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Know why I fucks wit you Du? Cause you just gotta be right. I fucks wit a nigga that has that much conviction in himself..defying all evidence of shit...nah he ain't shot, that nigga just sweat red...I fucks wit that...live ur reality b
I wonder if you would recognize yourself
I wonder if you would recognize yourself
Me in room wit me, not knowing that I'm me. I probably would think myself an idiot the first time i say something remotely incorrect. Then write myself off as someone worth holding a conversation with. Then delve into my own thoughts and ignore myself.
They wasn't worthy of the knowledge and understanding they was blessed wit
you think they were aware they were on such a big stage?

You think they would have done anything different if they knew the world was watching?
Me in room wit me, not knowing that I'm me. I probably would think myself an idiot the first time i say something remotely incorrect. Then write myself off as someone worth holding a conversation with. Then delve into my own thoughts and ignore myself.
I'm positive you're wrong
You'd most likely be paranoid the other you was being disingenuously polite.

Like you'd be convinced that nigga was only being nice as a front and would be trying to casually play him outta position the whole time....

While being faux polite
You'd most likely be paranoid the other you was being disingenuously polite.

Like you'd be convinced that nigga was only being nice as a front and would be trying to casually play him outta position the whole time....

While being faux polite

Here's where u are wrong

1.im not a polite person, I'm very blunt and to the point, so I wouldn't be polite to myself

2.i view any politeness as bullshit that people do to make others feel more comfortable, ion care how u feel.

3.i respect everyone's gangsta so I wouldnt play someone outta pocket for no good reason.

4. What u just described is an emotionally insecure person...you view me as a much more vulnerable person than I really am.

I guess that speaks good on the type of person ur are
I know I'd speak to myself. I'm a nice person. Plus i respect and I'm greatly amused by wit.

You gotta remember, I check id's every night. I meet hundreds of people. Natural smart asses like myself are my favorite people...

I think the telling thing here is that you don't think you'd speak to yourself. I'm almost positive you would. And the other you would hate it instantly.

Then the scenario I explained would play out
Know why I fucks wit you Du? Cause you just gotta be right. I fucks wit a nigga that has that much conviction in himself..defying all evidence of shit...nah he ain't shot, that nigga just sweat red...I fucks wit that...live ur reality b
back on track, I think its hard to say that it's all in someones vibe when there really are ppl out here playing the numbers game n shooting their shot without being selective.
I think Du and Allergens are a lot more alike than they might like to admit.....
Its like we heard the same joke, he thought it was hilarious, I didn't. But he thinks its because I didn't get it.

Oh I got it, I just don't find it as interesting as he does