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Hmm, interesting summary. sounds all over the place. which ironically enough, is analogous to the type of person that i am. i can certainly use many of those adjectives to describe myself. just at different times. people sometimes tell me its pretty difficult to get a good read on me.

In regards to the statement i put in bold, yea that's definitely me all over. i often struggle with changing my whorish ways. just when i think about trading in my golden tickets (Magnum) for a Cliff Huxtable sweater, some big booty strumpet walks past me in cut off jeans to make me reconsider

You are a mix of very distinct chatacteristics. I would expect to see different parts of your personality come out in diff situations.. You hate to be predictable.. And i'm sure you change your mind often, like Libras tend to do.
Lol @ strumpet!
You have sun, mercury, and mars in cancer. Moon in libra. Taurus rising. Venus in Gemini. Jupiter in Aries.
You are a strong communicator. You understand things from an emotional stand point. You seek balance in your emotional and logical thinking. You are attracted to someone who can match you intellectually and you are able to detach easily. You may come off as arrogant or overly confident..
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seen this floating around the webs… where do you fall.
Exactly where I expected.
