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OPINION Conspiracy Theories U Believe....

If the moon landing was fake, the beans would’ve been spilled by now. That’s not a secret that could’ve been kept this long.
Thats not true i believe (correct me if im wrong) but wasnt the manhatten project kept a secret and employed sometime like 100,000 ppl. heard this on Ancient aliens so like i said i could be wrong
For those saying the moon hoax would have been revealed by now, only a select few people really knew what was happening and they knew they would get killed if they fucked around, they used the Stanley Kubrick 2001 film as a cover in order to build the big sets, just like they used that garbage gravity film with Sandra Bollock in 2013, remember that garbage film what received nothing but 5 stars and praise from all the critics even tho it was garbage as fuck.
For those saying the moon hoax would have been revealed by now, only a select few people really knew what was happening and they knew they would get killed if they fucked around, they used the Stanley Kubrick 2001 film as a cover in order to build the big sets, just like they used that garbage gravity film with Sandra Bollock in 2013, remember that garbage film what received nothing but 5 stars and praise from all the critics even tho it was garbage as fuck.
only a white woman can float around and get five stars.

kinda like dunkirk.......getting the shit beat outta your for the whole movie made it good?
For those saying the moon hoax would have been revealed by now, only a select few people really knew what was happening and they knew they would get killed if they fucked around, they used the Stanley Kubrick 2001 film as a cover in order to build the big sets, just like they used that garbage gravity film with Sandra Bollock in 2013, remember that garbage film what received nothing but 5 stars and praise from all the critics even tho it was garbage as fuck.

What do u define as a select few?

Bc multiple sources say at least 400,000 people were involved with the mission
For those saying the moon hoax would have been revealed by now, only a select few people really knew what was happening and they knew they would get killed if they fucked around, they used the Stanley Kubrick 2001 film as a cover in order to build the big sets, just like they used that garbage gravity film with Sandra Bollock in 2013, remember that garbage film what received nothing but 5 stars and praise from all the critics even tho it was garbage as fuck.
So the critics in on the hoax too?!


Well, I saw that shit in IMAX and the shit was a dope experience. So just because it wasn't your taste doesn't mean people didn't think it was good.


Get your tin foil hats on......It's happening!!!!!!!



I believe dinosaurs and man co existed but man came in the later eras when most of the predatory dinosaurs like the t-rex diedmoff. I'd say around the cretaceous age. I also believe that all of the dinosaurs didn't die off when the asteroid hit. There have been ancient cave drawings and native american ancient aztect or whatever ancient civilization artifacts like pottery and carvings with illustrations of triceratops and stegosaurs. I think when people see the lochness monster or the other one neàr Niagara are actually icthiosaurs or plesiosaur's. Also dinosaurs are rumored to exist deep in a large swampland in the African Congo. There was a movie in the 80s based on this called baby. The natives in that area have claimed to have spotted triceratops and say that they are known to kill elepha elephantnts. There have been pteradactyll sightings and pterosaur sightings as well. Why to I believe this? Man hasn't explored every corner of the globe and there are remote parts like deep forest and jungles that can hide these things. Why couldn't they exist while most of us live urban environments clueless. What if world governments are covering this. Up? There's a lot of strange things out there. Anybody ever heard of the giant of khandahar? In 2002 Afghanistan a platoon of marines went on a recon mission in the mountains of Afghanistan to look for missing when they where attacked by a 15 ft. Giant. I'll touch on that later there plenty of YouTube videos about it.
This isn’t a very interesting thread.

Some of the thoughts in here have really sparked my interest while others come off as some what misguided.

Either way I’m enjoying what I’m reading as does a lot of others who are reading this as well.
I genuinely believe that there was a highly advanced civilization that existed tens of thousands of years ago, where there was a global wireless energy grid that centered on the great pyramids and all such pyramids and obelisks around the world and that humans destroyed nearly all of it through a catastrophic war. Evidence of it has been discovered but suppressed because it raises too many questions and dismantles too many belief systems.