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Your Most Embarrassing Moments?


and Baka's got a weird case, why is he around??
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I just saw some shit on youtube that made me think of one of my most embarrassing moments as a kid.

I was either heading to the 4th or 5th grade. It was the night before the first day of school and I wasn't able to get a hair cut that weekend. My sister said she'll cut my hair. She cut most of my hair but then the clippers stopped working. I still had a big patch at the back of my head.

She was trying to calm me down like "yo the shag used to be the style, u can bring it back!". Nigga I was crying and doing this shit:


My sister was dying laughing. I went to school and got roasted like a mf. I'm still mad about that shit :foh5:
high school
picture day for the winter sports teams. bball, cheerleaders, vball, wrestling, soccer, etc...
we still had bball practice while they were waiting for their turns. we were in there fkn around and i decided i wanted to do one of those 2 hand shawn kemp dunks. needless to say i got hung like a mf. all i saw were my legs swinging out from under me, then the gym ceiling. all i heard was laughing.
ONE of my embarrassing moments...

I threatened to cut my s/o bff if she hurt my cuz. We had a get together wit family & friends and drinks were ON...DECK! So my cuz comes thru, and hits it off wit my s/o's best friend. Whole nite they kickin it, we all kickin it, everyone drankin and havin a good time. By time the time the party was over, I was drunk af.

So me and my s/o went upstairs to her bedroom, and left my cuz and her bff downstairs on the couch. All remember is how I was just ramblin on...then busted out "Well...she hurt my cuzin...IMMA CUT HER!" Well...downstairs heard me. I blacked out after that threat. Lol. Next day, s/o filled me in on what happened...smh. Next get together we laughed about that nite, so it was all good. Lol
first time i had sex.

everyone talking about cumming tickles.

so had the chick at my crib...we kissing and grabbin....so once the diamond cutter is fully charged we go at it, hardcore, ful power.....for a whole maybe 15 secs...when i bussed
i was convulsing, bask spasming, and me feet got cold....fucking gil gets up and gets me a drink of water asking me am i ok trying to not laugh....i was holding the covers up to me eyes like i was violated.

til this day i wear sock when smashing.
but hey first time driving you might hit a curb or two ....right?
I just saw some shit on youtube that made me think of one of my most embarrassing moments as a kid.

I was either heading to the 4th or 5th grade. It was the night before the first day of school and I wasn't able to get a hair cut that weekend. My sister said she'll cut my hair. She cut most of my hair but then the clippers stopped working. I still had a big patch at the back of my head.

She was trying to calm me down like "yo the shag used to be the style, u can bring it back!". Nigga I was crying and doing this shit:


My sister was dying laughing. I went to school and got roasted like a mf. I'm still mad about that shit :foh5:

One time my fam needed a haircut, so I offered to cut it.
He said ok so anyways heā€™s black and so I was lining his front up and damn I went to far back. He looked like this!

I was like Iā€™m sorry at least itā€™ll grow back! Lol
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that time i got punked by retard jamal in front the whole school actually it was just the whole 6th and 7th grade class but yea

ill go find that shit on the other site tomorrow and paste it here

Me and my step dad will roast eachother occasionally or try to embarrass one another in public. I was maybe 12 at the time. Getting ready for football to start, he takes me to sports authority to get cleats and mouthguard and what not. On the way there we are cracking jokes to eachother. Get there and we're looking at stuff. Fine ass employee walks up asks if we need help. Naturally, I'm shy af, overweight as hell and just be my awkward self keeping my distance and admiring her from afar. I think step dad took notice. She leads us to the mouth guards and I take my pick.

After I get my mouthguard, the girl asks "so Is there anything else i can help you with?" And without hesitation my step dad goes "yeah, hes about to start football tomorrow and we need to make sure hes well protected, do you guys carry xtra small jockstraps?"

I busted up laughing because the timing was fucking perfect but really it just made her probably feel awkward which added to my own embarrassment and hurt my soul even more.

Best timed joke I've ever heard though and I hate it was by him and directed to me.
a guy i didnt like in high school stole a box of stunguns....
he was selling them.
but he let people try them out first....
he gave one to this guy who was chasing people with it.
Me , thinking is not for the shits stood and didnt run.....i was going catch this next bus coming.

dudes timing was perfect......as im looking at the bus as it pulls up...this nigga comes and shocks me with the stungun on full...right in the chest.

real shit....i remember seeing him but didnt remember most else.
when i came to everyone was laughing...they told me he shocked me and i dropped like a rock and if that wasnt bad enough when i hit the ground he stood over me and shocked me like 3-4 more times.

and everyone outside and on the bus saw it and they was all laughing....


but crazy me....i fought the guy who gave it to him first and the guy who did it second
I just saw some shit on youtube that made me think of one of my most embarrassing moments as a kid.

I was either heading to the 4th or 5th grade. It was the night before the first day of school and I wasn't able to get a hair cut that weekend. My sister said she'll cut my hair. She cut most of my hair but then the clippers stopped working. I still had a big patch at the back of my head.

She was trying to calm me down like "yo the shag used to be the style, u can bring it back!". Nigga I was crying and doing this shit:


My sister was dying laughing. I went to school and got roasted like a mf. I'm still mad about that shit :foh5:

Yo my sister did the exact same shit to me grade 4. Like nothing was wrong with the clippers either she just couldn't/wouldn't even the shit out so my shit was just patches. Cried that day. I feel your pain brother.
Almost drowned at Cocoa Beach. Screamed like a little girl for help. Good friend stole a boogie board from a little girl to save me. When I got out the water, I looked directly into the news camera and said '...and that's why they don't let black people in the water!'

I let Nas and my Mama down...

Me and my step dad will roast eachother occasionally or try to embarrass one another in public. I was maybe 12 at the time. Getting ready for football to start, he takes me to sports authority to get cleats and mouthguard and what not. On the way there we are cracking jokes to eachother. Get there and we're looking at stuff. Fine ass employee walks up asks if we need help. Naturally, I'm shy af, overweight as hell and just be my awkward self keeping my distance and admiring her from afar. I think step dad took notice. She leads us to the mouth guards and I take my pick.

After I get my mouthguard, the girl asks "so Is there anything else i can help you with?" And without hesitation my step dad goes "yeah, hes about to start football tomorrow and we need to make sure hes well protected, do you guys carry xtra small jockstraps?"

I busted up laughing because the timing was fucking perfect but really it just made her probably feel awkward which added to my own embarrassment and hurt my soul even more.

Best timed joke I've ever heard though and I hate it was by him and directed to me.

lol your step pops sounds like a cool mf
I'm like 10 or 12 and I went with my dad's neighbors to play basketball and we super deep in their truck full of dudes I don't even know. Dude mom says you excited to meet your brother? I was like huh? She was like yea your little brother was just born a few months ago. Me and my dad were pretty tight back then so I felt betrayed and young nigga started tearing up in a car full of strangers. When we drop them dudes off I heard one of them dudes say is he gonna be ok? He crying kind of hard back there. Shit makes my skin crawl to this day
shit, my life as a whole up until high school.....then I got cool for like a week

then embarrassment thru the young 20's

im kinda leveled out now.....anything embarrassing left about me im claiming it and dont give a fuck

Me and my step dad will roast eachother occasionally or try to embarrass one another in public. I was maybe 12 at the time. Getting ready for football to start, he takes me to sports authority to get cleats and mouthguard and what not. On the way there we are cracking jokes to eachother. Get there and we're looking at stuff. Fine ass employee walks up asks if we need help. Naturally, I'm shy af, overweight as hell and just be my awkward self keeping my distance and admiring her from afar. I think step dad took notice. She leads us to the mouth guards and I take my pick.

After I get my mouthguard, the girl asks "so Is there anything else i can help you with?" And without hesitation my step dad goes "yeah, hes about to start football tomorrow and we need to make sure hes well protected, do you guys carry xtra small jockstraps?"

I busted up laughing because the timing was fucking perfect but really it just made her probably feel awkward which added to my own embarrassment and hurt my soul even more.

Best timed joke I've ever heard though and I hate it was by him and directed to me.
This is exactly why no one likes being around white ppl especially dumb and dumbass over here. ^^^