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You Ever Came Close To Death?

you niggas are savages

all 21 ah yall

When I was 11 I went to the Fish Camp Jam in Gastonia, NC (@Cain probably knows about it).

Boys II Men was performing and somebody yelled gun and everybody scattered. I started running thinking niggas was shooting. Swore a bullet flew past me and shot out the window across from me.

Got separated from my family and was scared as hell.

Come to find out nobody had a gun, but a lot of people got trampled.

Driving on 75 (highway) going back home for Christmas break when i was in college. Snow storm and it was snowing pretty hard. About an hour in to the 3 hour drive hit a patch where it was basically a white out in a two lane country highway. Couldnt see 2 feet ahead of me. It happened suddenly too. So i immediately turn the hazards on and get to the right lane going like 25.

A bunch of cars slam on the breaks and of course the roads slick so people start sliding. Im in the sticks so its a two lane highway with no median seperating cars going the other way. Only a patch of grass. Im in the shoulder a SUV from the other side of the highway swerves onto the side im on and hits a car in the next lane. I can barley see it but when i realized it what was goin on it felt like slow motion. Smashed the car in the lane next to me. Both people died.
When I was bout 7-8 i was wit my mom and cousin late one night goin to pick up my uncle from work, it was raining and we were behind this big ass log truck. One of the logs came loose and hit our window but didnt come through. Crazy how we all walked outta that shit without a scratch

Been shot at on like 3 different occasions all of which weren't cause of some shit I done but the niggas I was hanging around w/

I fucked myself up real bad lifting weights summer 0f 07 fresh outta high school. I tried to fight through the pain and my homie mom knew a lot about medical shit so she told me I needed to go to the ER. I was scared though so I kept putting it off but once the pain was too much I finally went n they told me if i aint come in that I would of died.

So yea, these days im pretty much a safety first ass nigga, i aint got no friends and i dont fuck around w/ weights like that anymore
The closest that ever happened was in an old car that I had a long time ago. Probably nothing as severe as everyone's else story tho. In the south, we love them old schools or whips we can throw 22s under. Man!!!!! I used to have numerous problems with it until the car repair shop, rewired my car, then after it stop messing up every summer. But their was only one problem with this......my emergency brake didn't work. I was leaving work and I pulled into a gas station to grab something. Then I got in the car and started driving, I tried to stop at the gas station exit but my car wouldn't stop. I was pressing hard af down on the brakes but still no give. It was an eighteen wheeler truck riding down the street but my car stopped right in the nick of time........took a deep breath because my car almost cause me my life. Drove a little bit more, rode to this nearby park, parked my car, called my sister to tell her to pick me up. Found out that my master floor cylinder went out. Told her I'm not driving that car anymore, the next day I bought me another one.
Leaving a club here in Charlotte back in the day around 4am before I actually lived here. It was 4 of us and I was in the back seat and my homie B''s brother was in the back as well. My boy Paul was in the front not passenger seat and my homie B was driving. B didn't drink or smoke but the rest of us was high and drunk as fuck. I asked B if he was good to drive and his exact words were...."yeah nigga I'm good" and my boy Paul said I'm straight too. So my black passed out.

Maybe 15min later I wake up to Paul screaming B WTF man wake up wake up!!!! This nigga fell asleep driving while going up 85 North. We went from the far right lane going north to jumping lanes going into the median turning around in the wet grass about 10 times hopping back on to 85 South bound going against traffic slam into a guard rail. Then this nigga wakes up hits the gas and we went speeding back into the median again and going back over to northbound 85 and slamming into that guard rail till the car came to a stop.

A broke some ribs, B's brother broke some ribs, and fucked up his back. Paul fucked up his neck and B wasn't hurt at all. Somehow by the grace of God we didn't die or hit any other cars. If we wouldn't have hit the guard rail on both sides we would've been in a creek 50' down.
About 7 years ago or so, I was at my nigga's spot smoking and drinking.

It was my nigga Bey , Dula, Juda and me. We was at Bey's spot smoking and drinking waiting for the new Jordan 11's to drop. We was gonna go stand in line around 3am and shit.

Matter fact, we was in the same spot these niggas are in , in this video

(Bey's the nigga with the beard)

This nigga Juda drunk damn near a whole bottle of ciroc on his own. Something told me to not let this nigga drive. 3 oclock comes and we get in the whip to head out. We aint even make it one block. There was a sharp right turn on the first block you had to make, this nigga Juda is going 70mph and the turn is about 20 feet away. Mind you it's raining hard af. Before we even crashed, I knew it was a wrap. Everything started going in slow motion, I really did see my life flash before my eyes. We crash into a phone pole and idk how but none of us got injured.

It was a 2 door whip, so I hurried up and got out and let the seat up so Bey and Dula could get out. No more than 5 secs of us stepping out the whip the car explodes. The power went out in the 2 blocks nearest to us. Cops started coming, we all dipped, Juda ended up getting locked up... 2 hrs later I went to get the Jays by myself :js4:

Yall ever came close to death?

LOL you still copping the Js is hilarious..glad yall ok tho
About 20 yrs ago. Fall of '99. I went to school a few days w/a minor cold. Mom's told me that Friday to stay home but she had to go to work (car stopped running). She came back home around 4pm. I was really feeling like shit by then.

Shit turned south for me later in the evening and my lungs felt like they were going to give out, my lips were pale grey, by that point my mom took my uncle's truck (about to blackout) I-75 and took me to the hospital where I spent the whole weekend smh. After that whole ordeal, I never got/wanted to be sick like that again.

The thing with me as a kid, when I got sick I stayed in & out the hospital b/c of my asthma early in childhood (I was born sick).
As I got older and would get real sick I refused going to the hospital (I hated needles).
I got another incident in mind...

I don't think this qualifies as near death but it could have turned out much differently...

New year's Eve 2013: I normally pick & choose when I go out during winter season b/c of the weather. I didn't want to sit at home. It was only an inch of snow on the ground.

I used to ride a para-transit bus service for people who were disabled, elderly, or had health issues. So I get on the bus and the bus is a few blocks past my house, while the lady is driving she drives pass a stop sign and the bus slides into a truck. To make matters worse it's a guy right behind us that runs into us....

The bus stops running then dude that was behind us hops out his car tells the bus driver "you done fucked up my ride". The lady trying to start the bus up to get it running b/c it's cold. They get to talking and she talking slick to the guy he gets mad and runs up on the bus (I'm thinking this dude got heat on him) while she trying to start up the bus again. He snatches the keys and then they wrestling over the keys.

I can't believe this shit... So she calls the cops. Ol' boy runs off the bus then comes back apologizing talking about "I'm in my girl ride, and I ain't got no license." "I ain't know you had a cripple on the bus." Dude eventually left before the police came. A cop didn't show up until an hour later, took the bus driver's & my info wrote it up and left.
I got another incident in mind...

I don't think this qualifies as near death but it could have turned out much differently...

New year's Eve 2013: I normally pick & choose when I go out during winter season b/c of the weather. I didn't want to sit at home. It was only an inch of snow on the ground.

I used to ride a para-transit bus service for people who were disabled, elderly, or had health issues. So I get on the bus and the bus is a few blocks past my house, while the lady is driving she drives pass a stop sign and the bus slides into a truck. To make matters worse it's a guy right behind us that runs into us....

The bus stops running then dude that was behind us hops out his car tells the bus driver "you done fucked up my ride". The lady trying to start the bus up to get it running b/c it's cold. They get to talking and she talking slick to the guy he gets mad and runs up on the bus (I'm thinking this dude got heat on him) while she trying to start up the bus again. He snatches the keys and then they wrestling over the keys.

I can't believe this shit... So she calls the cops. Ol' boy runs off the bus then comes back apologizing talking about "I'm in my girl ride, and I ain't got no license." "I ain't know you had a cripple on the bus." Dude eventually left before the police came. A cop didn't show up until an hour later, took the bus driver's & my info wrote it up and left.

And the bus driver made another pick up before she dropped me off at the mall. This client had to tell her to slow her ass down while she was driving as well. I was so happy when I got dropped off I didn't know what to do.