You going to the police?

how do you avenge your rape

  • tell your significant other and yall decide together

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You're the target, not the victim 🧐
Mod Squad
Jan 18, 2017
Baltimore Charm City Maryland
SO say you wake up in a hotel room..

and there's movie waiting for you on the tv, with a post it saying"press play"

you press play, and you see yourself with someone you thought u came there with last night.

first the sex tape starts off normal, yall both were into some consensual sex..... you were getting it n everything....

some of seems familiar, some of it seems blurry.......

then it's to the point where nothing seems familiar any more. you don't remember doing anything else....

eventually you seem to be passed out on the bed, and the other person then looks at the camera and smiles...

in comes a person of the same sex as you, and they stay performing sexual acts on your unconscious body.....

no cut cards whatsoever. this is rape.

only catch is, you're married....or in a relationship..

what do you do?
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I'll send a clip to ya mouth/
back of the gun to ya nose/
Front of the gun to ya clothes/
I let it rip and I bounce

Then I'm in the hood with the pump in the truck looking
But if you ain't in them cuts or on them benches
I'm a park the fucking truck and knock yo door off the hinges
Got the 357, 40 cal, hit my cousin for a chopper, grabbing the portable saw, contractor trash bags, work gloves, zip ties, rope, gasoline, and going to work. Nobody living.
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so holup....are the perpetrators there when you see the video?

like how you know where they are to even do anything?
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so holup....are the perpetrators there when you see the video?

like how you know where they are to even do anything?
Exactly. Niggas gonna turn into Liam the nigger beater and just take their rage out on the next gay nigga they see
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Find 'em and knock 'em out. When they come to they'll be in a shed somewhere in the middle of a forest or the middle of the desert. I'll torture them for days on end, just inflicting as much pain as possible with as many ways as my mind can imagine. Suffocation, near drowining, and alladat. They will experience pain and the sensation of nearly dying so much they'll wish they were dead.

And when I feel as if I've had enough fun, I'll force them to fuck... but they gotta do missionary last. And he's gotta kiss her, 'cause while they're kissing, I'm gonna put a bullet through the back of his head and straight into hers.

Then you burn the shed down and go home and pick up your life. And if the cops come for you, the tape they so stupidly left behind is enough to get you an insanity plea.
Oh id most definitely inform the police, only to try and get an identity if i didnt know the individual. Then it would be a race of "Who will catch them first?". If i am the victor of that race, there will be some Hostel torture type shit happening.
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Find 'em and knock 'em out. When they come to they'll be in a shed somewhere in the middle of a forest or the middle of the desert. I'll torture them for days on end, just inflicting as much pain as possible with as many ways as my mind can imagine. Suffocation, near drowining, and alladat. They will experience pain and the sensation of nearly dying so much they'll wish they were dead.

And when I feel as if I've had enough fun, I'll force them to fuck... but they gotta do missionary last. And he's gotta kiss her, 'cause while they're kissing, I'm gonna put a bullet through the back of his head and straight into hers.

Then you burn the shed down and go home and pick up your life. And if the cops come for you, the tape they so stupidly left behind is enough to get you an insanity plea.
Not your first rodeo hunh?
Not your first rodeo hunh?

Nothing like that. It's just a fitting end to people that would do that kind of shit.

Torture, near death experiences, and finally perished while engaged in the same activity that got them into that predicament in the first place.
Naw you just sitting there by yourself watching them take turns on you . And you have no idea how to find them afterwards

well aint bout to find them people smh

on a serious note you gotta go to the police...and hope its a sick rich muthafucka that did it
