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How cool are you with ya neighbors?

Me and my half siblings all live on the same block so I guess I'm cool with them people. Other than them I'm cool with the old lady two house from me, she nice and my boy that live across the street. Other than those folks I can't even tell you who lives in what house if I see people walking on the block.
New Community: I know the ppl most ppl on my street! made it a point to.
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There's still quite a few neighbors that have keys to my house and I can knock on their doors for anything and vice versa
Simple question.

I couldnt tell you none of these niggas names around me. I really dont give a fuck to know them either but i can understand the benefits of having friendships with them i guess but ehh.

I'm like you. Besides running into each other and saying Good Morning and shit like that, I don't know none of these people. Don't want to. Always been like that. I mind my business, you mind yours. I make sure I speak and am friendly enough for them to let a nigga know if something fishy or strange is happening around the way.

That's about it though.
There's still quite a few neighbors that have keys to my house and I can knock on their doors for anything and vice versa

Honestly Du, you don't belong in this thread. Aren't you living in the crib that you grew up in and been in your gamily for generations and shit? We already know you got deep roots in the neighborhood. I don't think that's what T/S is taking about.
No sharing keys or any of that bullshit but we all coo and speak when we see each other. If theres some shit going on in the neighborhood or if someone needs help with something we all look out for each other for the most part

except this one asshole who burns leaves in his yard and somebody gotta call the fire department on his ass at least once a year lol
Honestly Du, you don't belong in this thread. Aren't you living in the crib that you grew up in and been in your gamily for generations and shit? We already know you got deep roots in the neighborhood. I don't think that's what T/S is taking about.
Yea i figured this cuz thats odd af
I'm cool with all of my neighbors. One of my neighbors is Elvis Presley's cousin. I don't know if it's because of his last name or his profession but that mofo got them connects in Tennessee. From Judges to pro and college football/basketball coaches and players. Only thing I kinda annoyed about is him calling me all of the time to help him with moving appliances at his house. I be like "bruh, I'm clean and dressed to hit the streets. I gotta help you move that during the week". Other than that tho, he cool.

MY experience reenforces the emphasis on community.

I mean.... Would we not all benefit from neighbors we can trust....I once banged on all the doors of my neighbors at like 10pm... Got all of their keys... And was able to move their cars so we could get our streets plowed after a blizzard....

We had like a 20 minutes window.

Imagine trying to pull that off when nobody fucks with nobody....

Right now we're actually in the discussion of selling and moving....

But I really am having issues leaving this community.

I am this community.

MY experience reenforces the emphasis on community.

I mean.... Would we not all benefit from neighbors we can trust....I once banged on all the doors of my neighbors at like 10pm... Got all of their keys... And was able to move their cars so we could get our streets plowed after a blizzard....

We had like a 20 minutes window.

Imagine trying to pull that off when nobody fucks with nobody....

Right now we're actually in the discussion of selling and moving....

But I really am having issues leaving this community.

I am this community.

Of the neighbors who have your house key, how many of them have you known for 15-20 years plus?
I’m cool with all my neighbors as my family been here for 50 years

fun fact I been inside every house on my block except maybe one
I don't know none of these muhfuckas.

To be perfectly honest, though, one of the things I miss the most about growing up was how no matter where I went, be it my pop's crib, stepfather's, or either grandmother's crib, everybody in the neighborhood knew us. Shit was like home no matter where you went.