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Is the conscious community frauds?

why isnt tariq networking with local activist in his community? ive never seen him doing any groundwork w/ organizers. theres a whole movement brewing in oakland and san fran to stop unjust housing laws/practices that are being waged on Black ppl. why hasnt he used his platform to discuss this? why isnt he out there with them?

He’s planning to help the black homeless in LA.
Dude, Tariq is NOT an activist. He's a hustler & a shit talker. That's it.
Pimping the black struggle for personal gain.

But please, I challenge you and anyone else to name one TANGIBLE thing this dude has done for the community in ALL his years talking shit about Obama & the Democrats and what they didn't do. Here we are going into 4 years of Trump in office, so name one of these positive ,beneficial TANGIBLE things Tariq has done....other than talk shit, name the policy,the law,legislation he has pushed for that has helped our people! Name the program, name the Constitutional amendment he helped change. Name it. You cant!

Other than constantly begging for donations. Having you all pay $200,00 for what will ultimately amounts to a meet & greet where he pockets most of the cash for himself. And ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will come out that conference to benefit anyone BUT Tariq.
Here’s the post @SneakDZA in case you need time to figure out a way to snark your way out of this.
This was the question that was asked and I answered it.
Umar has a building at least but unfortunately he’s in over his head. He’s trying to do it alone with just donations and it’s not working. Even LeBron and Diddy needed help and they’re rich.

so theres a gazillion abandoned buildings here in philly, the dude has raised thousands and thousands of dollars, you mean to tell me that he doesnt have at least 2 schools up and running by now?

also have you seen umar in person? man travels with like 8 ppl. he definitely has a team and he definitely has the resources to start bring ppl on abroad to help navigate his “projects”
so theres a gazillion abandoned buildings here in philly, the dude has raised thousands and thousands of dollars, you mean to tell me that he doesnt have at least 2 schools up and running by now?

also have you seen umar in person? man travels with like 8 ppl. he definitely has a team and he definitely has the resources to start bring ppl on abroad to help navigate his “projects”
If it were that easy it would be done by now. Dude is in over his head and I’ve said it before and I’ll say it now. He should charge the school to the game and move on.
Of course not. He gets all this attention from the authorities because hes a legit threat

Niggas will play dumb to the grave

you’re really serious? Now I wouldn’t be surprised if the Feds has filed on Dr.Umar, Dr. Boyce, or even Sara Suten Seti. They have influence and some may be investigated for fraud or could be a plant. But none of these guys are the next black leaders. Being on YouTube primarily is why I can’t take them serious.
You know what’s funny. When I asked what specific things did Obama do for black people while in office I was told he was blocked by the Republicans. And that excuse was suppose to be accepted. And he was the president of the United States. So you shouldn’t have a problem with Tariq never passing or helping to create any legislation either...

What Obama did:
The President enacted permanent expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, which together now provide about 2 million African-American working families with an average tax cut of about $1,000 each.

The poverty rate for African Americans fell faster in 2015 than in any year since 1999. While the poverty rate fell for across all racial and ethnic groups this year, it fell 2.1 percentage points (p.p.) for African Americans, resulting in 700,000 fewer African Americans in poverty.

Since the start of Affordable Care Act's first open enrollment period at the end of 2013, the uninsured rate among non-elderly African Americans has declined by more than half. Over that period, about 3 million uninsured nonelderly, African-American adults gained health coverage.

Teen pregnancy among African-American women is at an historic low. The birth rate per 1,000 African-American teen females has fallen from 60.4 in 2008, before President Obama entered office, to 34.9 in 2014.

Life expectancy at birth is the highest it’s ever been for African Americans. In 2014, life expectancy at birth was 72.5 years for African-American males and 78.4 for African-American females, the highest point in the historical series for both genders.

The high school graduation rate for African-American students is at its highest point in history. In the 2013-2014 academic year, 72.5 percent of African-American public high school students graduated within four years

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is responsible for funding more than $4 billion for HBCUs each year.

Pell Grant funding for HBCU students increased significantly between 2007 and 2014, growing from $523 million to $824 million.

The incarceration rates for African-American men and women fell during each year of the Obama Administration and are at their lowest points in over two decades. The imprisonment rates for African-American men and women were at their lowest points since the early 1990s and late 1980s, respectively, of 2014, the latest year for which Bureau of Justice Statistics data are available.

President Obama has made 62 lifetime appointments of African Americans to serve on the federal bench.

What Tariq did:

King flex indeed.
Here’s the post @SneakDZA in case you need time to figure out a way to snark your way out of this.
This was the question that was asked and I answered it.

Oh cool. you found the Quote button. I was mad confused there for a minute. Now all you gotta do is look at the name at the top and relize that I never wrote that shit.

Or better yet...

Answer the actual question. Any one of them. They're all basically the same... what the fuck has Tariq Nashid done for black people as a whole?
What Obama did:
The President enacted permanent expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, which together now provide about 2 million African-American working families with an average tax cut of about $1,000 each.

The poverty rate for African Americans fell faster in 2015 than in any year since 1999. While the poverty rate fell for across all racial and ethnic groups this year, it fell 2.1 percentage points (p.p.) for African Americans, resulting in 700,000 fewer African Americans in poverty.

Since the start of Affordable Care Act's first open enrollment period at the end of 2013, the uninsured rate among non-elderly African Americans has declined by more than half. Over that period, about 3 million uninsured nonelderly, African-American adults gained health coverage.

Teen pregnancy among African-American women is at an historic low. The birth rate per 1,000 African-American teen females has fallen from 60.4 in 2008, before President Obama entered office, to 34.9 in 2014.

Life expectancy at birth is the highest it’s ever been for African Americans. In 2014, life expectancy at birth was 72.5 years for African-American males and 78.4 for African-American females, the highest point in the historical series for both genders.

The high school graduation rate for African-American students is at its highest point in history. In the 2013-2014 academic year, 72.5 percent of African-American public high school students graduated within four years

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is responsible for funding more than $4 billion for HBCUs each year.

Pell Grant funding for HBCU students increased significantly between 2007 and 2014, growing from $523 million to $824 million.

The incarceration rates for African-American men and women fell during each year of the Obama Administration and are at their lowest points in over two decades. The imprisonment rates for African-American men and women were at their lowest points since the early 1990s and late 1980s, respectively, of 2014, the latest year for which Bureau of Justice Statistics data are available.

President Obama has made 62 lifetime appointments of African Americans to serve on the federal bench.

What Tariq did:
View attachment 244712

King flex indeed.

now yall got me in here defending obama but hey points were made

What Obama did:
The President enacted permanent expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, which together now provide about 2 million African-American working families with an average tax cut of about $1,000 each.

The poverty rate for African Americans fell faster in 2015 than in any year since 1999. While the poverty rate fell for across all racial and ethnic groups this year, it fell 2.1 percentage points (p.p.) for African Americans, resulting in 700,000 fewer African Americans in poverty.

Since the start of Affordable Care Act's first open enrollment period at the end of 2013, the uninsured rate among non-elderly African Americans has declined by more than half. Over that period, about 3 million uninsured nonelderly, African-American adults gained health coverage.

Teen pregnancy among African-American women is at an historic low. The birth rate per 1,000 African-American teen females has fallen from 60.4 in 2008, before President Obama entered office, to 34.9 in 2014.

Life expectancy at birth is the highest it’s ever been for African Americans. In 2014, life expectancy at birth was 72.5 years for African-American males and 78.4 for African-American females, the highest point in the historical series for both genders.

The high school graduation rate for African-American students is at its highest point in history. In the 2013-2014 academic year, 72.5 percent of African-American public high school students graduated within four years

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is responsible for funding more than $4 billion for HBCUs each year.

Pell Grant funding for HBCU students increased significantly between 2007 and 2014, growing from $523 million to $824 million.

The incarceration rates for African-American men and women fell during each year of the Obama Administration and are at their lowest points in over two decades. The imprisonment rates for African-American men and women were at their lowest points since the early 1990s and late 1980s, respectively, of 2014, the latest year for which Bureau of Justice Statistics data are available.

President Obama has made 62 lifetime appointments of African Americans to serve on the federal bench.

What Tariq did:
View attachment 244712

King flex indeed.
So a bunch of stuff that was meant for everybody and black people benefits by default? That is not specific to black people and lol at HBCU’s they’re mostly ran by white folks.
Oh cool. you found the Quote button. I was mad confused there for a minute. Now all you gotta do is look at the name at the top and relize that I never wrote that shit.

Or better yet...

Answer the actual question. Any one of them. They're all basically the same... what the fuck has Tariq Nashid done for black people as a whole?
I answered the question that A.Mann asked which was about legislation and bills.
you’re really serious? Now I wouldn’t be surprised if the Feds has filed on Dr.Umar, Dr. Boyce, or even Sara Suten Seti. They have influence and some may be investigated for fraud or could be a plant. But none of these guys are the next black leaders. Being on YouTube primarily is why I can’t take them serious.

ppl also forget Talib Kweli was detained and probed by the government as well :/

wouldnt be shocked if this has happened to a lot of Black ppl

So a bunch of stuff that was meant for everybody and black people benefits by default? That is not specific to black people and lol at HBCU’s they’re mostly ran by white folks.

So a bunch of stuff that was meant for everybody and black people benefits by default? That is not specific to black people and lol at HBCU’s they’re mostly ran by white folks.

yeah its late and youre getting tired

he gave u proof of what hes done

i dont like obama but i do like facts
I’m just saying. Billionaire LeBron needed help to jumpstart his school yet Umar is supposed to have 2 schools by now?

what im saying is, if he cared enough he would at least have something going on locally. mans doesn't even have an after school program.

funny thing is a lot of niggas in philly dont know who he is and cant tell u what hes done.

thats how u know hes not for the ppl. he aint connecting with the folks that need his help the most.