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You a five at best

Another way to look at it is the girls that look like a 10 (fat ass, big titties, slim waist, perfect teeth, latte complexion, hazel eyes, "good hair") think they look so good that the only man good enough has to be a professional athlete that makes over $10m per year. Or maybe an investment banker...but she'll settle for a doctor or a lawyer if she hits 30 and hasn't landed a professional athlete.

The problem with these girls is that they've only worked at strip clubs their whole life and they have a twisted sense of reality. Their whole personality is founded in the belief that they look so good they should be able to get whatever they want. And if a guy doesn't want her he must be gay.

I'm no millionaire but I've approached girls and tried to strike up a conversation and they're boring. They can't make conversation, or tell a story. Maybe they're shy. They look great, but don't have a personality. Personality goes a long way.

The reality is these girls are so stuck up they'll end up lonely because they passed on a lot of great guys that didn't meet her criteria.

Ultimately they gain weight and their looks fade away.
I think the point overall is that a little humility is good for everyone. No matter what number you think you are, acting like you're a 10 could cost you. That's true even if you are a legit 10 and moreso if you're not.
I think everyone should think they’re a ten. We need more self love and confidence. If we are being honest this rating shit is bullshit. Who are we to tell anyone they aren’t what they feel they are?
Another way to look at it is the girls that look like a 10 (fat ass, big titties, slim waist, perfect teeth, latte complexion, hazel eyes, "good hair")
See like this shit here. What makes that a ten?!

what the fuck is good hair? Why is latte complexion considered a 10? Why is hazel eyes a 10?

So someone without these qualities shouldn’t feel like they are a 10?
I think everyone should think they’re a ten. We need more self love and confidence. If we are being honest this rating shit is bullshit. Who are we to tell anyone they aren’t what they feel they are?

lol You right about ratings. I mean we all do it, but I didn't think anyone actually took those number seriously.

But your point about needing self-love and confidence is worth discussion. I believe those two are important, but at what point do they both lead to a person being obnoxious and hard to deal with. Most dudes love confident women. I don't know any dude that loves arrogant women. I imagine the same dynamic exists for women with regards to men.
lol You right about ratings. I mean we all do it, but I didn't think anyone actually took those number seriously.

But your point about needing self-love and confidence is worth discussion. I believe those two are important, but at what point do they both lead to a person being obnoxious and hard to deal with. Most dudes love confident women. I don't know any dude that loves arrogant women. I imagine the same dynamic exists for women with regards to men.
You’re right but although they are arrogant and obnoxious to deal with, who are we to tell them to calm that shit down?

I can’t stand arrogant men or women but I can’t dim their light if they are really feeling themselves. I may say some shit low key but it ain’t my job to tell them they ain’t all that.
I learn more and more this shit is really a stupid game to play with yourself

I've had people tell me i was straight up ugly without a haircut, i've had others tell me i was unapproachable and i had to have hoes

rock with what you got and love that shit....i promise somebody else loves it too...its just important to know that everybody wont and they're not supposed to
You’re right but although they are arrogant and obnoxious to deal with, who are we to tell them to calm that shit down?

I can’t stand arrogant men or women but I can’t dim their light if they are really feeling themselves. I may say some shit low key but it ain’t my job to tell them they ain’t all that.

You right, and if they are arrogant and cool with whatever consequences that come from that then that's on them. That said, I've met quite a few lonely and bitter men and women that think the problem is with everyone else and not themselves. What other advice can you give them but to tell them to tone it down if that's what you honestly believe is the issue?
lol You right about ratings. I mean we all do it, but I didn't think anyone actually took those number seriously.

But your point about needing self-love and confidence is worth discussion. I believe those two are important, but at what point do they both lead to a person being obnoxious and hard to deal with. Most dudes love confident women. I don't know any dude that loves arrogant women. I imagine the same dynamic exists for women with regards to men.

No, we all don't.

People really do take them seriously. There are movies and songs about "perfect 10s". The go-to insult from a man to a woman is "you're a 5 (or below) at best"?

I totally agree with the second part of your post.
No, we all don't.

People really do take them seriously. There are movies and songs about "perfect 10s". The go-to insult from a man to a woman is "you're a 5 (or below) at best"?

I totally agree with the second part of your post.

You don't think so? Like you may not go around talking about 10s like it's some absolute rating, but you don't have any kinda tiering system for the attractiveness of guys you encounter?
To add some perspective to what I'm saying. If you get up in the morning, wash, brush your teeth, put on some sweats..I mean this for both men and women. ...put on sweats and a hood. Fix your hair and go out and run errands. You leaving the house looking as basically you as possible. No additional effort to be appealing to the eye cause you are focused on errands.

If you spend at least 6 hours of your day in a heavy traffic area communicating and surround by people while you take care of business. Human nature will attract at least 3 to 5 people that will feel compelled to speak to you.

Now..this isnt sexually, it's because we cant help but attract the attention of certain people. Now take those people that spark conversation up with you and how much you would consider those people attractive and confident.

That in itself is a mirror of what the average person considers about you.

If your average is more than 5 people, you are very attractive to other and you can say well I know when seeking , how quality of a catch I'm perceived and what my range is of what I should relatively expect my partner to look like physically or be personality wise..yall feel me?

So if I a dude leave my house on some basic shit and no one what so ever approach, gaze, or speak to me randomly...maybe I shouldnt expect..at whatever my confidence level is..maybe I shouldnt feel like anything less than the equivalent of beyonce is settling..yall feel me?
You right, and if they are arrogant and cool with whatever consequences that come from that then that's on them. That said, I've met quite a few lonely and bitter men and women that think the problem is with everyone else and not themselves. What other advice can you give them but to tell them to tone it down if that's what you honestly believe is the issue?
I’m not gonna tell them they need to quit thinking highly of themselves but they can tone that shit down.

was friends with a chick who got weight loss surgery and became hella arrogant. I understood why she got so overly confident because she had low self esteem for years. It got so bad she start hinting that she looked better than all of her friends. It started off as a joke but she really start saying that shit every time we talked. I told her she can feel how she feel but she needed to chill because everybody ain’t gonna feel how she does and she never know what’s gonna happen with her looks.

she big as a mfn house now. Bigger than she was before the surgery.
You know what's a great example of what I'm ttrying to get across? Take Ayesha Curry...a woman that says, ya know..I'm bothered that men dont shoot their shot.

But..if that's a thing that's important to you. Maybe dont be married to one of the most respected men in sports.

This is an example of going outside of your quality range. And it has nothing to do with looks
I’m not gonna tell them they need to quit thinking highly of themselves but they can tone that shit down.

was friends with a chick who got weight loss surgery and became hella arrogant. I understood why she got so overly confident because she had low self esteem for years. It got so bad she start hinting that she looked better than all of her friends. It started off as a joke but she really start saying that shit every time we talked. I told her she can feel how she feel but she needed to chill because everybody ain’t gonna feel how she does and she never know what’s gonna happen with her looks.

she big as a mfn house now. Bigger than she was before the surgery.

I think you handled that perfect.

And lol @ the Karmic backlash she caught.

You know what's a great example of what I'm ttrying to get across? Take Ayesha Curry...a woman that says, ya know..I'm bothered that men dont shoot their shoot.

But..if that's a thing that's important to you. Maybe dont be married to one of the most respected men in sports.

This is an example of going outside of your quality range. And it has nothing to do with looks

I'll be honest bro. I'm not seeing the logical connection between that example and this conversation.