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Your S/O keeps vacationing in the same city, state, or country...

Nah sometimes a place just resonates with you

But the details of the scenario may change my take

I’d go to NOLA every Halloween if I could
Usually if you suspicious, its something to that.. I had chick once that did all that traveling.. Turns out she liked to fuck C-list pros. Its a big hit to your ego bruh lol. I mean, James Harden or somebody fuck your chick.. Ehhh you just take that L, it happens. But im not accepting Garrett Temple fucking my bitch
Blood I know u be on some other shit with trust and all that with your females.
For me it's opportunity
Your s/o gonna do what they want regardless but I'm not gonna help enable.

Tf are we taking separate vacations for

Cuz sometimes you wanna get away from a MFer. Or sometimes you wanna go on vacation to a place that your partner isn't into. Sometimes you wanna go on vacation with your friends. Or other family. Or by yourself. I dunno. That seems like a silly question to me. There are a million reasons to take a vacation without your significant other.