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When’s the last time you’ve been horny?

Biologically, every person gets horny on average 10 times a day, including when we're sleep.

I got to the gym, so that might account for 3-5 times per day. Jawns be lookin RIGHT in them spandex leggings.
Biologically, every person gets horny on average 10 times a day, including when we're sleep.

I got to the gym, so that might account for 3-5 times per day. Jawns be lookin RIGHT in them spandex leggings.

I so don't give a fuck about women when I go to any gym.

I hate being approached or lusted after when I work out and I hate even much when a female employee cannot tell someone who ask for some tips or compliments her physique from an amateur gym-goer view and not because he want to hit on her.
I can't take these people any seriously: I am very no-bullshit minded when it comes about training. I left a Gold Gym full of douches from the first day and never came back after I've seen their lady manager was a 400-lbs woman. Nigga struggled to waddle down from her office to the counter located ten feet frontward (and y'all know how open minded I am about fat people) .
I so don't give a fuck about women when I go to any gym.

I hate being approached or lusted after when I work out and I hate even much when a female employee cannot tell someone who ask for some tips or compliments her physique from an amateur gym-goer view and not because he want to hit on her.
I can't take these people any seriously: I am very no-bullshit minded when it comes about training. I left a Gold Gym full of douches from the first day and never came back after I've seen their lady manager was a 400-lbs woman. Nigga struggled to waddle down from her office to the counter located ten feet frontward (and y'all know how open minded I am about fat people) .
Looking is hella different from approaching.

In the gym, I’m LOCKED IN. I don’t say a soul to anyone past “what’s up” or “you done with that machine/weight/etc?”

But, if you’re going to pretend there’s no women in the gym that look curvaceous, you’re lying to yourself.