Will Smith bungee jumped out of a helicopter and inspired everyone watching


Unverified Legion of Trill member
Apr 4, 2017
If you don’t follow Will Smith on social media, you’re really missing out. On Tuesday, Smith proved that he isn’t just the GOAT of Instagram, he’s also the fresh prince of YouTube.

To celebrate his 50th birthday, Smith faced one of his greatest fears by bungee jumping out of a helicopter over the Grand Canyon, and he aired the entire thing live on his YouTube channel for the whole world to see." data-reactid="26" style="margin-bottom: 1em; color: rgb(38, 40, 42); font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">To celebrate his 50th birthday, Smith faced one of his greatest fears by bungee jumping out of a helicopter over the Grand Canyon, and he aired the entire thing live on his YouTube channel for the whole world to see.

The epic 1,000-foot jump was hosted by Smith’s friend and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air co-star Alfonso Ribeiro and took place in front of his entire family.

Leading up to the stunt, Smith seemed pretty chill and excited, despite playing a segment featuring an expert who explained the physics of the jump and how life-threatening it could be should the tiniest thing go wrong. However, about a minute before the countdown to the actual leap, Smith’s terror finally crept up on him, and you could see it on his face.
Leading up to the stunt, Smith seemed pretty chill and excited, despite playing a segment featuring an expert who explained the physics of the jump and how life-threatening it could be should the tiniest thing go wrong. However, about a minute before the countdown to the actual leap, Smith’s terror finally crept up on him, and you could see it on his face.

But once the hardest part was over, Smith looked utterly blissful as he soared above the Grand Canyon, and once the daredevil was safely back on his feet, he told his family, “Nothing will ever be scarier than that. It goes from complete, absolute terror to the most magnificent bliss you’ve ever felt in your life.But once the hardest part was over, Smith looked utterly blissful as he soared above the Grand Canyon, and once the daredevil was safely back on his feet, he told his family, “Nothing will ever be scarier than that. It goes from complete, absolute terror to the most magnificent bliss you’ve ever felt in your life.”

Smith then shared the lesson he learned from facing his fears, as he stated, “Don’t hesitate. Go. Commit. You gotta commit. You know, you might get hurt, you might lose something but, it’s like, you can’t experience the joy that is intended for you in life if you don’t go.” Viewers were moved by Smith overcoming his fears and by his inspirational words following the jump, like this person who tweeted:Smith then shared the lesson he learned from facing his fears, as he stated, “Don’t hesitate. Go. Commit. You gotta commit. You know, you might get hurt, you might lose something but, it’s like, you can’t experience the joy that is intended for you in life if you don’t go.” Viewers were moved by Smith overcoming his fears and by his inspirational words following the jump, like this person who tweeted:

Given the many inspirational instagram videos and the words of wisdom that Smith is known for, we knew his live jump was going to be entertaining, and he definitely did not disappoint.Given the many inspirational instagram videos and the words of wisdom that Smith is known for, we knew his live jump was going to be entertaining, and he definitely did not disappoint.
having fun and enjoying life.....

paid his dues to do what he wants.

Black Excellence
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Mid-life crisis maybe? Happy birthday Will
i think we should talk about mid life crisis at some point on here....

but i dont think this is what it is....

i think its more about all his debts are paid....so now he doesnt have to be so responsible and place others in front of what he wants.