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Woman leaves man stranded on date Fair or Foul?


Active Member

I know i don't frequent this section as much but this topic has been going crazy on Twitter and i wanted to get ABW's thoughts on this. So this woman goes Dutch on the date and picked him up. Things were going smooth until he went to sleep on the date and she left him stranded. I personally feel like she's a piece of shit leaving him without a way home. Some of Twitter seems to think him accepting money was a red flag and justifying her leaving him stranded. Personally i think people ain't shit so what's your thoughts
and for the record he’s didn’t say he was stranded… he said his date left him after falling asleep @ the movies and that’s where he is at in life… just the acknowledgment of his mess up rather than being stranded..
Lol i guess i used the wrong word with stranded but this shit is foul