Active Member
I wasn't the biggest Chapelle fan either. I thought he was corny as fuck until I saw his HBO special. That shit was funny. Even after that I had to watch a few episodes of the Chapelle Show before I got into. The Niggar Family was the first skit that I saw. I wasn't quite sure how to handle it at first. Initially I was pissed off then I figured out what he was trying to do and how he was going about it.
I understand why Chappelle walked away from his show. There's a very thin line between someone laughing with you and someone laughing AT YOU. When it's done right it's genius but any little deviation takes you to the land of coonery and bafoonery. Chappelle walked that line perfectly but the moment he felt that he was tipping in the wrong direction or that it could be PERCEIVED that he was going in the wrong direction he pulled the plug. I learned to respect Chappelle and his art.
He's a man of honour.