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Your Most Embarrassing Moments?

My mom taught at tha high school I went to...needless to say that wasn’t good for a smart ass slacker stoner class clown such as myself...well my senior year I kept all my books in my book bag so I didn’t have to go back n forth to my locker...and I’d leave it in my moms classroom b/c I was a student aid for tha girls gym teacher who was a friend of my moms last period of tha day...I’d go get her food then ride off wit my niggaz and get high...then I’d come back to school and play basketball until my high came down...my mom told me to stop leaving my book bag in her classroom cuz she was tired of luggin’ it to tha car...me being a smart ass I tell her to leave it in her room cuz I wasn’t gonna do any homework anyway...one day I’m in tha gym high af playing ball and one of my niggaz come in tha gym and say “Yo...ya mom out in front of school wit ya bookbag looking for you!! She mad af too.” I knew I was fucked...I get outside to her standing in front of tha fountain at tha front of our school wit my bag open throwing all my books in tha fountain 1 by 1 cussing ass each one hits tha water smh...buses leaving...parents picking up kids...niggaz hanging outta bus and car windows laughing...bus drivers pulling off extra slow watching her crazy ass...finally after no more books she does a dramatic flipping upside down of tha empty bag as like a half-a-pencil falls into tha trash ass fountain water she just looks at me and says “Don’t leave your shit in my room anymore...” I wasn’t even gonna press my luck wit’ a witty comeback...just rolled my pants up and got my wet ass books...embarrassed as hell like

1st grade....mom take me to the barber school to get a haircut. So I'm in the chair and I'm sleepy af. Barber like wake up lil man, you starting to doze.. so I shake it off and sit up straight thinking I'm good....nope. I hit a powerful doze where my head drop forward and I hear the clippers like zzzzeeeeirh... I heard the barber cussin and shit....im like damn what happened lol... He held up a mirror and it's a big ass patch in my head...my mama come back and she cussin this nigga out lol. I didn't even get a chance to tell her I was dozing off...so she tells him to just cut the rest of my hair so it match. He cut all my damn hair off..I'm like Jordan bald. The next day I wear my Orlando Magic hat to school...but the school has a no hat policy... So I sneak past everybody when school start and keep my hat. Im in class saying the pledge of allegiance with my hat on....thinking I'ma be good. Soon as we wrapped up the pledge, my teacher told me to take my hat off...I said no. We went back and forth for a minute, then she threatened to call my mom...so I'm like damn...took my hat off. Somebody yelled out moonhead! And everybody got to laughing. I was embarrassed
Yea she was throwing the pussy to you and you didn't bite
Actually she was throwing the pussy at all of us that night we was playing gta v. Dubbz big mouth ass told her I lived in miami. I wasn't even trying to get with her add to the fact that I didnt want to get caught up in her martial problems then there was the yeast. I pretty much dodged a bullet.
Yea she was throwing the pussy to you and you didn't bite

Actually she was throwing the pussy at all of us that night we was playing gta v. Dubbz big mouth ass told her I lived in miami. I wasn't even trying to get with her add to the fact that I didnt want to get caught up in her martial problems then there was the yeast. I pretty much dodged a bullet.

Chick I was messing with that I pretty much disregarded and didn't know she was in love with me. After not speaking for a few years, linked up and she invited me over mad easy and quick. Said she was gonna make me a meal and I was gonna smash, cause we never did and she wanted to.

The night of, smoked weed, got super paranoid that it was a set up and she was gonna have me come over and have niggaz run down on me in her crib.

Didn't go..high wore off, next day she calls me upset for standing her up..calls me pussy, says lose my number.
Fuck it..it happens
Remember when posters use to break up their stories into paragraphs?

Pepperidge Farms remembers
So peep, I was a FR in HS.. fucking around in class with this dude he knocked my shit off my desk so I snatched his hat off his hat and threw it in the hallway, he took my pen and threw it into the hall..
I go out first to get my shit, he follows..as I walk I kick his hat to the side. As we walk back in, I tried to trip his ass ( I got him he stumbled) into 180 spin around with a fist right to my eye (whop) I was a wrap Eye Jammie and a nose bleed.
This was minutes before classes were changing and the nurse office was in the same hallway I just got rocked in..so about seven classes dismiss and EVERYONE sees me jayed up with a rag on my nose with my neck back...
:cry:..fuck yall for laughing