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Why y'all niggas scurred to be great?

People with like minds get together pool funds and invest in land, learn how to grow and hunt own food, self defense training, produce own clothing, develop and sustain own economy, education locate water source etc. Not saying everybody just needs to duck off into wilderness. But learning how to self reliant and having the skills and resources to do so. Back to the basics, life 101 lol. Because right now if they wanted to leave everyone assed out thats exactly what it would be and that's by design
what made you finally get to this point of thinking like this?
at the end of the day.....bootstraps seems like talking down but its not.

its about perspective.

most people on this site have a job, car and place to live they pay for.....so all those people pulled themselves up by the bootstraps.
just because thats not what you call it doesnt mean thats not what it is.
to think thats not something to be proud of....i can take anyone to places where thats not an option.
Honestly many niggas are programmed to have a helpless woe is me victim mentality and the shit is crazy. Not to minimize what we been through as a people of course but essentially we as a collective do need to get over it, not forget it at all, but get over it and make sure Never happens again.

And the masses overall are programmed to depend on various forms of illusion like religion and politics as grown adults and that shit is crazy too cuz the info age and digital era has so much available to unravel the bs it's ridiculous.

Not to thread-jack, but that is the one sticking point I have with the ADOS movement. Personally, I don't want anyone calling me an 'African Descendant of Slaves', not in 2020. And the whole reparations thing. So, once they pay us off, then what? Will we not be unable to talk about slavery anymore? Just doesn't do anything for me, especially if money is going to be the handout.
They fear it because of 400+ years of oppression, institutionalized racism, and hereditary trauma.
So the task of undoing such deeply embedded and relentless anti-black shackles is probably a miracle in itself.
And the truth for many is that it's easier to just conform and let things happen.
They fear it because of 400+ years of oppression, institutionalized racism, and hereditary trauma.
So the task of undoing such deeply embedded and relentless anti-black shackles is probably a miracle in itself.
And the truth for many is that it's easier to just conform and let things happen.
this is false......i have seen people change when they want to change.
i think some people need incentive. some need guidance and some need someone to believe in them.

i often reach out to teachers and people who work with kids and most will say that kids need support.

to grow up with no one believing in you can do tons of damage. then place on top of that the environment and then the shit white people do......

shit can crush a lot of people.

thats why we dont need all this division. we all black to white people.
People arent created equal.

Take all this energy and put it towards working on giving everyone the same starting point at birth instead of asking these questions.
two people growing up the same may not come to the same ending or want the same goals but that doesnt mean to not be great for and within self.

i think alot of people have a baked in idea of what great is and what they need to be seen as successful. they want a blueprint to get to what they see and was told what they should have.

but everyone is great within.

You're right in that many have a preconceived notion of what being great is and it's typically associated with having alot of money. But even removing that aspect from being part of the definition of success you can't ignore life. And by that I mean how everyone's life shapes the path they go on. Not everything is in your control especially when you're a child. So we're subject to circumstances we have no say so in alot more than people care to admit and that can easily turn someone who wouldve been a success into what some would deem as a failure. Like they said in the movie Empire "With his mind for business if he was born in the suburbs he would be running a fortune 500 company. He was born in the South Bronx so he does what he does instead"
what made you finally get to this point of thinking like this?

Self education over time and realizing that many ideologies and systems people lean on for guidance and security in their lives are total lies or heavily tampered with ie. Religion, politics, educational system , food supply etc.

And also identifying how mans "advancement" in technology and society over time has led to a loss of the most basic life and survival skills and comfortable dependence on a system that could shut your whole life down with a snap of the fingers.
Like I said earlier I'm not against government assistance programs if needed.

???Damn I tell people to quit relying on fairy tales and fake ass politicians to save you and now Im a cuttthroat Savage that wants to let all the needy suffer and starve lol. I'm telling people to rely on self for security, progression, etc because that's REALITY

And I'm saying that everyone's foundation of self isnt as strong as you think it is. So that becomes an empty message to some. Of course you're not talking about babies and kids but you can't ignore how your experience growing up affects what you think you can become in life. People's resources arent the same so to expect everyone to be able to do what you're suggesting just isn't realistic
Bro, I feel you and totally agree with you. But you are fighting a losing battle. Like someone said earlier, there is a large number of black people who are comfortable with their lot in life (lazy) and want to blame others for not helping them do anything.

People are coming in here talking about 'babies can't support themselves'. Like fool, we aren't talking about a five-year-old. Grown black men and women. Why can't they be great? Who are they waiting on to lead them to greatness? And why?

Especially in this digital age, heading into 2021. The Internet has so much to help people learn themselves. You have 13-year old boys and girls who learn to code on their own and write some app that earns them a grip of money. The local library has a ton of resources. People can read a book and learn how to do things. IT certifications for example.

There are no excuses. Don't let these responses get you upset.

If how the current home schooling situation for many kids hasn't shown you that not everyone has equal access to things as simple as a local library or even working internet then you've missed alot. Many do not have these things you're suggesting are a hop.skip and jump away
People arent created equal.

Take all this energy and put it towards working on giving everyone the same starting point at birth instead of asking these questions.

So I should play God instead of make a thread huh? Lol. As if posing the question is so laborious.

Idc. You gotta get out that bubble b and have some other experiences b
You're right in that many have a preconceived notion of what being great is and it's typically associated with having alot of money. But even removing that aspect from being part of the definition of success you can't ignore life. And by that I mean how everyone's life shapes the path they go on. Not everything is in your control especially when you're a child. So we're subject to circumstances we have no say so in alot more than people care to admit and that can easily turn someone who wouldve been a success into what some would deem as a failure. Like they said in the movie Empire "With his mind for business if he was born in the suburbs he would be running a fortune 500 company. He was born in the South Bronx so he does what he does instead"
all true.

but this is where the oldheads come in.

the oldheads have failed alot of youngins.

the oldheads in my area would pick out who was one of them and the other go to school.

now its like...everyone wants a following or be apart of the group.

i think people need to see beyond themselves. just because i didnt make it doesnt mean i should crush someone elses dreams. and thats what some people do.
i hate seeing that shit. then those same people try to stop others from helping people...i guess fearing they will be left out.

but then again...its about perspective.

so while i understand everything people say and all the obstacle.....the family i told yall i help out......they tell me about bombs falling from the sky. know africans who got to europe on barely flaoting boats and women who were raped damn near the whole journey. all to get a better life...that most americans look down on. these people would kill to live in a projects.

so at times when i get back to philly, have very little sympathy for people who dont try. im not saying be a millionaire....but i am saying.....who says you cant be one?

in all my travels and people i ran into......two things happen quite a bit.
white people need to be told they cant do something.
black people need to be told they can do something.

but again thats just me.
People arent created equal.

Take all this energy and put it towards working on giving everyone the same starting point at birth instead of asking these questions.
plenty of white people are born into money and are fuck up.
plenty of black people are geniuses but dont have the access.

asking questions brings conversation and solutions or at least light to the problem that needs solving.

as long as no one is hurling insults....whats the issue?
If how the current home schooling situation for many kids hasn't shown you that not everyone has equal access to things as simple as a local library or even working internet then you've missed alot. Many do not have these things you're suggesting are a hop.skip and jump away

Bro, nearly every town has a local library. I'm not buying the excuse of not having access to the resources that could get a person out of a dormant situation (books, Internet, etc.). Like the OP said, those who want to do better will find a way.

No offense to you, but I really dislike hearing people throw out all these 'shackles' instead of focusing on breaking away from the hold-backs.

Have you read this book?

Amazon.com: Breaking the Chains of Psychological Slavery (9780935257052):  Na'im Akbar: Books

It delves into exactly what you are describing. People are mentally holding themselves back.
Self education over time and realizing that many ideologies and systems people lean on for guidance and security in their lives are total lies or heavily tampered with ie. Religion, politics, educational system , food supply etc.

And also identifying how mans "advancement" in technology and society over time has led to a loss of the most basic life and survival skills and comfortable dependence on a system that could shut your whole life down with a snap of the fingers.
i think you are finally seeing something i saw a while back....but you are here is what matters.

sometimes the indirect and open ended questions i ask people may seem like "what the fuck are you getting at"
but i have learned that alot of people beliefs are based on false foundations and lack of beleif in self and living someone elses reality.

how many times do people say starting a business aint for everyone? that right there put them in the not try category. hen they may be great at something someone else failed at. but they are living someone elses reality.

its thousands of accidents every day. and most of us know someone who was in an accident...yet people still drive and arent scared to drive. why?
And I'm saying that everyone's foundation of self isnt as strong as you think it is. So that becomes an empty message to some. Of course you're not talking about babies and kids but you can't ignore how your experience growing up affects what you think you can become in life. People's resources arent the same so to expect everyone to be able to do what you're suggesting just isn't realistic

People's resources may not be at that level at any given time and that's cool said I'm not against government assistance if legitimately needed . I'm talking about people's mentality overall towards these ideologies and leaning on them for security and a savior as if guaranteed.There's not always gonna be some external bs to lean on for your survival. Your greatest security is relying upon self. Thats just reality, if person has internal issues with processing that thats just an internal issue that needs to be dealt with for them.
And I'm saying that everyone's foundation of self isnt as strong as you think it is. So that becomes an empty message to some. Of course you're not talking about babies and kids but you can't ignore how your experience growing up affects what you think you can become in life. People's resources arent the same so to expect everyone to be able to do what you're suggesting just isn't realistic
good post.......resources.

where are they supposed to come from? the system and people who hate us?

why arent more of us creating our own infrastructure? its a lot of black owned businesses...and black women are killing it with entrepreneurship. they are leading the charge more than any other group.

i see that black women stand together, support each other and lean on each others, financially, emotionally and spiritually. i totally understand why a lot of women feel like they do and feel the need to do it on their own......to get resources.

they are freeing themselves to a certain degree.

and let me add......that it is alot of people going back into the community to give resources....but it be hating ass dudes that often make it harder to bring them resources back.

most people i know dont want to just write a check and be done.

we got a whole lot of fixing