuskeegee experiments, etc. Not to say that they don't acknowledge the universal shit like slavery, etc. But they're pretty much a black canvas beyond that, in terms of history.

And I've learned that one of the only ways to realize that is to have white people you can kinda inquire with about certain things.

Example: I know a white dude I used work with. I def wouldn't call him a friend. But we chat about current events often, etc. We talk about pretty much every police shooting, trial, etc. He was an American History minor in college and is pretty liberal, or whatever that is worth. I almost cussed out his mom on FB over some racial shit, but he damb near did if for me, based on her comments. REALLY knowledgeable dude. I asked him about 20 minutes ago via text of he had heard of Black Wall Street and he said that he had no idea and had just looked it up.

Often times, I think we as black people don't really understand how oblivious to white people are to some of their treatment of anyone who ain't Anglo-Saxon. Sure, there are those who just play the ignorant role. Sure there are those actively doing everything they can to undermine us. But I think most people would be surprised how many white people are gotdamn clueless about their own history, how evil they have been to the rest of the world, how it continues today, and how gotdamn malicious it is.


And excuse any typos, you bitch ass niggas.
Didn't read.

Nah lol. I get it and thats why i don't waste time trying to educate whites who show the slightest bit of resistance to learn their evil history. It's cool if you're ignorant because you just really really never knew about any of this stuff but the moment you're being taught and you begin denying it just shows complicity. Most of them show complicity with injustice in some fashion
Most people don't care about anything that doesn't directly affect or involve them. Let's be real, a lot of black people don't even make an effort to learn about this stuff. Intellectual curiosity just isn't that common among the masses.

Exactly. Most people ain't history buffs on shit but what directly interest them.
Didn't read.

Nah lol. I get it and thats why i don't waste time trying to educate whites who show the slightest bit of resistance to learn their evil history. It's cool if you're ignorant because you just really really never knew about any of this stuff but the moment you're being taught and you begin denying it just shows complicity. Most of them show complicity with injustice in some fashion

Word...I agree
Niggas say shit like this and dont have no receipts on what they doing in our communities

What have you built captain or produce that you can pass down to your kids?

Show your receipts since you are bringing up receipts
I think I've lost count of how many points you are arguing that NOBODY in this thread made bruh
For me... 10/10 I'd rather deal with brothers like @Reem who may have to be reined in than indifferent niggas who are completely dismissive of the reality of white supremacy. Yall ain't feeling his stance or whatever but in real life that's a trustworthy black man as far as I'm concerned