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You Ever Came Close To Death?

oh i did get stabbed in both shoulders by my father in law....

i think he came closer to death that night... he stabbed me while i was strangling him...i let go when his eyes rolled back,......i started not to let go, like seriously considered it... shit was crazy that night...

i ain't even go to the hospital till the next morning....could have bled out in my sleep cuz i was drunk as fuck too....my wife (then girlfriend) was like there was way too much blood in the bed to not go to the hospital..thet stitched me up and gave me some pain pills.....

another time i got stitches was when i was fighting and a nigga cut me on the temple with a box cutter.....that shit almost bled out too.....only ambulance ride of my life
About 7 years ago or so, I was at my nigga's spot smoking and drinking.

It was my nigga Bey , Dula, Juda and me. We was at Bey's spot smoking and drinking waiting for the new Jordan 11's to drop. We was gonna go stand in line around 3am and shit.

Matter fact, we was in the same spot these niggas are in , in this video

(Bey's the nigga with the beard)

This nigga Juda drunk damn near a whole bottle of ciroc on his own. Something told me to not let this nigga drive. 3 oclock comes and we get in the whip to head out. We aint even make it one block. There was a sharp right turn on the first block you had to make, this nigga Juda is going 70mph and the turn is about 20 feet away. Mind you it's raining hard af. Before we even crashed, I knew it was a wrap. Everything started going in slow motion, I really did see my life flash before my eyes. We crash into a phone pole and idk how but none of us got injured.

It was a 2 door whip, so I hurried up and got out and let the seat up so Bey and Dula could get out. No more than 5 secs of us stepping out the whip the car explodes. The power went out in the 2 blocks nearest to us. Cops started coming, we all dipped, Juda ended up getting locked up... 2 hrs later I went to get the Jays by myself :js4:

Yall ever came close to death?


Nigga ain't shit.
How you still get the Jay's?
Matter of fact.....did you dip out cuz you on ya 21 Savage shit?
Nah, fuck what you talkin bout lol. Go in your car now and drive into a building going 80mph and let me know how close to death u come.
that car accident was crazy as fuck though....all things considered we coulda gotten really fucked up... but no one did....niggaz was just sore.....the driver had glass in his eye... but his girl pulld it out
Cutting class and running down a hallway and as I turned the corner....my dad was standing with the principal's aide.

Closest to death I ever been.
not sure if these count bc nothing near death but shit that could've went sideways in an instant:
-14 yrs old playing with a rifle didn't know was loaded. sticking it in all my siblings faces and looking down the barrel myself. didnt know it was loaded til i went out back and pointed it at the trees (we were in boondocks) and it fired. dumbest shit I ever did in life.
-got in 2 diff car chases by 2 diff groups gangbangers who both times was waving and pointing guns, I was driving in one of the chases mustve ran 10 red lights, driving in opposite lanes, going up to 80 mph n got away clean
-my first apartment I had just got off work like 10 pm parked my car. literally the second I got into my apartment there was a little shootout maybe 5 or so shots went off right where I just walked past not even 5 min ago.
not sure if these count bc nothing near death but shit that could've went sideways in an instant:
-14 yrs old playing with a rifle didn't know was loaded. sticking it in all my siblings faces and looking down the barrel myself. didnt know it was loaded til i went out back and pointed it at the trees (we were in boondocks) and it fired. dumbest shit I ever did in life.
-got in 2 diff car chases by 2 diff groups gangbangers who both times was waving and pointing guns, I was driving in one of the chases mustve ran 10 red lights, driving in opposite lanes, going up to 80 mph n got away clean
-my first apartment I had just got off work like 10 pm parked my car. literally the second I got into my apartment there was a little shootout maybe 5 or so shots went off right where I just walked past not even 5 min ago.

That reminded me... I spoke on this on the IC a time or two, but I was in a high speed car chase back in '92 where we were clocked at 159-169mph+ on Outer Drive on the east side of Detroit. There were a number of times where we wound up going the wrong way through traffic with cars coming straight for us with DPD in pursuit. At one point we had a cop car coming towards us and a car behind us and my boy hopped the curb, drove across a few lawns and back out on to the street to get around the cops. Dude outran 28 police cars from 3-4 different cities and 2 helicopters. It was a third copter that spotted us AFTER they finally called off the chase. We both got our asses beat by DPD behind that but because his pops was a ranking cop we were let off with no charges filed.
I told this on the ic years ago.

I went into emerg cuz I was hemmoriging from a blighted ovum* that was coming out. Emerg let me bleed out for 3hrs before calling my obgyn.

When they put me under to remove the ovum my lungs collapsed because I had no blood volume in me. All I remember is I CANT BREATHE!!! and started furiously knawing on what was in my mouth(the breathing tube they were trying to put in.) A nurse opened my eye and said "BA, can you hear me?" Then it was lights out again

I recovery the nurse said " whew you gave us quite a scare" I replied I know I couldn't breathe! She had a look of shock on her face.

*A blighted ovum (also known as “anembryonic pregnancy”) happens when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, but the embryo does not develop.
Last year i woke up with a headache on a saturday in september. Slept all day. Woke up sunday, same thing but took care of chores and what not. Monday i wake up with the worst migraine of my life. Could hardly stand. Laid in bed and didnt eat for 2 days. On wednesday of that week i went the the hospital and told my doc. She gave me a shot of toradol and i went on my way. Woke up thursday, left side of my chest hurt, i could barely lift my left arm. Hard to breath. Went back to the doctor. Did a chest X Ray and saw black in my lung so she thought i had pneumonia. Thankfully i told her to do my labs as she told the nurse to hold off cuz she thinks she knew the issue. Woke up friday with a cough and when i coughed up the phlegm it was pure blood. Went back to my room to call my doc but she called me first at like 8am. Told me to go to the ER. Was dizzy af, STILL had a headache, could barely breath, and was now coughing up blood. Got to the ER like an hour later, driving myself. Didnt even tell my mom until that morning and she met me there. They immediately pull me back as soon as i gave them my name and did a CT Scan of my chest. Found 3 blood clots in my right lung, one large blood clot in my left lung that stopped blood flow to the bottom of my lung and essentially bruised it (thats why we saw black on the xray) then i had a giant one in my left leg where the clots in my lungs came from.

Spent 6 days in the hospital, was out of work 6 weeks. 1/3 people die from pulmonary embolisms and the doc said i maybe had another day before i would have had a clot go into my brain or heart. Was the longest and worst pain ive ever felt in my life.
Was this before or after falling alseep in the chair lol
Had an asthma attack when I was 7.

Last year I fell asleep behind the wheel and veered into oncoming traffic. Luckily multiple horns from traffic woke me up and I was able to get back into the right lane.
Got popped when I was young. Niggas screaming hold on and breathe. Rushed into emergency surgery. Never lost consciousness until they tubed me and the anesthesiologists did his thing. IMO I wasn’t close to death but I suppose I could have bled out.
Got robbed at gunpoint when I was 7-8. Nigga stole our boombox

Got shot at by some crazy ass nigga who was wildin out on the block when i was a young

Did a 360 during heavy rain during heavy traffic on i94. Didnt get touched.

Got robbed at gunpoint again. Nigga caught me slippin put the pistol to the back of my head.

Got rolled up on by a van full of narcos after an altercation i had with a truck driver. Cracka ass was trying to run me off the road until I pulled the pistol. Only reason i aint pop his ass was because my newborn daughter was in the backseat. He radioed for help. Pigs caught me a few lights up. Jumped out guns to my head. I had the pistol on the front seat
Back when I was an installer, was doing in install in a home and needed to put in a new line. The house was on stilts do i figured a wall fish was easier than going through the floor.

So i go to my truck to get a flex bit, which Is a 6ft bendable drill hit. I kept my truck so junky that I couldn't find it. So I figured I'll just go through the floor at the same spot I was gonna drill wit the flex bit.

So I drill down 2inches from the wall, which u want to do because no electrical cables are ran on the exterior under the home. I drill down and all the lights flicker. I pull up my drill and the bit is melted.

I go to look under the home and the insulation is on fire. All and all, if I wasnt so junky. I woulda found the drill bit, and been holding it with one hand with one hand on a drill. I woulda been electrocuted.
Back when I was an installer, was doing in install in a home and needed to put in a new line. The house was on stilts do i figured a wall fish was easier than going through the floor.

So i go to my truck to get a flex bit, which Is a 6ft bendable drill hit. I kept my truck so junky that I couldn't find it. So I figured I'll just go through the floor at the same spot I was gonna drill wit the flex bit.

So I drill down 2inches from the wall, which u want to do because no electrical cables are ran on the exterior under the home. I drill down and all the lights flicker. I pull up my drill and the bit is melted.

I go to look under the home and the insulation is on fire. All and all, if I wasnt so junky. I woulda found the drill bit, and been holding it with one hand with one hand on a drill. I woulda been electrocuted.
I'm am sketch af when it comes to electricity ever since I was like 4 or 5 and stuck a pin in the plug in socket even tho my cousin said "I wouldn't do that if I was you".
Few years ago I went into anaphylactic shock after my Bday dinner...ordered some crab cakes that were made wit an egg wash...deathly allergic to eggs...asked tha waitress if they were prepared wit’ eggs and she assured me they weren’t...2 hours later I was in tha ER wit’ 2% air passage and 5 IV’s in my arms...that’s tha last time that bad of an allergic reaction has happened but it wasn’t my 1st...in all between asthma and severe nut and egg allergies I’ve been pretty close to death a few more than a few times....

Used to always wake up struggling to breath as a kid from asthma...1 night after struggling to call out for my moms during a “night time asthma attack” I just laid back and gave up cuz I was tired of fighting...don’t know how she heard me but my moms showed up with my breathing machine/treatment and pretty much saved my life that night too

Also been shot at or had shots sent in my general direction on a few different occasions (and on most of those occasions I threw shots back..good thing I’m a piss poor shot)...muthafucka in a club let a shot off right by my face that had tha fillings in my teeth throbbing (pause nh)...I just knew that was it for me smh

Always said tha reason I lived my 20’s soooo recklessly is because I didn’t believe I’d see 30...between tha streets and asthma I thought I was on borrowed time...glad af I was wrong
U allergic to eggs? Nigga never had a good breakfast in his life


Never had a good breakfast because I can’t eat cooked aborted bird embryos?! I say you’ve never had a good breakfast beacuse you DO eat them...
