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You Ever Came Close To Death?


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
About 7 years ago or so, I was at my nigga's spot smoking and drinking.

It was my nigga Bey , Dula, Juda and me. We was at Bey's spot smoking and drinking waiting for the new Jordan 11's to drop. We was gonna go stand in line around 3am and shit.

Matter fact, we was in the same spot these niggas are in , in this video

(Bey's the nigga with the beard)

This nigga Juda drunk damn near a whole bottle of ciroc on his own. Something told me to not let this nigga drive. 3 oclock comes and we get in the whip to head out. We aint even make it one block. There was a sharp right turn on the first block you had to make, this nigga Juda is going 70mph and the turn is about 20 feet away. Mind you it's raining hard af. Before we even crashed, I knew it was a wrap. Everything started going in slow motion, I really did see my life flash before my eyes. We crash into a phone pole and idk how but none of us got injured.

It was a 2 door whip, so I hurried up and got out and let the seat up so Bey and Dula could get out. No more than 5 secs of us stepping out the whip the car explodes. The power went out in the 2 blocks nearest to us. Cops started coming, we all dipped, Juda ended up getting locked up... 2 hrs later I went to get the Jays by myself :js4:

Yall ever came close to death?

i was in a car crash like that before,. no one got injured, but i don't think it was near death.....

my boy was jumping hills with his car back in the stix, and we hit this one corner, and while we was in midair we saw a truck coming around the corner with a trailer on it..... we hit the trailer, all the windows busted, car spent off the road... everybody got out and ran different directions...

like 20 mins later i found two of my peoples in the woods.... we walked the woods for a minute...came out, and by pure fucking luck immediately ran into someone we knew who gave us a ride back to the city...

as we was pulling away, mad cop cars was going in the opposite direction...

till this day i have no idea what kinda carnage we left behind us....all i know everybody had broken glass everywhere
Few times. First time I was 16 and my buddy just got his license. Parents bought him a 1990 Honda Accord and we went cruisin looking for a party. Had another friend driving his car behind us. All night my friend driving was drifting around corners pulling the e brake. He thought it was hilarious to drive then just pull the e brake and come to a stop.

Him and our friend in the other car were racing eachother all over town. Still, we were dead sober, just waiting on a call to go to a friends party. We start racing our other friend on the main street and we're going up this big hill. My friend driving is going 70-80mph. I see his hand reach for the e brake. I scream "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" but he pulls the shit. Back tires lock up, we fishtail, go into oncoming traffic and amazingly hit nobody, swing back around into the original lane but now we are facing the opposite way. Slide into the curb and the car flies into the air.

Car lands on the roof and it crushes a tiny bit, we flip to my window, glass shatters and goes everywhere, roll again and my head was hanging out the window a bit but i was already holding on to the "oh shit handle" and was able to pull most of my head in. When we roll on my side of the vehicle again my head kinda slams into the ground but thankfully it was just grass. We did 2 complete rolls down this hill and finally hit a tree and stopped. Every window is busted out. Me and the driver look at eachother like "you ok?" look behind us. Friend that was in the backseat is gone. Out of nowhere we hear him scream and see him running up the hill. Hear other people getting out of their cars screaming. None of the doors opened so we had to crawl out of my window and run up the hill.

Friend that was ejected out of the backseat was fine, just shaken tf up and went through a tree. It was a super super tiny tree though. Literally like a baby tree lmao.
couple of fights and stand offs got real as fuck when niggaz pulled out guns n shit.....

been robbed at gunpoint before...i was steady talking shit and trying to fight the robber.... gun never went off once....

drove home in a snow blizzard......0% traction... in the mountains... kept thinking i was gonna go off the road

i don't really think those count tho... i was definitely in danger.. but made it out so unscathed...i can't consider it a real brush with death
i was in a car crash like that before,. no one got injured, but i don't think it was near death.....

my boy was jumping hills with his car back in the stix, and we hit this one corner, and while we was in midair we saw a truck coming around the corner with a trailer on it..... we hit the trailer, all the windows busted, car spent off the road... everybody got out and ran different directions...

like 20 mins later i found two of my peoples in the woods.... we walked the woods for a minute...came out, and by pure fucking luck immediately ran into someone we knew who gave us a ride back to the city...

as we was pulling away, mad cop cars was going in the opposite direction...

till this day i have no idea what kinda carnage we left behind us....all i know everybody had broken glass everywhere

What happened to your boy leaving the scene, since I'm sure they found him since his car was left
couple of fights and stand offs got real as fuck when niggaz pulled out guns n shit.....

been robbed at gunpoint before...i was steady talking shit and trying to fight the robber.... gun never went off once....

drove home in a snow blizzard......0% traction... in the mountains... kept thinking i was gonna go off the road

i don't really think those count tho... i was definitely in danger.. but made it out so unscathed...i can't consider it a real brush with death

lol so if a gun in your face and your car flying in air doesn't count as near death then what does? Aids?
Overdosed once and nodded off in my computer chair with my leg in a weird position. Woke up 14 hours later in the same exact position i was in when i fell asleep. Both arms were "asleep" up to my elbows. Left leg was asleep entirely from my waist to my toes. Rolled out of my computer chair and laid down flat on the ground trying to move but i couldnt feel my limbs at all. Luckily after about 45 mins i started getting the tingly feeling in them and eventually I was able to move again. Then went right back to smokin.
lol so if a gun in your face and your car flying in air doesn't count as near death then what does? Aids?
i think of near death like in the hospital....on life support, everybody hoping i make it....

getting lucky doing dumb shit is just getting lucky....

fighting like 30 niggaz on 30 niggaz in west philly, hearing gun shots... hitting the bushes, and walking through alley's the whole way home isn't a near death experience...

thrilling as fuck...yes... but i don't think it's near death....

i think the nigga who robbed me gun was either empty or he was scared to pull the trigger, or scared of catching the fade....either way it was just sloppy.....he got my class ring and a watch, but i still had like $300 in cash that i kept, and he never got my phone cuz the fight started when he tried to pat my pockets to see what was in there...i don't wear jewlery outside my wedding ring to this day cuz of that shit
Last year i woke up with a headache on a saturday in september. Slept all day. Woke up sunday, same thing but took care of chores and what not. Monday i wake up with the worst migraine of my life. Could hardly stand. Laid in bed and didnt eat for 2 days. On wednesday of that week i went the the hospital and told my doc. She gave me a shot of toradol and i went on my way. Woke up thursday, left side of my chest hurt, i could barely lift my left arm. Hard to breath. Went back to the doctor. Did a chest X Ray and saw black in my lung so she thought i had pneumonia. Thankfully i told her to do my labs as she told the nurse to hold off cuz she thinks she knew the issue. Woke up friday with a cough and when i coughed up the phlegm it was pure blood. Went back to my room to call my doc but she called me first at like 8am. Told me to go to the ER. Was dizzy af, STILL had a headache, could barely breath, and was now coughing up blood. Got to the ER like an hour later, driving myself. Didnt even tell my mom until that morning and she met me there. They immediately pull me back as soon as i gave them my name and did a CT Scan of my chest. Found 3 blood clots in my right lung, one large blood clot in my left lung that stopped blood flow to the bottom of my lung and essentially bruised it (thats why we saw black on the xray) then i had a giant one in my left leg where the clots in my lungs came from.

Spent 6 days in the hospital, was out of work 6 weeks. 1/3 people die from pulmonary embolisms and the doc said i maybe had another day before i would have had a clot go into my brain or heart. Was the longest and worst pain ive ever felt in my life.
lol so if a gun in your face and your car flying in air doesn't count as near death then what does? Aids?
funny enough i did meet a chick with aids, who i was 100% in the mindset of smashing, then while we was sitting in my car behind the mall in the parking lot,...drinking and smoking....talking about poetry and music... u know....bout to smash... she hit me with the "i gotta tell you something but i don't want u to look at me different"

and sure enough she had aids.....i definitely aborted all plans of smashing....

but i guess you can call that a near death...
I'm damn near crying at work because of this story

But nah not really sorry man except for the time I almost drowned at a pool at summer camp
Last year i woke up with a headache on a saturday in september. Slept all day. Woke up sunday, same thing but took care of chores and what not. Monday i wake up with the worst migraine of my life. Could hardly stand. Laid in bed and didnt eat for 2 days. On wednesday of that week i went the the hospital and told my doc. She gave me a shot of toradol and i went on my way. Woke up thursday, left side of my chest hurt, i could barely lift my left arm. Hard to breath. Went back to the doctor. Did a chest X Ray and saw black in my lung so she thought i had pneumonia. Thankfully i told her to do my labs as she told the nurse to hold off cuz she thinks she knew the issue. Woke up friday with a cough and when i coughed up the phlegm it was pure blood. Went back to my room to call my doc but she called me first at like 8am. Told me to go to the ER. Was dizzy af, STILL had a headache, could barely breath, and was now coughing up blood. Got to the ER like an hour later, driving myself. Didnt even tell my mom until that morning and she met me there. They immediately pull me back as soon as i gave them my name and did a CT Scan of my chest. Found 3 blood clots in my right lung, one large blood clot in my left lung that stopped blood flow to the bottom of my lung and essentially bruised it (thats why we saw black on the xray) then i had a giant one in my left leg where the clots in my lungs came from.

Spent 6 days in the hospital, was out of work 6 weeks. 1/3 people die from pulmonary embolisms and the doc said i maybe had another day before i would have had a clot go into my brain or heart. Was the longest and worst pain ive ever felt in my life.
see now that's near death
Got shot by DPD. Six inches to the left and it would have hit my right subclavian artery and I'd have probably bled out 'cause DPD wouldn't have given a shit.

I got sick as hell back in '95. My ex had me come through to look after me 'cause I was in pretty bad shape. My throat got so fucked up it got to the point where couldn't even swallow water without intense pain. I got up in the middle of the night to go take a piss, came back in the room and passed out. She called 911 and when I got to the hospital they said I was extremely dehydrated and I had a temp of 108. Doctors said that if I hadn't been brought in when I did I probably would have died in a few more hours. I was in the ER most of the day but they got my temp under control. It turns out I had a case of acute pharyngitis and the dehydration was a result of me reducing the amount of fluids I consumed because of the pain. Put me on penicillin for a week or two and I was good.
i think of near death like in the hospital....on life support, everybody hoping i make it....

getting lucky doing dumb shit is just getting lucky....

fighting like 30 niggaz on 30 niggaz in west philly, hearing gun shots... hitting the bushes, and walking through alley's the whole way home isn't a near death experience...

thrilling as fuck...yes... but i don't think it's near death....

i think the nigga who robbed me gun was either empty or he was scared to pull the trigger, or scared of catching the fade....either way it was just sloppy.....he got my class ring and a watch, but i still had like $300 in cash that i kept, and he never got my phone cuz the fight started when he tried to pat my pockets to see what was in there...i don't wear jewlery outside my wedding ring to this day cuz of that shit

Nah, fuck what you talkin bout lol. Go in your car now and drive into a building going 80mph and let me know how close to death u come.